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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I agree that searching for notes containing tasks is still fairly basic. Hopefully there will be some improvements here, with new search syntax allowing more sophisticated searches. The search grammar is so out of date it might already have happened! In the mean time could you not just search for tasks that are due today which are not yet completed and then use the "by note" tab?
  2. To be honest if you want multiple different filters/searches you are better of using the saved search capability and then putting the most useful ones in shortcuts. You can access the shortcuts from the shortcuts area of the sidebar or the shortcuts widget on the home page. You can always use any one of these saved searches in the filter widget using "apply saved search" when you set up the filter.
  3. You can copy the internal link in various ways e,g right click on the note in the note list and choose copy internal link -> copy app link. If you use the link outside of EN (e.g in a windows shortcut or a link in MS Word) it will open the note in the V10 desktop app. Something similar will happen with Mac.
  4. The three dashes trick works in legacy as well. ctrl+shift+<dash> is another way of adding the line without your fingers leaving the keyboard which works on both systems.
  5. Although it is not clear I think the article @gazumpedreferences is just about the desktop versions. i'm not aware that the keyboard shortcut menu even exists on the web version.
  6. The good news is that you can! If you highlight what you want first and then hit the webclipper button a new option of saving the selection magically appears. It's not obvious but I discovered it years ago completely by accident. I even use it for quite short bits of text, where I could just copy and paste, because it automatically records the web address if I ever need to go back to it.
  7. Use the blue + as @PinkElephant has explained or even easier in my opinion just type three dashes (---)
  8. You are posting in the legacy version forum but obviously a change like this is not going to happenin the legacy version. However in V10 the system is the same. I think this is slightly inconsistent in that the roughly equivalent menu for tags only shows the tags in their hierarchy. An alternative is to use the notebook structure in the sidebar. You can drag a notebook onto the note or vice versa in order to move it. From memory that is also an option in the Legacy version.
  9. The tags widget on the home page has always struck me as a complete waste of time. If there are particular tags you want then just make them a saved search and add them to shortcuts. You can then see them in the shortcut widget.
  10. Doesn't appear that you can do that on windows at least. You actually need to add #<space> to convert it to the large header. If you don't use a space you get the # at the beginning of the line so I suggest #<period> or just don't leave anything between the # and the first word.
  11. Except in this instance the app was not visibly open so you have no choice but to force the background processes to close.
  12. This is not an uncommon experience for me when installing a new version. If I open task manager I often find there are all sorts of EN processes running. If I manually close I can then open the new version as expected. You could reboot the PC instead and if you have already done that i'm afraid this isn't going to help. The web version synchs automatically with the server. It should be identical to what is on the server. If I haven't used the web version in a while it takes a few seconds to update so there is obviously some sort of cache but after a few seconds it is correct. You should of course check that legacy is syncing properly with the server because I have heard of cases where synching has been turned of accidentally in some way.
  13. The shortcut to a folder or file has been reintroduced in a recent version of V10. On windows links to, for example file://C:\... work fine. You do need to create the link (e.g. ctrl-K on windows). EN does not automatically recognise it in the way it does a web site link for example.
  14. I fully understand why this would be useful and it has been a requested feature for many years. Given that EN have just completely changed the software and have not introduced the feature, I do not realistically think it is likely to be implemented any time soon. However if you routinely sort by title or creation date the existing hacks still work. Start the title with characters that ensure it is at the top or manually change the creation date into the far future (or past). Unfortunately the "reminders hack" no longer works as reminders are now in a separate tab. There is also no longer the ability to manually change the edit date if you routimely sort by date updated rather than date created. My personal preference is still to add a $pinned tag to important notes so I can quickly select out the "virtually pinned" notes from a particular search.
  15. Worth noting that this very old thread refers to the legacy client. The original request (to add an inline code block) is implemented in V10 using the markdown style formatting suggested by the original poster. `inline code`
  16. EN refers to each of the individual elements in the filter as a filter for the purposes of counting them and displaying that number in the widget. So if you filter for a particular tag and a particular notebook it says 2 filters underneath the name of the filter. I think EN's nomenclature is confusing. When you click the "5 filters" the filter menu comes up and it should have 5 fields filled in, out of the available 6.
  17. If you look at the link it creates (e.g. ctrl-k in windows) does that throw any light on it? The only way i know of "accidentally" making a link from text is with the syntax [title](https://www.example.com) but even then the link has to be a properly formatted link (not just ordinary text) and I don't see how that could be happening in this case.
  18. Are you sure that you are not confusing a link with a spelling error? For me EN underlines the ellipse in red because it doesn't think it is spelt correctly. The answer is to right click it and "add to dictionary". Another alternative might be to add three dashes which EN will automatically convert to a nice clean dividing line.
  19. I've always found the back button unreliable in both V10 and the legacy version. I think it normally returns to the previous note view but does not always return to the previous note within that view. I may be wrong though. I increasingly put backlinks into notes which I go back and forward to alot.
  20. I agree that just being able to type in the date into any of the date fields (creation date, reminders , task etc) would be really useful. However I don't understand the comment about scrolling. I can see all the years to select by clicking or I can use the arrow keys to select them - I have no need of scrolling.
  21. Just type in the tag name in the box, ignore the suggestions of existing tags and hit enter. Obviously if you have any sort of tag hierarchy you will need to then move it in the app.
  22. I don't knwo what platform you are using. These instructions work for the desktop and web versions but you will need to adapt for mobile operating systems. If you go to the notebook you want to search and click into the search bar underneath the text field is the name of the notebook and the instruction to "add filter". Click that and then add your search text as normal. Alternatively you can filter by notebook after you have done a global search.
  23. I suggested avoiding it in order to take a cautious approach. Because & is often used in searches, even if not in EN, it is something I would as a general principle avoid in names, tags etc. Quite happy to be told I'm being overcautious but for me there are plenty of other characters to use.
  24. There is a really useful shortcut (alt+F2) to open the filter menu with the tags area already open. However if I have already filtered by a tag, the behaviour is not always what I expect. If I filter by a tag (e.g by clicking a tag in the sidebar) and press alt+F2 the tag filter comes up with the selected tag already there. This is the behaviour I would expect Sometimes though I search for a tag in the search bar (not using the tag: syntax) and select a tag from the suggestions. The tag lozenge still appears at the top of the list. Now when i press alt+F2 it clears the previous tag and I have to start from the beginning. On the other hand clicking the filter icon works as expected.
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