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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. I feel it's a kind of openess to the users... If this is reason for not answering my question, they are free to say "sorry - this is confidential information". If they do not trust me (to not sharing better answers), they might ask me to sign a NDA (I think Experts here are handled this way) But if they answer be asking stupid questions, it's a sign of "Don't know and I'm not willing to learn more" 😞 In former times I got in contact to a "Team Lead, Customer Success (Business Accounts)" directly. She left - like many other for any reason 😉. But I believe there are others available to do a similar good job 🙏.
  2. Ich geh' mal davon aus, dass sie weder Langeweile haben noch versuchen, eine ruhig Kugel zu schieben. Aber sie sind geleitet von dem, was ihr Produktmanagement als wichtig erachtet und das wiederum kann sehr wohl beeinflusst werden, indem man andere Systeme (hier: Legacy) mit dem aktuellen vergleicht. Ich verwende auch ca. zwei Dutzend gespeicherte Suchanfragen und es ist sehr wohl ein permanenter Anwendungsfall, diese ab und an anzupassen. Ist in der bisherigen Version ein Klacks (und auch nebenbei recht lehrreich weil man sich mit der Suchsyntax beschäftigt) - kostet in EN10 aber Zeit, Nerven und trägt nie und nimmer zum Komfort bei und lässt mich ehrlich gesagt daran zweifeln ob EN-Mitarbeiter selbst damit arbeiten... Allein schon die Tatsache, immer einen neuen Namen erfinden zu müssen, ist IT der Steinzeit. Da entstehen dann so Konstrukte wie "Suche", "Suche-neu", "Suche-ganz-neu" usw... Auf die Dauer nur dämlich. Und DDrahts Beispiel zeigt ja auch schon einen typischen Anwendungsfall: Wenn man in einer Anfrage z.B. ein Tag zufügen möchte, oder man einen Tag-Namen ändert, oder nur einfach die Anfragen nur umbenennen möchte um etwas mehr Ordnung reinzubringen - wäre alles viel einfacher und intuiver mit einer Änderung denn mit einer Neuanlage einer Kopie deren Orignal dann entsorgt werden muss.
  3. OK, it's clear that "the server" is a real huge server farm. And I do not want anyone to solve a problem with one note. Moreover I know that some guys here will be triggered to "don't use Legacy" if they simply read this word by flying over the postings 😉 But it's only an example of "one set of clients use this farms and an other set of client use an other farm" and "these farms" are not in sync". You may feel better with "Web clients use one farm and Windows clients use an other farm" and "these farms are not in sync" It's not only me that have this feeling. Look i.e. to the following thread in which @Feitz has mentioned it before 3 weeks: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148558-sync-has-gone-completely-wrong/?do=findComment&comment=706102 I want to get an answer from EN whether our assumption is true and how they are dealing with it. If it is true and there are syncing problems between the servers, this will lead to scrambled note chapters: If one client adds some content, the other does not receive the the changes for sure and add other content, then syncs, the addings of the first are lost. OK, it might be repaired by digging through the history - but who want to do that? If a user cannot rely on the service, he will look for others... In the meanwhile I installed EN10-Windows-app on a second maschine to be sure that it's not a problem of my EN10-Windows-app und my maschine. And Bingo: EN10-Windows-app shows the old note content on all maschines whereas EN10-Web (and sorry - Legacy) shows the correct one.
  4. I've the following problem (formerly described in an other thread) At least one note has been created before about 30 days in Legacy It was seen OK in EN10 Then it was changed in Legacy But EN10 Windows client app remains to show the unchanged version EN10 Web works correct (like EN10) Nice: Note history in EN10 knows about the change in all cases) I've already un-installed EN10, removed the local cache (C:\users\<user>\AppData\*\Evernote\...), re-installed EN10: Same effect - note in EN10 remains untouched from my last change. I've two support tickets open on this (#3742278 and #3773445) but got no answer to my question (see subject of this thread): It looks like EN10 app clients use servers that do not sync reliably to other servers that are used by Legacy and Web My problem is not only to repair this note (I might make a copy of in Legacy and hope to see the now complete version in EN10). I'm afraid of having such problems with (many?) other notes and it will not go away because it's a syncing problem of EN10 app clients... Support asked me clear the trash because they met problems on syncing sometimes in this area. And there is another effect: My trash hold 122 notes (in EN10) at the same time, trash in Legacy showed only 51 notes I cleared the trash from Administrator's console (because it's a Teams account) Web client (in Admin) showed 51 notes and deleted these 51 notes The legacy showed 0 notes in trash But EN10 app client shows now 71 notes in trash (=122-51) If I click on such a note, i get the message that this note is no longer available In both cases EN10 is not able to sync realiably my note content. Note history and trash show other (really trusted) states. Question to the audience here: Does anyone have seen similar effects with his notes? And please do not answer "This is a Legacy problem and I should change to EN10". I see this problem also between EN10 Web and EN10 app clients... And if my assumption is correct, similar problems my come up whenever notes wander between operating system worlds. THX.
  5. Totally agree - but we have to distinguish between an API to the client app (on Windows, Web, Mac, Android) and an API to data on server site. The API to server data is available and should be enhanced soon to match new functionality (tasks, some note properties and usability) The API to the client apps is MUCH more difficult to implement and may cause many problems because masses of not-so-well-trained users try to use it in unknown environments. Support will be overloaded. I would not recommend to do it for now...
  6. Yep - and if you (as a software vendor) do not have a suitable API, you will fail because your product has to live on an island. OK, mass downloads of note content might be disallowed to avoid competitors to implement tool switches. But if anyone else is interrested in reading EN data, he is free to develop a 100% ENML importer - without an API. Bad argument to think about the future... Yep - and already true these days on EN site: If you want to use the API, you have to create an authorization token. It's a trivial task to disallow creating such tokens for free (low low-paying) accounts. If you want an other service or app to access your EN data, the service or app has to create such an authorization token with your help by allowing access for a specific time period. If this time period ends, the token gets invalid an the service or app cannot access your EN data any more. It's also a simple task for EV developers to invalidate autorization tokens of a specific account immediately if such an account changes from payed to a level with no API access. All-in-all: Technology to track API access along with account plans is available. Binding API access to payed plans generates income. Income can be used to improve the API An improved API helps to compete with competitors (more: is really necessary!)
  7. They might open it only for paying accounts. Another argument to pay for the service at all...
  8. This might be a good alternative to a viewing-only (*) Legacy installation - if the HTML export would preserve note's Created and Updated time stamps with the .html files. (Implementation effort for a developer: less than a day) Adding user tags to files (as a mirror of the note tags) is also possible with (at least) Windows file systems (Implementation effort: some days...) But I'd like have this possibility in Legacy to avoid note format changes as it is done in EN10. I know this will not be done by EN 😞. Save your comments 😉 (*) I'd vote for a non-syncing Legacy installation. Viewing only is not a good idea for people who want do deal with older notes - just for gardening purposes in later days...
  9. ... until December 31st 2023 😞 - I also use it for TOCs and some other tasks... I've got an "End of Life" eMail last week. All subscriptions will be terminated in December. Citing from this eMail: "Mounting technical challenges in the Evernote integration make keeping Filterize alive an impossibility at this point."... Maybe "at this point" should give some hope - but this should come from EN 🤔
  10. The API works on server data - but it has some restrictions: It's incomplete (cannot get|set all the note times), it's not really RTE enhanced so far (cannot wait for a RTE room to be available) has access restrictions (cannot get more than 128 note by one call and fires RATE_LIMIT_REACHED exceptions if call comes to often in a specific (uncodumented) time frame) (2) and (3) are the reasons for Filterize's dead (beside some internal problems I guess 😉). There are some other products that might replace some Filterize functionality (i.e. Make (formerly known as Integromat)) - but they have to solve the same two problem areas which will not be possible without EN's willing help (that's not seen so far 😞) About opening EN's UI for local Plugins: I'm not sure this would help in the current (unstable and unfinished) product lifecycle stage.
  11. A lookup list might be implemented very easy - the problem is to maintain it 😉 (at least when deleting sources or destinations or merging merged, ...). Merging notes means that one or some note IDs are removed. So either you have to keep removed IDs to forward links to the resulting note or you have change source note text (embedded URLs) to point to the resulting note. If you decide to change source notes, you should update their updated date. But this is not intended from user's site. So you have to maintain a translation table for older (now unavailable) note ids... As long as this is not done, a tool to Find broken internal links might help...
  12. I'm using internal links from note to other notes heavily. And I really work with my notes by changing title, content and sometime their existance - if I decide to merge notes 😉 By doing so, I sometimes delete notes that have got unnecessary. But this leads to a problem if other notes point to such now non-existing information. There are two possibilities to overcome the problem: Either EN should warn users if the try to delete notes that are used as link destinations Or EN offers a tool to list notes that contain now broken links to deleted notes With such a tool it might be possible to workup corrupted links later (I call such work "gardening" my notes...)
  13. Who pushes it? Simply disable warning messages for some time would free resources... ... to react on #3773445 😉
  14. The easiest way to "repair" an corrupted database might be to simple remove local data and re-sync. This would save the user from having to re-install the application after un-installing it by using special tools - and would save a lot of time. Not a big task for EN developers...
  15. Does it mean that notion loads directly from EN servers? Cannot believe.
  16. That's my finding also - I've some notes that have been updated correctly in Legacy (synced between different Legacy maschines) but show older note content in EN10 - in parallel to correct (updated) history records. Seems like client groups are bound to different server farms, the farms are not in sync all time, and history is servered anywhere else (and is correct and up to date like the Legacy servers 😉).
  17. Hi @Joey4u, sorry for jumping it that late. Normally "Legacy" is a trigger for me 😉 I'm completely with you - but decided to continue with EN because there is NO alternative available to cover my needs - except staying with Legacy as long as possible. My solution would be to get support of Legacy even for some additional €s... Legacy is stable (especially on syncing), fast (in every situation - especially UI), does not destroy note format (I'm using attachments and describing graphic on one line in nearly all notes with attachments...) and covers all of my needs. EN10 gets better and better. And I invest much time to check it out - in parallel to my work that has to be done efficiently to save time for other hobbies (like observing EN10, reading and writing here in the forums, and many more... 😉) But unreliable syncing and destroyed note format in EN10 are show-blockers for me...
  18. Hmm, Plugins would make EN to get complicated to manage for teams. They're better advised to implement nested tags for Teams inside EN-core. They know how nested tags are to be implemented (have look in non-Teams accounts 😉). But offering it in Teams means some thoughts more: There should be a possibility to define company-owned tags (and trees) together/in parallel with owner-defined ones (smoothly integrated to one tag tree). This is the challenge 🤔. Hope they'll find a better solution than the current one (no tag tree and unclear differentiation between admin-defined and user-tags) 🙏
  19. I'm sure they do exactly this to offer Teams accounts to SME-looking usage. And to be honest: Teams accounts are a very good choice 👍 (and if tagging features will be improved there, it will became a perfect choice 😉)
  20. It's really ***** that EN10 does not show a "ready with all syncs" state 😞. If you didn't use local (unsynced) notebook on your Windows PC, I'm sure all will come back - but you have to wait (hours, days, ...) 😴 OK, seems you didn't use unsynced notebooks. I'd believe in the WEB app because it is closest to the server database. It hold no local cache of your notes. If your phone does not match that count, it looks like an older syncing problem on you phone. Have you checked note counts on phone and Legacy before upgrading to EN10? Depends on your backup format: If you have ENEX files and try to import them to a account, the upload limit of the new account can be expanded by upgrading the account to a better payed one. If you try to import ENEX files into your current account - it's not a good idea because it will double notes (presuming the server database is OK but not synced completely so far - my assumption). You have a chance to get back to your local Legacy data because un-installing Legacy does not remove it's local database. You may try to re-install Legacy to access all you notes (find a link to download it in EN-10 - missing features (from beloved Legacy)).
  21. Did you update on PC from the old (Windows-style) Legacy app to the new (Browser-style) EN10 client? If so, you may have lost a notebook, that was marked "local" or "unsynced". This was possible in former EN-clients. If so, you have only one chance to get it back: Re-install the older "Legacy" version (you may find a link in EN-10 - missing features (from beloved Legacy)) because local data of the old version is not removed during uninstall procedures.
  22. It's not a question of 10.62 or 10.65... If you have 10.62 on your laptop running since a longer time, it was enough time to sync all the data. A new installation of any version on a new desktop will take some time (hours, days, ...) to get all the data transferred to your local disc. If this process has completed, EN10.x will come to better response times.
  23. I refer to Legacy. Because EN10 doesn't provide an "all syncs done"-indicator, I do not rely on its completeness. And there are some threads open (here in forum and as support tickets) that describe situations in which tasks and notes in EN-client are older than in history on server. These are clear indicators that EN-syncs cannot be trusted: How to delete ghost notes? forum thread since Monday open so far Deleted tasks still visible in "My Tasks" forum thread since Monday open so far EN10 not synchronizing reliably (once again - or still since ever?) support ticket of my Professional account since Saturday hint: It's a syncinc problem of EN10 clients! open so far (no comments on it) EN10 not synchronizing reliably support ticket of my Teams account from before app. 2 months simply closed by support with comment that sounds like "it's a Legacy problem that we do not care of longer" 😞
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