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I'd like to see EN v11

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While I appreciate the frequent bug fix updates, I would like to see an EN v11.  Wouldn’t you?

Also, for how I use EN (my second brain and GTD), I don’t place a high value on AI with EN.  Sure, there is a cool factor but as far as what I would like in EN in terms of new feature/functions…AI is not tops on my list.


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I said somewhere else...  AI is not great;  it needs to be checked carefully for inaccuracies and possible copyright issues,  and your average AI text is dull and boring - and instantly recognisable from the style and content.  On the other hand as a search add-in it is a fantastic multiplier.  I needed to find a transport timetable yesterday which would have required me to find the operator's website,  plug in the journey and check out the options.  Using AI I only had to say "how do I get from point A to Point B by 11am?"  and Bard (my current goto) listed the URLs and gave me a simple answer.  AI reads all the handbooks and guides so you don't have to.

(As an aside,  I also asked it "how much storage does a typical AI require?" - since presumably it keeps some sort of index somewhere...  and got told it was complicated and a commercial confidence thing,  so maybe I should read some research papers.  I think storage is going to continue to be expensive to buy... :()

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I wouldn't want to use AI to generate my notes, I think maybe an AI spellchecker would be a nice feature. I find that my spelling is awful and sometime spellcheck doesn't even know what I'm trying to say.

Maybe an AI research assistant down the line, for example if I'm researching something and taking notes on it, being able to use an AI tool integrated into Evernote to help expand and refine an already existing idea would be neat and if executed well useful in certain situations.

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On 12/21/2023 at 4:15 PM, dvollc said:

While I appreciate the frequent bug fix updates, I would like to see an EN v11.  Wouldn’t you?

Also, for how I use EN (my second brain and GTD), I don’t place a high value on AI with EN.  Sure, there is a cool factor but as far as what I would like in EN in terms of new feature/functions…AI is not tops on my list.


Until recently I would have agreed with you 100% and still don't think I need AI on EN myself. That said, after seeing what google's notebookLM can do for you with the help of AI (see https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/12/23792382/google-notebooklm-tailwind-ai-notes),  I understand why EN is investing in the implementation of AI features to defend market share long-term.  

Concerning EN v11, I am happy that EN is ironing out the issues with the WebClipper, Tasks and hopefully releasing a native EN calendar soon and don't care whether they call it EN10.66, 10.74 or anything else. I care about the functionality. Being able to turn off "Home" would be appreciated as well :)

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  • Level 5
7 hours ago, Fixestcat said:

Being able to turn off "Home" would be appreciated as well :)

If you use the Notes List, or any other list, as your main view, Evernote will start up in that view rather than Home the next time. Basically, if you never click on Home I don't think you have to see it.

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On 12/21/2023 at 10:15 AM, dvollc said:

While I appreciate the frequent bug fix updates, I would like to see an EN v11.  Wouldn’t you?

Also, for how I use EN (my second brain and GTD), I don’t place a high value on AI with EN.  Sure, there is a cool factor but as far as what I would like in EN in terms of new feature/functions…AI is not tops on my list.


I know that it's the 'thing' today, but I really hope that it isn't 'THE THING.' I'm not going anywhere but a new or returned feature would be nice every once in a while ;)  Say, improved tag management or another mundane function that existed in Legacy. Just a couple here and there...

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Maybe not an Evernote 11 exactly, but in this interview@Federico Simionato states that they are working on making the app more stable to provide a better platform from which to add new features. In talking about that, at 19:06 he states, "we cannot keep up with any competitor if [we're] playing with one hand behind our back".

Among other things in the interview he mentions all the work they did to upgrade/rewrite the infrastructure for the navigation (around 10:27) and then wanting to improve the UI (20:24).

He also says "we don't want to become a feature factory and we don't want to become one of those products that just pushes out a thousand features and hopes that one of them actually people find useful".

I think they are trying to strike the right balance between stability and improving existing features and adding new features that people find useful and that can have the greatest (and broadest) impact. (And I'm saying that as someone that finds AI very useful, but doesn't use the Evernote AI features.)

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I'm familiar. I get the focus on modernizing and stabilizing the framework. No disagreement there. And, I'm not advocating for a feature factory but AI is not high on 'my' small list of features.

I understand that implementing AI in various forms is necessity to be competitive, but I'm hoping that the resources devoted to it don't detract from other worthwhile endeavors (preferably the ones on my personal Evernote Roadmap, e.g. hide unassigned tags) ;)  I could live for a whole year without a new feature if "hiding unassigned tags" returned (I know...don't hold your breath). 

As far as I can tell from my limited testing of AI search...it has a long way to go. I keep trying, and it keeps disappointing. It seems to have specific questions that work well, and if the question diverges too far, it fails. I'm sure they'll get there.


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Haha - similar - if I could have any one feature... just one - it would be just to open a note in a new window from the "Switch To" command. I couldn't know how much work that would be exactly, but it can't be as much work compared to some other feature requests/plans. Anyways, it's probably not anywhere on any priority list because many people don't even know about "Switch To" (and probably can't handle the power anyway! 🤣).

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I understand that the Evernote team is planning to give attention to what might be termed quality of life issues in the coming year.

You can craft a description of what would make your Evernote life easier and submit it to feedback@evernote.com

I'd recommend you ask for it to be passed to those tracking quality of life issues.

Submission does not guarantee it will be addressed but will at least reach an early sift of ideas.

Also, don't try to game the feedback process. It won't work but just end up with ideas ending up in the trash can.

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4 hours ago, agsteele said:

I understand that the Evernote team is planning to give attention to what might be termed quality of life issues in the coming year.

You can craft a description of what would make your Evernote life easier and submit it to feedback@evernote.com

I'd recommend you ask for it to be passed to those tracking quality of life issues.

Submission does not guarantee it will be addressed but will at least reach an early sift of ideas.

Also, don't try to game the feedback process. It won't work but just end up with ideas ending up in the trash can.

I have to say that the quality of my life depends on a number of factors, but Evernote is not generally one of them. Can you give any specific examples of what would count as "quality of life" issues? I'm honestly a little puzzled.

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1 hour ago, s2sailor said:

👍👍👍 👏👏👏

Sorry, I got a little carried away there.

Isn't this a typical "the visual bunch vs. the literal bunch" discussion ?

One group would probably buy tickets if these would allow to change a picture each, vs. the other that feels these pics are just a waste of space.

I don't think it can be decided in general, for everybody. But I do think the number of users who want better visuals is large enough to make such a feature look promising. It could be a relatively simple addition (just an entry in the pictures submenu "Select as thumbnail")  with a widely regarded positive impact.

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57 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

the number of users who want better visuals

I'm just looking for accurate visuals.  I use the web clipper a lot and I would say that at least half of the pictures selected automatically are not related to the subject.  I prefer the snippet view but without an accurate picture, it is somewhat meaningless.

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The problem with the so-called Quality of Life issues is that my QoL is affected by entirely different set of things to almost everyone elses.

Dumping a shopping list of pages of demands is unlikely to assist but a clearly described request, including reasons why it would make your Evernote life better, of one or two essentials may get traction.

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21 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Dumping a shopping list of pages of demands is unlikely to assist

Oops.  I just dropped a 3-page list of Filterize features onto them - but my bottom line was the 2 that I use most often and "automation" so maybe that's OK.

(Automation IMHO would include being able to script something like "go to notebooks page / activate export / save to enex / move to next notebook...")


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From my selfish seat, I'd like to see sort and column specifications saved with a saved search.

Different repeated searches that generate list views deserve different columns and sorting.  Saved searches save the filter.  Saving the columns and sort with the filter is not difficult and easy to test.

(And yes, I submitted this request via Feedback@evernote.com.)

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16 hours ago, agsteele said:

Small things that would make your use of Evernote easier. 

The ability to select the thumbnail image is something that might go on my list.

In all honesty, they could go through the feature request forums here for this. E.g. links to topics within a note. But, if my quality of life improves to the point where I get time to email them, I'll send something in. 😁

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And perhaps they already have. This is just an opportunity to put some weight behind the things that irk you when using Evernote. Quite likely adding a vote to the list of things that the QoL team is already working on.

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Speaking of better visuals,

URL previews would be awesome. We already have YouTube, Backlink, and PDF previews. Something that renders a preview of a URL hyperlink would be the next step.

Example of 2 inline URL previews:


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