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I'm gone. Absurd price hike while downgrading long time users.

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I'm deeply offended by your sudden, capricious price change and new restrictions on my account. You took your product from useful to absurd, and I'll be joining the tens of thousands searching alternatives. I doubt a moderator will approve this, but please pass along to the greedy new management team: goodbye you greedy *****. It will be a real joy to not use your product in the future. I loved and recommended Evernote to everyone. Now I'm excited about deleting it from all my devices. 


A small price hike, a slight reduction in file limits - that would be fine. But this sudden greed grab making your little side app cost more than Microsoft office for a year?  You just aren't worth it. There are great alternatives, and you will help them grow - the last good thing you do for anyone. 

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On 2/11/2024 at 7:56 AM, cre8tv said:

new restrictions on my account

? Sounds like you were already a free user,  so any price hike would have been too much.  We're (mostly) all other subscribers here so you can imagine our sympathy.  Bye.

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Some users lack any imagination ... for example that keeping a company and an app alive and progressing requires money.

These are the users any company wishes the competition has - and unfortunately EN had collected more than the usual bunch. It seems this is now correcting itself.

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On 2/11/2024 at 2:56 AM, cre8tv said:

I'm deeply offended by your sudden, capricious price change and new restrictions on my account. You took your product from useful to absurd, and I'll be joining the tens of thousands searching alternatives. I doubt a moderator will approve this, but please pass along to the greedy new management team: goodbye you greedy *****. It will be a real joy to not use your product in the future. I loved and recommended Evernote to everyone. Now I'm excited about deleting it from all my devices. 


A small price hike, a slight reduction in file limits - that would be fine. But this sudden greed grab making your little side app cost more than Microsoft office for a year?  You just aren't worth it. There are great alternatives, and you will help them grow - the last good thing you do for anyone. 

And not only did they hike the price, they removed multiple features and made it slower. And there's no support to speak of anymore. I spent quite a while looking around for an alternative, but I just couldn't find anything that wouldn't take a lot more effort than just adjusting to the crappy new EN release. But I heartily recommend finding an alternative if you can, as EN is obviously a terrible choice unless you absolutely can't do otherwise.

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38 minutes ago, kkarney said:

And not only did they hike the price, they removed multiple features and made it slower. And there's no support to speak of anymore.

Have you actually asked for support on any of these issues,  or even posted here? 

If you can ask polite questions rather than ranting about how things aren't as good as they used to be,  we'll try be positive and helpful...

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

Have you actually asked for support on any of these issues,  or even posted here? 

If you can ask polite questions rather than ranting about how things aren't as good as they used to be,  we'll try be positive and helpful...

Yes, both. Multiple times.

Have you ever received support in less than two months? I haven't. And then it's never actually helpful. Posting here is the only place where I ever receive helpful answers, which are usually along the lines of "Yup, you're right, that doesn't work anymore."

I would be less inclined to make negative posts if anyone at Evernote even began to pretend to care about us users. Meanwhile, I reserve my right to ***** and moan about a product that has done nothing but go downhill in every respect.

It's a shame that EN has left loyal EN users like yourself to be its support desk. I would much rather complain to them directly but, as I my have mentioned, they don't care AT ALL.


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2 hours ago, kkarney said:

And not only did they hike the price, they removed multiple features and made it slower.

Or, based on my experience, they added multiple features and made it faster. Everybody thinks what the see is happening to everyone else.

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On 2/11/2024 at 2:56 AM, cre8tv said:

I'm deeply offended by your sudden, capricious price change and new restrictions on my account. You took your product from useful to absurd, and I'll be joining the tens of thousands searching alternatives. I doubt a moderator will approve this, but please pass along to the greedy new management team: goodbye you greedy *****. It will be a real joy to not use your product in the future. I loved and recommended Evernote to everyone. Now I'm excited about deleting it from all my devices. 

A small price hike, a slight reduction in file limits - that would be fine. But this sudden greed grab making your little side app cost more than Microsoft office for a year?  You just aren't worth it. There are great alternatives, and you will help them grow - the last good thing you do for anyone. 

Apart from your own opinions, every word in this is untrue or unverifiable. But your fellow users hear always enjoy hearing your bellyaches. If you actually want to contact Evernote and gripe to people who get paid to listen to it: feedback@evernote.com.

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2 hours ago, kkarney said:

And not only did they hike the price, they removed multiple features and made it slower. And there's no support to speak of anymore. I spent quite a while looking around for an alternative, but I just couldn't find anything that wouldn't take a lot more effort than just adjusting to the crappy new EN release. But I heartily recommend finding an alternative if you can, as EN is obviously a terrible choice unless you absolutely can't do otherwise.

Adding the words "In my opinion" somewhere in this post would make it more useful. Everybody thinks what they see is happening to everyone else. Based on my experience, they added multiple features and made it faster, and Evernote does what I need to do pretty well. Not perfectly; anyone who finds a perfect choice for every use case should by all means post the information.

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On 2/12/2024 at 1:06 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Adding the words "In my opinion" somewhere in this post would make it more useful. Everybody thinks what they see is happening to everyone else. Based on my experience, they added multiple features and made it faster, and Evernote does what I need to do pretty well. Not perfectly; anyone who finds a perfect choice for every use case should by all means post the information.

In my opinion, Evernote is a poor choice unless you've already inextricably entwined your life with it (as I have). They have no support to speak of, and I've never seen a comment from anyone who actually works for Evernote in these forums. They do not care. At all.

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29 minutes ago, kkarney said:

They have no support to speak of

Agreed, it is terrible at the moment.

29 minutes ago, kkarney said:

I've never seen a comment from anyone who actually works for Evernote in these forums

Look for posts by @Federico Simionato.  He appears to be the product lead and posts occasionally.

32 minutes ago, kkarney said:

They do not care.

They spent money to purchase Evernote, so I’m pretty sure they care, but at the moment what they care about may not align with what each of us may care about.

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25 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

Agreed, it is terrible at the moment.

Look for posts by @Federico Simionato.  He appears to be the product lead and posts occasionally.

They spent money to purchase Evernote, so I’m pretty sure they care, but at the moment what they care about may not align with what each of us may care about.

They seem to be very distracted with the recent purchases of Mosaic group apps and Meetup. Last year, Federico made several comments on these forums every month through November. December: 0 comments. January: just 3 comments, despite rolling out a new UI refresh in beta and getting lots of constructive feedback. February (so far): 0 comments.

Not very encouraging.

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1 hour ago, kkarney said:

I've never seen a comment from anyone who actually works for Evernote in these forums

The forums are intended to be user-to-user. A few years ago it was not uncommon at all to find Evernote staffers posting here in response to specific issues. It became less common well before the BenSpoo takeover, and apart from occasional forays by Federico Simionato, it's pretty purely user-to-user these days. Of course, it makes for a bad look since they trashed degraded restructured Support.

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Did anyone get an email about the price hike?  I did not.  Paying 146.00 for one single user is crazy.  I have been a user since 2015.  Can't get in touch with anyone at Evernote. 

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I got notified 4 weeks in advance, as it happened for nearly everybody.

Reasons not to be notified can be found in your Spam folder, or in having an old email address in your account settings.

If you like the price and feel there is enough value in the use of EN is entirely up to yourself.

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I've been a user since 2013. Started paying for it years ago when they capped the free version at 2 devices. Now I'm seriously considering pulling the plug. A 100% price increase for people who've been paying for years is insane. No grandfathering? Just $70 per year to $130 per year for the same thing I've already been using. 

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They managed to run the company down far enough that the owners decided to sell. You think it would be clever to continue as before ?

Do more of the same, and you get more of the same. Is this what you want ?

If it creates the value you need, stay. Else go watching …

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I don't know or care how the owners ran the company. It is a tool that I have used for a decade. It used to be worth the price, and now it is no longer. Why do you seem so excited to pay double the price for the same tool? 

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Actually I don’t care. I know what I need it for, I know I get this (and more), and I really don’t fuzz about employing the right tool to get a job done. Save on your tools, and you pay for it dearly.

I am a Freelancer, so my cost are deducted from my income. 40% of all is payed by the tax return, and the rest of the raise is the value of a few „coffee to go“ during a full year. 

Hardly something to loose any sleep about it.

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6 hours ago, kaleman703 said:

A 100% price increase for people who've been paying for years is insane. No grandfathering? Just $70 per year to $130 per year for the same thing I've already been using. 

The new price is shocking, but then once you get over that, evaluate how you use Evernote and see if you can justify the new price.  I think it is priced too high for the current level of function and bugs, but I use this daily, and I’ve compared other opinions and for now, I’ve signed up for another year to see where this goes.  Good luck with your decision.

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1 hour ago, s2sailor said:

priced too high for the current level of function and bugs

If they iron out the bugs and improve support the price is fine. Right now unless nothing else fits your use case it's justifiable but not ideal. The combination of PKM/Notetaking, Task Management, and Document Management make it attractive. If I didn't use Evernote I'd have to use 2 or more services to reach the same level of functionality. Joplin is getting there and I think the closest thing to Evernote. 

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6 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

If they iron out the bugs and improve support the price is fine.

For you maybe.  For me, they need to also add some long-awaited and overdue features before the app justifies the new price.  Bug fixes and adequate support are standard app expectations.  They also need to do a better job testing new releases.  Some tend to introduce more bugs than they fix.

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3 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

For you maybe.  For me, they need to also add some long-awaited and overdue features before the app justifies the new price.  Bug fixes and adequate support are standard app expectations.  They also need to do a better job testing new releases.  Some tend to introduce more bugs than they fix.

I agree. It seems like Outlook integration is finally in the works. They really need a beta program to better test releases. The current release cadence where we are all beta testers is completely broken. They need either rings or an early access program.

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OP is dead on here. 

Maybe this is a mistake...$10 I could understand, maybe even $20 with an eye roll, but $50?  That seems, not just extreme, but quite exploitive.  In an age of ever increasing subscription costs on all fronts, to say nothing of an increasing number of free note-taking apps, it seems ill-timed to leverage quite such an extreme increase.  Perhaps you thought people wouldn't read their bills, relying on auto pay.  Or maybe this is an oversight...I do hope so.  No matter what it the reason, it proves short-sighted at best, highly offensive at worse.  


For example, an Amazon Prime membership for all services (free shipping on all purchases that are Prime registered and there are many, streaming of countless original and non-original programing, and cloud data storage) costs $139 a year.  You are proposing to charge $129 a year for a service that saves notes and calendars, the latter can be used for free from Google.  I implore you to see reason here.  Don't risk losing many customers in a cheap and poorly thought-out bid for quick money.  In our fickle information economy, the results won't go as you like. 

Also, some of the smarmy responses from mods and support staff is off-putting.  Perhaps OP did "rant" a little bit...but a email saying a membership will increase by $50 is alarming, and that's to a population already desensitized to these types of regular increases.  Typically however, they are within acceptable norms, not by this much at a shot. 

Customer since probably 2015

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12 hours ago, Awesomopolis said:

some of the smarmy responses from mods and support staff is off-putting

Hi.  There are (usually) no company mods or support staff around here.  We're all users and (mostly) subscribers,  and (definitely) entitled to our own opinions of individual rent-a-moans who pile on without -apparently- knowing anything about the recent history and lack of any price hikes at all for the past few years. 

Lengthy, inaccurate whinges get lengthy rebuttals:  but the situation boils down to - Evernote needs to charge at this level to support its comprehensive range of services.  Users need to decide whether they need all those services,  or whether they could manage with a cut-down version elsewhere in the market.  Users' choice.

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