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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. Installed on Windows by direct download (because updating from inside EN often does not see a new version πŸ˜‰) At first there is no settings icon visible. After opening the "Start-Ansicht" (Home view?) and doing some changes there, the settings icon appeared - even in my German version!
  2. Tried it for some time - but tables are not as easy to handle like simple text with bullet lists (I'm a keyboard-fan πŸ˜‰). And I've thousand of notes already formatted without tables and they will go mangled if touched in V10. 😞 ... and "I wish EN realised ..." ... to not forget their good old users...
  3. In Legacy it was possible to mark any text, attachment, picture, ... and copy&paste it to any other note with no problem. Attachments and pictures may be located in any surrounding paragraphs like lists, tables and so on... In V10 many of these possibilies are lost - unusable to me 😀πŸ₯΄πŸ˜₯πŸ€” Background: If You have notes with nicely formatted attachment/picture-combinations within lists, V10 trys to reformat it to a simplified format to make is manageable for it's poor editing functionality Example in Legacy: If You open it in V10, it comes like this: V10 does not allow attachments and pictures to be placed on one line 😞. But this is not only a display fail: V10 really modifies the note and inserts Newline-Characters just before the pictures. If You re-open it in Legacy (after a sync), the nice format is destroyed. Moreover: in V10 you cannot copy attachments from one note to another by simply Ctrl-C or Right-Click on the attachment. You have to mark the whole paragraph including the attachment (and mis-formatted picture) to Ctrl-C and paste it somewhere else. 😀 There are some other changes in editing functionality which might be tolerated. But changing text formats like shown before is a NO-GO! I want to keep Legacy forever!
  4. @Cals: ... OneDrive, Windows Indexing, BoxCryptor, Directory Opus and finally WorkFlowy ... Great work - but seems complicated and somewhat hard to maintain if one of these tools will go to die anytime in future (like EN-Legacy). Hope I won't have to come back to your suggestion. πŸ™
  5. At the end we might use Legacy forever - but only locally if they stop syncing on server side 😞 😞
  6. @PinkElephant said: "v10 is "always syncing" - maybe it clashes with the rearrangement of text while editing." YEP - a big problem not even in context of missing text collapsing features. If I would be a ProductOwner, I would elevate stability of well known functions to the highest priority. But immediately thereafter - text collapsing πŸ˜‰
  7. V10 needs much more of all: Processor speed, main Memory, Display area and User's time at the end.
  8. U-uh - my favourite wish of "normal" enhancements are Boolean searches... Now we can have it πŸ‘ but for additional money - we have to subscribe to Professional 😞 OK, I like their argument "pay if you want us to really help you in future for sure" - and I will upgrade -- but only if a real professional can work as fluidy and reliable as in the past! As long as EN-10 is crapping my time and resources, I'll stay with Legacy and my personal account. Boolean searches are state of the art in so many systems around the world. EN always has been proud about their search capabilities - to keep being the best should be matter of honor.
  9. In Germany we know the ideom "Steter Tropfen hΓΆhlt den Stein" which might be known as "Little strokes fell big oaks." πŸ˜‰ - Don't give up!
  10. Yes - your data is stored on server site. As long as you did not use any new EN10-Features like Tasks (but there are not other new features IMHO), you can (and should) go back to EN-Legacy version. For Android there is no Legacy version available. But your data are on server site. You may work with you data on windows and view them on Android. You even can modify your Notes on Android but you will find it awsome slow - so I recommend only to try to view them there πŸ˜‰
  11. We should not have to search for workarounds. Syncing has be a background task that has to work silently and without any influence on interactive work. Interactive work has to be as fluidy as we know it from Legacy (the one and only workaround πŸ˜‰)
  12. Addendum: EN shows "Γ„nderungen werden synchronisiert" ("syncing changes"), WLAN is free but never touched ==> What does my CPU do in the meanwhile (except heating my office)?
  13. OK, I tried the following: Define an import folder Copy 204 PDF files to that folder ... have been imported to EN-10-16 within seconds ... all PDF-/files/ are available within the 204 /notes/: OK Tried to delete these 204 /notes/ ... by selecting as much as possible (50) then click Delete... ... and repeat from selecting ... This tooks some minutes for every set of 50 notes 😞. CPU is heavily loaded: So - You are right: selecting and deleting a group of notes is a nightmare. Can't imagine what is such difficult to do this. EN-Legacy does it immediately (as fast as I click). But this is not a new finding. Importing notes works great (but should offer a checkbox to immediately delete the files from import folder after import is done - as Legacy πŸ˜‰). @EN-Support: My CPU did not calm down during the last 25 minutes. EN window tells me that all 204 notes have been moved to trash. ==> CPU is loaded because of sync activity in the background... - huh, so many open things to do 😞 - PLEASE get EN-10 runnning as smooth as Legacy - before offering new features (like Notes, Calendars, ...)
  14. Yep - and vice versa: You cannot embed tables inside other types of text (bulleted lists, other tables a.s.o.). Looks like this (new) kind of text blocks are allowed only on top level of any nesting rules. But I'm sure (hope for us all) that there will come up nesting possibilities like in Notion πŸ˜‰
  15. You are right - as I'm used to quit my Windows apps by clicking the "X" right in the title bar (which normally sends a WM_QUIT message to the application to quit itself), I did not see the difference, sorry.
  16. ... citing @PinkElephant and adding my need... Recurring Tasks Tagging of Tasks Adding content to tasks, especially URLs / links Showing Tasks in a List View with congruent possibilities (configure, sort, modify, ...)
  17. Sorry for re-posting what I've written before some weeks - but @Austin G promised to investigate this for upcoming versions... So: do we have a chance to get it back in near future? Since we got Tasks, many Legacy users are hot to jump - but surely not without some core features. This is one of them πŸ˜‰
  18. And BTW: Commands like taskkill /f /fi "imagename eq Evernote*" seem usefull (kills all Evernote-Processes in one action) but also kill Legacy-processes because they carry the same name 😞.
  19. Quitting the app does NOT help. EN-Process keep alive to speed up re-starts. The only way to surely kill them is to use the Task Manager. This methodology is OK in most cases (Legacy did the same). But sometimes it is a pain if a restart is blocked by any broken subprocess 😞. @kbhasi: Yes, with new Tasks feature they invite users to use EN-10 without getting beloved old features running (Import folders, compact and fluidy UI, overall-speed, sparingly resource usage, ...). Their decision - hope they will "support" Legacy for a long time...
  20. Oups, before some months You spent more hope πŸ˜‰
  21. I'm also using tags with special characters (including "!" as a first character) and found that almost all do work correct even if you use wildcards to select all tags starting with "!poll". The only exception is "<" and ">". By using these starting characters, wildcard do not work. I've a support ticket open around that. Regarding you finding without wildcards: This might be a problem on server site: Legacy maintains a local index to speed up such searches. EN10 is more server-centric. Maybe it takes some time until the index on server is up-to-date to answer your request. I'm sure, your problem will go away after some time (hours?). Even this is true, you should open a support ticket to get a more credible answer πŸ˜‰
  22. Oups, exactly what I would have recommended πŸ˜‰ Seems that your launching program (OneNote?) cached the old setting. Unfortunately, even re-installing Legacy will not correct this registry setting so you have to change it on your own... But after that really all programs respect it (Word, Excel, Chrome, IE, ...).
  23. And there is another reason for this simple solution: Templates cannot be instrumented with tags. If you create a "template" in a special notebook, you may supply it with appropriate tags to jump-start your new note.
  24. Are these modifications to Windows Defender settings of higher risk? If not, it would be fine if you could share it to others who are looking for speed enhancements. THX
  25. Just a small addendum: I installed a new computer before 2 days, installed both versions (V10 and Legacy) and started to search within the notes immediately after installing. And whow - V10 seemed to have all notes available immediately. Legacy took a longer time to answer with complete search results. Only after a complete sync, all notes have been found. But after then it was much faster that V10... Conclusion: V10 has a more sophisticated sync methodology - based on what the user needs this moment. But because of more iNet traffic it needs, it sometimes needs more time to sync specific note's content (even it V10 knows, that a note contains what I'm looking for, it needs some time to show me the content). Legacy allways tries to sync everything until it is completely mirrored on your HDD/SSD... From a professional user's point of view, the good old Legacy mode makes more sense: I have the disc space, I have the processor speed and I really need fluent answers even if my iNet performance lacks. For beginners oder semi-professional users, V10 impresses with total cloud functionality across different devices and device types.
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