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About keribeal

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  1. I think the only way existing customers can get this is to hit cancel subscription, I just cancelled my account after 15 years as I've just migrated everything to Notion and on the many screens trying to persuade you not to cancel the last one does offer the discount
  2. Does the fact that the new owner is based in Italy make a difference to that legal requirement, even if it doesn't it's not as if they care about their customers anymore
  3. It's not 7+ days, it's more like 1+ months There's nothing difficult about the mechanics, lots of tickets implies a troubled service - very much the case with EN More tickets than capacity - highlights either a lack of commitment to support paying customers or a lack of commitment to making the service better and therefore naturally meaning shorter queues as there are less issues.
  4. I've been an Evernote user for 15+ years and it used to be amazing, the app worked all the time, and if you had issues you'd always get support quickly and they actually wanted to help and support you and ultimately fix your problem. In the last 5 years support had all but gone away, you got fobbed off, nobody cared, they made the app shockingly bad (legacy to this new thing) which definitely required more support than ever and now in the last 6 months I think it is safe to say there is no support. As a paying customer, you expect a level of service not only from the application itself, but from the supporting teams - tech support, billing etc. Does anyone else feel like they've all run away and left us to it and simply forgot to turn the lights off on their way out? The only reason I've not left in the last couple of years is the offline functionality - Evernote does it badly, but unfortunately they do it better than all the competitors. For me, once someone comes close I'll be able to escape, although there is one competitor that is very close - it just doesn't bulk download, it only caches pages - that might be my exit but will involve a mind shift change, that app's free support actually reply in a couple of days which more than can be said of EN. Not sure why I'm posting this, I'm not one for forums, but as EN don't read or respond to any direct communications I thought I'd post here, see if any other user feels the same way as me and maybe someone from EN will realise they had a very good thing going and are very close to losing it.
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