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Everything posted by ArjenC

  1. In year 2021 most people use mobile, different devices throughout a normal (working)day. Legacy is only a dedicated fixed version on one win/mac device and in modern way of working you will use different devices. So it fixes only one device, the one with the legacy system if you can install it yourself. In companies this is not always possible. Even my software to keep up with the latest versions, wants to upgrade legacy Evernote. And if this one device is fixed you use the V10 version on web or mobile, and these aren't bug free either. Why all the hassle in reverting versions when you know that part of your day you'll need to use the buggy apps. Legacy only works if you are using 1 personal devices which you can control yourself. Like home pc/laptop/mac.. standard usages for storing some data for future references.. recipes / receipt.. But when you are depending on information at the moment you need it, Evernote fails again and again with version 10. Example: try finding document on mobile version when you are in a meeting and need some reference. Goodluck, once started (hopefully you don't receive a update) it is slow, opening attachment doesn't always work or even displays empty files. And yes, rebooting or reinstalling fixes it. But comone... If it was only on my devices I could blame it on the user of the application, but have several colleagues and friends with same issues. Android / IOS / MAC / WIN all suffer issues, one more than the other. Sorry 😒
  2. Why use legacy version while mobile version of evernote is v10 and is buggy as hell...? What benefit has legacy version when you cannot use the product in a 2021 workflow... Evernote f*cked up big time for the users / customers who use their product within productivity workflow. Why pays €7 / $8 a month for only some basics features.. Nope... the whole EV stack is unstable and cannot be trusted. Wish I could write something positive, but i can't, new releases created new bugs again this week (android and W10) Fortunately already switched to competitor, using EV as static DB until end of subscription.
  3. Evernote support can re-index your account, make a support ticket and it will be solved. This is a server-side issue/bug for V10 clients, the legacy versions don't show the data... which makes me think....
  4. maybe Evernote needs some information on FTR (first time right) principles (lean six sigma)? Every update solves and breaks something at this moment. This seems not a really effective way to minimize the backlog, but keeps them busy... that's for sure.
  5. I recently (last week) made a support ticket, had a very quick response.... also experienced 10+ day response time... So I hope you'll get help soon.👍
  6. For clarification, I'm just a customer like you. On this forum you'll find mostly normal everyday users of the product. When you need technical help done by the company, you'll need to contact Evernote via their contact pages. Your first post seems like a (nasty) bug, something only Evernote can fix... I can only point you in this direction in the hope you'll get the support needed. If sceenshot helps, let me know...
  7. If you are use the web version (win of mac) you cannot export, option is not available When using the v10 app, only per notebook you'll see (normally) the export option. When you select the whole stack you cannot export, need to select a notebook.. When using the legacy app, all works like before... when exporting for data migration legacy is the best option IMHO.
  8. I'm also in camp: moved on... but still can help people that are stuck or need / ask advice. Used 10+ year the Evernote application, so I leanrd one or things over the years. In fact I still have and use static Evernote, not all is bad, for now. So i think it is nice to help people how reaches out for help, is this a wrong thing to do?
  9. If you are in your Evernote Account Summary page. And click right top on your account name, you see contact support option. Can make you some screenshots if that helps. 😀
  10. @gazumped You're right... it is a corporate decisions, based on for example opportunities, threats and risk (SWOT), and that's fine and is common sense. Application is getting better, every release does something positive and also negative... also known in software development. What isn't fine, IMHO, this product was released way too soon. The version was at most beta ready, not a full production version. Even now bugs that corrupts notes, loss of data, isn't fixed... but we can customize some keyboard shortcuts. This is for me the biggest red flag signal I've seen in years in software development. Loss of data (how small or trivial one note can be) in cloud based solutions this is, again IMHO, deadly. And when this was commonly know within Evernote, no warnings, no real action or communication was started towards the customers. Two times deadly. This weren't corporated decisions, this is behaviour or corporated culture... this isn't fixable with a new software framework X,Y or Z. Again, I'm not saying this is good and this is bad. For me this loss of data and ignoring problems / customers are the real deal breakers. So I moved, will use the database as a static reference... and in due time I will delete account in its entirety (not even a downgrade to BASIC).
  11. I agree with you that is is upon the dev's to decide what is needed (memory, cpu etc) to do the job... IMHO the bug (or by design) takes way too much resources for capturing text/images/files... even in idle, background operations: doing nothing, it consumes more resource than photoshop in full workflow, or even playing games.. Framework vs native code, I don't even want to compare them, the choice was made... fine with me and from management perspective a logical choice. And just as Evernote has choices so do we. My observation, based on some basic tools, is that Evernote drains to many resources and this results in other bugs as well. Sync issues, dubblication of notes, missing data while webclipping. It can al be related to a device is critical resource shortage. As we speak, memory Evernote (was running, not used today): 1.5GB, CPU 8% for doing absolutely nothing. .. and working with PhotoShop 572MB, CPU 0.2 %. I don't judge but find this strange behaviour...
  12. Focus of note-taking was on the effectiveness of the process. Info must be captured as efficient as possible... This was one of the critics with OneNote, too many distractions... more time was spent on the looks, not the information. Last couple of years the shift is made... effective and aesthetics are now important for a large group of customers, this is one of the pillars for rebuilding Evernote... Evernote wasn't (and won't be) a one-tool can do all.... and that is fine. The coming months/years you will see more and more features for formatting notes. Where it ends? Think a container with Word (office) documents or something similar which we call notes.
  13. 100% agree with you, but beware... extensive (and in my opinion useless) usage of the system isn't without costs. Your hardware will produce extra heat, if memory consumption is this high harddisks need to work harder. At the end your hardware will age faster. Take a look with some resource management tools... the difference is significant.. V10 is resource heavy.. Example: Application idle, after +/-10 minutes of start application... nothing else... V10 has 3x more I/O to SSD disk, why? It doesn't have to do anything... it is not in use.. only running. Has 10x more memory consumption, has 5x more cpu consumption... doing nothing.... This is not a bug, this is by design.. Numbers get more significant when application is in full use
  14. This issue is because (cannot prove it) it is necessary (for now) to make Evernote perform. You can do some testing and see when memory/cpu is extensively used. The workaround works, only for a short time. Do some searching and the numbers go to the roof. The workaround is a typical one-shot solution from supportdesk manuals: Did you reset your device? No, please do.. I know this works in 90+% of the time, managed a supportdesk myself, but every time I read this advice I smile...
  15. in V10 the tags are at the bottom. When you left click on a tag you will get the filter by tag option, same as in legacy. Was this the option you are looking for? (click triangle for the options)
  16. @alecchalmers For browser extensions: -Click on the browser extension. - Go to Settings, left bottom. - Go to tab Shortcuts and disable (or adjust keys)
  17. In pre-v10 version it was possible to create notes and edit them... only sync didn't work...This is how I remember it, although it was a long time ago. This behaviour is the same in the current legacy version, see screen with a new note. Same when existing note is edited ... Text remains in Legacy, only it will not sync to cloud... When new month starts, I assume, this note will sync with cloud. In Legacy it is also possible to work with local notebooks, so you can create note after note, only this doesn't sync What can I say... it seems like a big huge work in progress (nicer wording for experimenting) with the Evernote product... Remodeling while store keeps open. Cannot advise anyone, but Legacy seems the most stable and feature rich (for normal day-2-day actions) version... But has his onw limitations within the Evernote ecosystem. Personally I was fed up with it. Always searching for making it work again, to discover that with new update the whole process repeats and I was searching for new way-of-working. Add the end I gave up, moved my workflow, still use evernote but as static database... then it works the best. Maybe, in a year or so, Evernote catches up and v11, 12 or 13 will work as it was intended to.. For now I work what works, and adept to the new situation.
  18. Data transfer to Notion worked OK, some notes where somewhat strange but all was transferred. Searching is great, but not within documents. For me that was one of the big issues with Notion. But it depends on your use of Evenrote/Notion if this a problem or not.
  19. Correct, in v10: I can -open notes for reading - move notes to notebooks - create notebooks - Add and remove text in titles -Remove text from notes -Replace text with text of same length. But only before save / sync is done. I Cannot: - And new text in notes
  20. Tried to reproduce the issue, but was unsuccessful. Cannot add or edit anything inside the notes (titles can be adjusted), but can access the information... It seems you face other issue in you setup. screen inside Evernote web client: After several messages about reaching my monthly limits. screen from Account Summary.
  21. @Alxa I'm on Android 10 and My Ev version is 10.5... It updated recently from 10.4 to 10.5. What does play store tell you? Is there a version update pending? Although my mobile updates automatically, sometimes a update (not Evernote) needs some manual push for some reason...
  22. Support explained this issue, is bug in database/account. Deleted notes can show up in search results, can be fixed by support team. For me this topic is handled and can be closed.
  23. Normally Evernote has more instances / threads running when you start the application. When you Exit (V10) than all instances should stop working, but in your case one is stil active. Don't know why, cannot reproduces this (tried sync queue) but when i exit (via menu option, not the X) all instances close. 11GB is abnormal... 3 / 4 GB is abnormal, but did hit this several times. For a note taking application (Notepad on steroids)... this I wrong programming if you ask me.
  24. This is a struggle, that's correct. All tools have different approaches and features. So not all data can be converted that well. Don't know what breaks in your case, but I moved and keep my Evernote database static in BASIC. Later this year (maybe next year) I evaluate the times I searched in Evernote, if this is a couple of times (or not at all) i will delete it... Most of my data is migrated, some notes are broken but information is still there .. so not a problem for now.
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