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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. If You click on a Notebook to list its content in Top List View click on tab Reminders to be able to sort notes by Reminder Date (*) click on a Favorite search EN10.74.1 is no longer working (screen is frozen). Sometimes later Windows informs you that the application does not respond and you may either wait or restart the application... (*) D*** EN10 does not allow to sort a normal note list by Reminder Dates - why? ... so you have to click to the Reminder tab to do so... does not show a Reminder tab in a search result note list - why? ... so you have no possibility to sort results by Reminder Dates 😞 It would be so easy to simply make every note list sortable by Reminder Dates... ... and to allow to add a column for Reminder Done Dates. 😀
  2. OK, you succeeded in getting me back - but failed to trigger your findings on my computer πŸ˜‰ All tests with [-][intitle:]20[1][*] immediately after startup or after 1-2-5 minutes showed correct results in EN10-Win-APP, EN10-WEP and Legacy. If the Win-APP changes its behaviour during sync operations it might be the case that a local indexing phase is in process. As long as it detects that local data is not complete, it should use the server generated index. Maybe there are problems with that communication? Don't know and will never know as we cannot look into this... Nope. It works exactly as I said but offers (with many words) what EN does silently: tomat includes results for "tomato" "tomat" searches only for "tomat"
  3. So, after some time of tests, I've a good feeling about ENs search quality πŸ‘. All is running fine (EN10-Win-App, EN10-WEB and Legacy πŸ˜‰) @Tim Hudson - I think You started with Evernote Search Grammar because your example around "tomato" sounds like "potato" from that document... But: The document does not mention a minor difference of interpreting search strings between search for anything and search for anything BUT NOT... You wrote Searching for tomat finds the note Searching for -tomat also finds the note These are mutually exclusive search requests, yet EN finds the note in both cases. Difference is: If EN has to find "tomat", it matches any word that starts with "tomat" and ends with anything thereafter - just like you are searching for "tomat*" This is convenient practice in all search engines If EN has to find all BUT NOT "tomat" (-tomat), it removes matches with exact word "tomat" found If you want to exclude all with words starting with "tomat", you have to write -tomat* So Searching for tomat* finds the note Searching for -tomat* inhibits the note from result list. This is really mutually exclusive πŸ˜€
  4. Hmm something in between πŸ˜‰. Autofill seems to be by intend - but it is a bug that it starts not with the complete sign. If you really need this sign in your tag name, you have to go the long way over support to get a fix in the program 😞. Sorry.
  5. Huh - could you please try to make a decision matrix? Normally I like to solve such tricky questions but your tests are somewhat complicated to follow πŸ˜‰ Searching in EN is based/supported by (large) indexes that are calculated during note collection phases on server and on client site. AFAIK index databases are not synced (hasn't been synced at least in Legacy times). So it might be possible that the index DBs might give different results in case of WEB queries (server index) and local APPs (local index and|or server index if local DB is not completely synced) - if there have been errors during index creation/managements. Moreover there might be minor differences on search methodologies on server vs. client site because it's not the identical (same) code (implemented in different programming languages?...). At least with searching based on tags with special characters and wildcards I've found differences between searches on server and client side... If I find some time the next days, I'll try to go into this. πŸ™
  6. And how should this be done if he cannot log in?
  7. My assumption also. Whilst typing tag names, EN tries to find matches with known tag names. Every keystroke triggers a try to match. For any reason, they do not trigger after every complete keystroke but with every byte. "Π±" is made up by two bytes. If EN triggers a try with the first byte (without knowing what it is - maybe "-"?), the match result goes wrong...
  8. OK, THX. Because I've seen such effects from time to time but didn't find any background, this might help to figure out what's going on πŸ˜‰ Does your tag "X" contain any special character(s) like ">"? There are differences in interpreting wildcards in search phrases that contain such characters in tag names. I.E. tags like ">1" and ">2" are matched with "tag:>*" in Legacy return 0 results in EN10...
  9. ... but it will be a long journey 😀. And tables (or attached documents at all) are a good example... It's a good idea to offer a life preview - but why do the try to "simplify" this preview? One example: This is a screenshot of an attached Excel document (opened in Excel) In EN10 it can be seen as Nice - but where are my highlights, cell backgrounds, cell widths, alignements, ...? If I place this Excel file in our CAD-System, it can be seen asand a double-click on this opens Excel to modifiy it (either externally or in-line). It's that easy to implement OLE embedded objects πŸ€”. On Windows it's a finger excercise for experienced developers, on Mac I think it's possible also. Android? I'm sure, too.
  10. It would have to be a hidden feature to get not in trouble with all those customers who want more (like me) and|or do not understand how (like appr. >99%) Necessary effort to restrict it to only these harmless settings and at the the end explain and support such a feature for all platforms (Android, Windows, Mac, Windows, iPhone, ...) is a bad invest for the moment. They should concentrate on quality, speed and features - not nice looking.
  11. This is the first wish of developers who (might) know what they're doing. But it's a nightmare for support if every user tries to adjust stylesheets. I for myself would change font sizes (easy) but do experiments with many other properties (section spaces, table outfit, image placement, ...). Before offering editable stylesheets they will stay with controlled settings for a long time. It's OK for me...
  12. At the end (in app. 5 years) they might implement such a color picker dialog. For the moment it is much easier to simply offer a toggle button for dark or light. That's enough. They should focus strongly on important things πŸ˜‰
  13. People who like to read white on black should ask their eye doctors. I think they recommend black on white, because that's what we're used to with paper...
  14. Clearly a BUG! The note title can be seen as a file name. Note content is file content. I've never seen an app the mixes up these two things. I can't count the situations in which I accidently changed the title...
  15. Yep - and if you scroll upwards within you note text, the cursor should not move to the title. The upperst position in note text has not to be the title. It's just before the first character of the note text. Currently you often move to the top with many Cursor-up-clicks and accidently change the title if you start typing. For me as a user who adds new content at the top of a note this is horrible 😀
  16. Whow - read the thread and @jolee61's PDF and felt like I'd known it forever πŸ˜‰
  17. Yep, this has been possible in Legacy as a setting for Saved Searches.
  18. Sorry, this is such a basic functionality so we will not do your work to find that description πŸ˜‰ To export a notebook goto a notebook and execute RMClick -> "Export" to generate an ENEX file. To import a notebook goto File -> Import... Notebook names, internal note IDs and internal links between notes are not transferred Export is possible only one-by-one notebook From my point of view backups are not a good idea to transfer notes because you have to install foreign backup software first (key word might be "Backupery". Then hope to find a solution with that...
  19. This works only with local folders (that might be opened to others withing your local network) because EN watches only for that - not for any globally served cloud folders. But you might advise others to send eMails to the incoming eMail address of your EN account (Personal account and upwards). Context of the eMails will become content of the new notes. Attachments arrive as attachments of the note - not exactly what you are looking for but with the advantage that every foreign user can comment posted files πŸ˜‰
  20. Your tagging scheme might be enhanced πŸ˜‰ I use special characters at start of tag names to identify the tag type. @ means "where" (@hawaii, @ulm, ...) = means "what (=beach, =bill, ...) < describes "belongs to year" ( <2023, <1999, ...) > describes "when to do" (>0-now, >2-next-doctor, >8-wait, ...) _ mentions special people (_martin, _lena, _...) ~ marks the source of information (~youtube, ~Heise, @EN, ...) ... So "tag:=beach tag:@hawaii" would lead you directly to what you are looking for. To simplify typing "tag:" you may use a keyboard accelerator tool like AHK (AutoHotKey) and define a phrase like "t@" to expand to "tag:@" or simply "t" to expand to "tag:". Works perfect in EN10' global search (after Ctrl-Keypad-Minus in my case or Ctrl-Q per default) and former Legacy versions. Suggestion to EN developers: Global search should ... append every single word to any special character that is used as first character of any tag name and use this tag like the user might have typed "tag:[char][word]" ... to construct a complete search phrase. If this leads to an empty result list, try the normal search without this "AI-driven" word replacements πŸ˜‰
  21. Exactely my concern. I had to wait tooo long to get an "Untitled" by known later - so I took a history version of the note to restore at least the last version. Hope such sync problems will go away with RENT - but are attachments metatadata? I think not - attachments are part of the content. So they have to be synced immediately since RTE has been introduced...
  22. I've done complete re-installs of both (EN10.x and Legacy) many times and I'm tired of this. Every new EN10 fixes some of my needs - but introduced some other 😞 It's OK to have a development methodology to release fast and often. So every free time slot is filled up with nice surprises πŸ”. But to create free time slots, I've to use Legacy... πŸ˜‰
  23. Just an update: After some exchange with user support, I got a "... our developers can look into ..." before my ticket was closed. Now I opened a followup-ticket 3823625 because "updated:day-1" remains to show veeeery old notes...
  24. No. And if I open a Global Search (with my Ctrl-Numpad-Minus) it shows very old last searches πŸ€” But it's not that problem - it funny to see what EN tries to fore-think with this dialog πŸ™„ And I'm not going to try to reinstall because of little things like that - especially as Legacy is scuttled with every EN10 update. 😀
  25. Oups, in my case, Ctrl-Q simply show an input field (not more) Only when I type something, some suggestions come up - but not with my last few searches: After waiting some seconds, the search is executed in background and some (10) suggestions come up (OK) - but not with last searches 😞 My preferred way to search in EN10 is to use the Global Search functionality that I've bound to Ctrl-Numpad-Minus πŸ˜‰. It's the nearest adaption of what Legacy offered: It work even if EN10 is not active (but started an hidden somewhere on my screen) a search dialog comes up that offers all you need current (last) search string [directly editable πŸ‘] last searches (*) go to... [notes and some meaningfull notebooks] filters [that might make sense] standard/AI switch [πŸ€”] (*) means: list of last search phrases is completely outdated - unusable 😞
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