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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. If you're able to manage Reminder Dates & Done Dates as simple as in previous version and display these dates in an own column in your note list, Tasks are completely redundant. And even more more: Tasks look like an add-on to normal EN functionality - developed by people who are not really familiar with EN's core ideas. Why did they forget to tag tasks?
  2. s/in the new year/by the New Year/ ๐Ÿ™ Since EN changed the internal format of notes to implement RTE, I really hope that this will be the base for features like toggle lists. As a first step you can see a handling icon just before a new list item starts. Currently it enables you move a list item around by Click&hold LMB. Other programs use the same icon to offer more possilities... ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. Huh, this will not happen (I think and I would not suggest to the teams). But forum post might help sometimes to collect further effects and ideas from other users in parallel or before you contact Support. I made good experiences to point to forum threads when discussion with Support. They do not scan forums but read it if you refer to.
  4. OK, seems to be an internal problem on EN site. What do you want to achieve with your posts here? I had a similar problem with the assignment of my Teams (formerly Business) and Professional accounts to the corresponding forum accounts. EN's internal account managment seems to be not the same for notes databases and forum logins. But it was always possible to access the notes. Support took some time to re-enable a forum login with my Business account. So trust in Support - they will fix your problem for sure (and they are the only ones to do it ๐Ÿ˜‰)
  5. Seems to be a possible solution. Does it work with Office-365? After all (because I/we use Outlook heavily) syncing it with Google to get synced wie EN might be a handling (timing, reliability, pricing) problem. I'd like to get a direct O365/EN interface. At least for Teams users ๐Ÿ˜‰
  6. You can't be serious... ๐Ÿค”. Have a look on https://tinyurl.com/missing-in-EN10 It would be fine to have local links from every line "Overview (see below for in-deep descriptions)" to the corresponding paragraph within the note below. This allows to share only one note (and not all that are referenced by a ToC note) or to print only one note (an not all on seperate pages) OK, this is an advantage of your (currently available) solution. But in case of only small fragments that should be references, locals links would be the very best solution (in future).
  7. Nice - I had this in mind as I answered to Elizabeth's post on Thursday ๐Ÿ˜‰ But decided to remove it before submitting because it's not a solution for her. Now - after the discussion has been widened - we are at least two who would vote for that ๐Ÿ™
  8. @s2sailor OK, good reason and explanation. EN might use it in the documentation ๐Ÿ˜‰ But even if this the case - a defineable explicit trigger might be fine. ๐Ÿ™
  9. Agree (also working with German setup). Also nice: A story about "Search in Evernote" (which is bound now to WIN-Shift-F in EN-10.61 and STRG-Q) Note: "Search in Evernote" works globally over all applications not only inside EN - if you type it outside EN, EN's main window pops up and offers a search dialog. This is OK. Former versions of EN10 used ALT-Shift-F for this functionality ... as a tribute to Legacy which also used ALT-Shift-F as its default for "Search in Evernote" But the search input box in EN10 shows ALT-STRG-F as a tooltip? German users had a problem with this because ALT-Shift-F is used in other German set up applications (like MS-Word, -Excel a.s.o.) as a toggle for bold case writing (as the other people might know as STRG-B). Maybe this was the reason for EN to change the default to WIN-Shift-F? For any reason I was used to click STRG-Q in Legacy... Maybe this was the default shortcut in version before Legacy? Or because of the ALT-Shift-F-Problem of MS-Programms ๐Ÿ˜‰ As EN10 came up, it defined STRG-Q to be "Switch to note" This is new functionality seems to be redundant for me because "Search in Evernote" is available So this is not a problem for me STRG-Q opens my Legacy windows to search for notes ๐Ÿ‘ EN10 has an additional definition for STRG-Q: Within note editor it changes a paragraph alignment to block mode What a pity: I cannot reach the functionality because of my Legacy setting ๐Ÿ˜ž (OK - my problem) But why is STRG-Q defined twice (within EN10)? -> If you are inside a note editing windows (and this is the case most of the time), you cannot use "Switch to note" directly. Sorry for my verbal diarrhea - but such problems around keystroke settings and other UI inconveniences drive me crazy ๐Ÿ˜ค
  10. Yep. And I want to know how I can control the trigger. I often had multiple History record per day (but not as many as the note was synced ๐Ÿ˜‰). "periodically" is not enough. Is it really so hard to tell us what this means? Don't think only black-or-white. RTE is fine and might be the default for >90% of default (and 99% of new users). But there are some users that might benefit from settings like "on request", "on window close", "on program close" or "every 5 minutes". You can find these users amoung users of older clients (that do not support RTE) or users the use API-based services like Filterize and others. If such an option is set (per client or ever per account), a client has to open a RTE room just before the sync start and close it right after. Working so (or almost so) is already implemented: If a clients works in offline mode, it cannot open a RTE room immediately while working with a note... But misunderstand: I do not want to go back because I'm not able to adapt the new. But controlling RTE and it's Sync might help to get a reliable History. ๐Ÿ˜Š - I remember days of looking for something I was sure I had written but found that they have been removed for any reason (accidently?, by others?, ...). I opened the History and the blood pressure decreased immediately.
  11. OK, but my "We need..." isn't based only on Elizabeth's lost note. I often wonder about missing or late Sync between devices. History might be a good helper in questionable situations. But History (on server site) can only work after successfull Syncs... ๐Ÿ˜ If you really work with a tool you have to rely on it in every situation.
  12. Citing a two-liner from documentation does not help Elizabeth and many others... We need a reliable sync of all changes and complete notes in acceptable time and|or a mechanism to force a sync by pushing a button, defining a time ("every 5 minutes..."), an amount of changed data ("at least after typing 10 lines or 100 words or ...") or at least an indicator that note needs to be synced like former version supported in note list ๐Ÿ˜‰ You might be right if you'll accuse my slight shift-away from the original topic. But from my point of view, loosing a lot of work is a result of new sync mechanisms...
  13. ... leads me to a question regarding RTE, new Sync and History... In former days, every explicit Sync led to a new History record - easy to understand and reliable. Today with RTE (and new Sync algorithm ) EN cannot create history records after every small snyc fragment (character?, word?, sentence?, block?, chapter?, ...). So... What's the trigger to create a History record and how do we (users) control this? In @Elizabeth Schippers' case the new algorithm seemed to fail. Or did she work in offline mode?
  14. Just to collect an idea from https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/147208-manipulate-ie-manually-change-date-of-a-note/?do=findComment&comment=698073 ... idea is to have more than one user definable property columns. Each of the them will get an own title. Every property should get a property type like "date", "integer", "floating" or "string" to allow defined value ranges. During input the UI might help to enter only valid values. Sorting such types columns would be very easy...
  15. Of course - but my idea is to have more than one user definable property columns. Each of the them will get an own title. ๐Ÿ™‚ Every property should get a property type like "date", "integer", "floating" or "string" to allow defined value ranges. During input the UI might help to enter only valid values. Sorting such types columns would be very easy...
  16. and "Properties" would be a good name - see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/111798-evernote-research-tags/?do=findComment&comment=494811 Agree ๐Ÿ˜‰ - but it's worth.
  17. Yep - but we've to go through a possibly long time to reach our goals with EN10 (goals that we already had been reached with <you know> ๐Ÿ˜‰) ๐Ÿ˜ž And I pay my 2ct for posting this โ€ฆ
  18. As long as you need it for code, just mark the desired text and type Ctrl-Shift-L to change it to a code text box. If you type Ctrl-Shift-L without a selection, it opens an empty code text box. If you like to highlight only some word within a text line, you may use grave accents to surround desired phases: `printf( "hello world\n" );` will be changed to EN's code text box is not indented but uses a monospace font with black text on light-yellow background - but this is OK for me so far (ask your team to use this compromise). But don't forget to vote for better Code Blocks ๐Ÿ™
  19. But we all can help to get it solved if we vote for it in Github Style Code Blocks ๐Ÿ˜‰. Since EN decided to use OpenSource for such important core features like RTE, it's not sooo far away to find text formatting tools like Github uses...
  20. Yep - nearly all(?) characters work fine except ">". So my workaround might be to change all my >*-tags to any other. Hope my fingers are able to learn new typing sequences ๐Ÿ˜‰ "nearly all(?)" means that I've checked other special characters of my workflow (=_@~:#.): OK Only (><$) do have problems...
  21. This will not work without some more preliminary work because whilst sharing a note means to create an URL the access the shared note. Such URLs start with the string https://www.evernote.com/shard/... Within you master note EN uses URLs of type evernote:///view/... to reference other notes. So if you plan to share a master note and some other note that should be referenced from the master note, you have to share each sub-note replace the internal URLs behind the hotlinks by the shard-URLs of the sub-notes share the master-note and distribute its shard-URL to your client Doing so, will work fine from outside. But if you try to work with your master-sub-references inside your EN client, you will open a browser window for each sub-note if you click on the links within your master note. I think this all is not what you really want to do ๐Ÿ˜ž Maybe it's easier to share a whole notebook with you client (readonly) and place only notes that are of interrest within this notebook. But this requires that your client has to work with Evernote to read all the notes...
  22. No. Unfortunately EN10 has a problem with "tag:>*" - it leads to "nothing found" whereas "tag:=*" cleary finds all notes that are tagged with any tag whose name starts with "=". I logged this problem to support with the following example: reminderTime:* -reminderDoneTime:* works fine (no โ€œtag:โ€ฆโ€, returns 308 notes) reminderTime:* -reminderDoneTime:* tag:>8-waiting works fine (no wildcard, returns 91 notes) reminderTime:* -reminderDoneTime:* tag:>* fails (โ€œ>โ€ and โ€œ*โ€, returns 0 notes in EN10 but 226 in Legacy) reminderTime:* -reminderDoneTime:* tag:=* works fine (โ€œ=โ€ and โ€œ*โ€, returns 182 notes) They were able reproduce the problem and excalated it to technical (next level) support.
  23. Oups - Note Links - Documentation has not been changed. See chapter "In-App Note Links" for an explanation of evernote:///-Links. But to be clear: It's only the documentation/definition that has not been changed. EN10 does not follow this document ๐Ÿ˜ž
  24. If I understand correct what DeepL tells me about your text, you've problems to link from outside EN to specific EN note within EN. This is one of my current problems, I discuss with EN-Support and other users here in the forums. Paste internal links as functional URL to other applications (Outlook, Excel, Word, ...) describes the current situation.
  25. Another update from my conversation with support: (1) to use internal links from outside EN: EN document Note Links states "They can be used to link ... to a note from another context, such as a calendar invitation." Hope they will believe their documentation and fix it up. ๐Ÿ™ (2) to store an internal link in HTML format in clipboard Is accepted as "great feature to have especially if it will help our customers in improving their Evernote experience" ๐Ÿ˜€ But not agreed to be done in next time so far... - OK, let's wait... (3) regarding format of internal links Legacy's format evernote:///.../<note-GUID>/<note-GUID> is noted in former mentioned EN-documentation EN10 new format evernote:///.../<note-GUID>/<notebook-GUID> is not documented so far. I hope they will not update only the documentation but will enable EN10 to accept both formats ๐Ÿ™
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