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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. That doesn't solve the root problem of not being able to add anything to search after filtering. The script also works from the main tag pop out window which does have a search. Fundamentally though the main search needs to reliably find tags and add them to the filtered list or if they don't want search to work in that way stop making it look as though it should. The philosophy of "you search for something then you filter down the results to what you want" will no doubt suit many people but you should be able to say "I know it will be tagged with "Home" and then I'll search for some words likely to be in the note".
  2. This is one of my major pain points in V10. It didn't use to work like this in V10, so it was either a deliberate change or an unintended consequence - who knows. I have raised this as a support ticket (Oct 2023 version 10.63.3!) but no substantive response - but at least they didn't dismiss it out of hand. If you are just using tags, then you can of course use the filter menu - alt+F2 significantly speeds this process up. But the behaviour also effects any search after you've filtered. And why suggest tags in the search if you can't add them? My workaround is to use the advanced search syntax and an autohotkey script. The script takes any tag from the sidebar and adds it to the search menu in the tag:name_of_tag format. I can then add further tags, text etc with no problem, completely bypassing the filter. Don't forget that every item in the evil filter menu can be replicated with advanced search syntax!
  3. I don't think you can currently do that deliberately. There is a view with only the sidebar and the note pane but it you can only get to it under particular circumstances. See
  4. But if you opted to save the creation date when exporting, the new note is created with the existing creation date. Updated dates now change for all sorts of reasons so I don't think this issue can be treated in isolation and nobody should be relying on the date updated to hold vital information. I suppose there is a case for arguing that import is different, along the lines of "time is frozen between export and import" especially as exporting is one of the only actions that does not lead to a change in the date updated.
  5. It's not just favourites. Here are some of the othe times you get the view: Selecting a suggested note from search Selecting a suggested note from switch to (ctrl+Q) Going to a recent note in the recent note list Going to the parent note from a task (either in the task pop-out window or by right clicking a task and choosing "go to note") Going to a note from the task window by clicking on a note in the notes tab Using a back link (but not a forward link) Recent or suggested notes from the Home Screen widget. There are probably more. If I want a view with more emphasis on the note I can already Collapse the sidebar Launch the note in it's own window Use the "Expand note" function
  6. Thanks for the detailed steps. I can not reproduce this. When I hit ctrl+X the time is cut as would be expected. In case it is relevant, I am on a more recent version and I do not have an Outlook calendar added. 10.78.2-win-ddl-public (20240227143346) Editor: v177.5.0 Service: v1.94.2 © 2019 - 2024 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  7. I seem to remember, from another thread, that the gray band between the top of the note and the menu, which you see in expanded view or in separate window view, only effects Windows.
  8. I feel your pain. This is so annoying. Make sure you feed this back directly to EN as it is mainly fellow users on the forum. I do find though that if you open the link in a new window it normally works. This can be done by ctrl clicking the link in Windows - you don't say what system you are using. Also sometimes, but definitely not always, if I hit the back button from whatever random note EN takes me to, it will then go the correct note.
  9. Some of us have been using EN long enough to remember the infamous article, "Evernote the Bug Ridden Elephant" written in Jan 2014. https://jasonkincaid.net/evernote-the-bug-ridden-elephant/
  10. OK, so it sounds like it is a local database problem. Either you have to wait and hope it gets there in the end or refresh your local data base. You can do that by signing out of EN and choosing "remove my Evernote data from this device". You can then sign back in. All the data will be downloaded again. This may take some time but EN should be usable in the mean time. It's always good to double check that everything is correct on the server before you do this as anything not synchronised will be lost. You can do this on the web version.
  11. Your decision as to whether to leave of course but you can have EN open in many tabs of the browser at the same time (I'm not sure whether there is a max or system overhead in doing this). This is actually a feature many people would like for the desktop version. You can use "expand note" if you only want the note without the rest of the interface. Good luck with Obsidian.
  12. You can already do that by modifying the appropriate style
  13. Not directly. You would need to convert the list into advanced search syntax. So tag1,tag2,tag3 Needs to become tag:tag1 tag:tag2 tag:tag3 if you want notes with all of the tags or any: tag:tag1 tag:tag2 tag:tag3 if you want notes with one or more of the tags
  14. Sorry, I should have said but if you click the first tag, shift+click the last tag and then press ctrl+C
  15. Sorry I should have said: click the first tag, shift+click the last tag and then press ctrl+C It does seem to be unreliable though and it doesn't work everytime for me like it did in the old UI
  16. Yep, that seems to be it. And paying customers are so much cheaper than a QA department!
  17. Definitely unreliable for me but it does normally work for me in the end but I've no idea how to make it always work first time. Annoying.
  18. It would be nice to have a way of going straight to shortcuts if you are scrolled way down in tags for example. I guess there is no keyboard shortcut because there is no pop out panel unlike notebooks or tags. Certainly not a major issue for me. I have other stategies including knowing the keyboard shortcuts for my most important shortcuts (ctrl+1 etc).
  19. I think you will need to expain why the current shortcuts in the sidebar do not meet your needs.
  20. I guess Updated date is bound to be changed given that even adding a tag or moving it into another notebook counts as an update.
  21. So did I and it did. How did you do the import? I just double clicked the enex file. I'll try the other import methods.
  22. From your list: Provided you have chosen in the export process to include the creation date I find it keeps the creation date on import.
  23. It seems like they fixed it. You don't get the reassuring blue line around the tags but if you click the first tag, ctrl+click the last tag and then press ctrl+C it does copy a comma delimited list to the clipboard. You can then paste into a new note. It does seem unreliable though - mostly it works but sometimes it doesn't. Perhaps they haven't fixed it and @Marc Gipsman and I were just unlucky before.
  24. It seems like they fixed it. You don't get the reassuring blue line around the tags but if you click the first tag, ctrl+click the last tag and then press ctrl+C it does copy a comma delimited list to the clipboard. You can then paste into a new note.
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