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Are you getting "Failed to Export Notes" errors when trying to export? Please add your experience and solutions to this thread

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I have tried every which way to export my notes from Evernote. I have around 6k notes in a large notebook. I have tried splitting up the notebook into smaller ones, but there is a 100 note limit when I try to do that and that would obviously take a lot of time. Any solutions? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? 

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  • Level 5

My export (of a much smaller notebook) went smooth, no issues.

Describe what you want to write (there are 3 export formats) and how you do it. Have you tried to split the large export into smaller files - the option is in the export window, when selecting ENEX as export format.

In general we can try to advise. But we are not support. If you have a persistent problem, contact support.

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  • Evernote Expert
8 hours ago, vilmosz said:

I have tried splitting up the notebook into smaller ones, but there is a 100 note limit

If you are coming up against the 100 notes limit it means you are highlighting the notes inside a notebook and attempting to export. 

Instead open the notebook window. Open the three dot menu alongside whichever notebook you wish to export and select Export.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm getting "failed to delete tag" when I try to export a notebook.  Tried with a larger notebook, and with a single note notebook.  When I try to do a pdf, "I get failed to export note to pdf."    I was trying to export from the notebook 3 dot menu..    Confused...


Screenshot 2023-08-27 at 3.26.48 PM.png

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  • Level 5

I don't get this, on any export. It just works.

Since you don't share any details (like OS, client etc.) we can just assume there must be something special, either with your install or your methods.

Next step: Ask support. They will ask you for the information you didn't share here.

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  • 3 months later...

I also get 'failed to export notes' when I try to export a (rather large) notebook. I only get it for one notebook, not to the other I've tried exporting. The export starts running, but after a while (about 50%, but hte number seems to vary if I try multiple times) I get the error. I right-click the notebook, then Export Notebook, to ENEX format. The error occurs wether I ask to split the file or not. The notebook is a shared notebook, but I didn't experience any issue with other shared notebooks. Export to html works (about 2 GB).

Any suggestion on how to make ENEX export work as well?

Context: Evernote 10.67.4-mac-ddl-public (20231204112355), Mac M1 with Sonoma 14.1.2

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 17.29.59.png

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

On a big notebook like that,  move or copy smaller batches of notes into a new notebook and export that.  Tag any batch(es) of notes that won't export,  and export them in even smaller batches until you find the note(s) that cause the problem.  Copy the content of those notes into a new note and you'll usually find the export will now go through.

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  • Level 5*
On 1/4/2024 at 4:17 PM, matatias said:

I don't know what else to do. Tried .enex, single html, multiple htmls. My notebook has 16k small notes (generated by ifttt). I can't split the notebook. I can't select more than 100 notes to export. An older version of Evernote does not recognize the internet connection. It's not a big deal losing this, in fact I'd rather lose this than having to create 160 notebooks and export each one.

When choosing .enex, below there is a forever loading blank space. What's supposed to appear there? I left that loading for like two hours. I'll try again this if (or when, really) my next attempt to export GBs of multiple HTML fails.

Hi.  A complete notebook can be sent to ENEX or HTML from any desktop (not web) app by going to the Notebook tab and right-clicking the 3-dots menu.  If that causes an issue a (subscriber) notebook can be split into notebook1/ notebook2/ notebook3 sections by moving notes - 100 at a time - into those notebooks and exporting them individually.  Chances are if you have an issue,  it will be because of a corrupted note or two.  In those cases, create a new note and copy the old content into a new note to fix most issues.  If you need more help,  some clues as to your device / OS / Evernote version would help us comment more specifically.

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For some unknown reason, I'm not able to access the export option -- not by way of the three "buttons", not by the right click. None of these options appear to be available through my Evernote app on my iPhone, nor through the Evernote app on my Windows 11 computer nor through web version via my Firefox browser.  Not through my notebook (which has only 114 notes) nor by trying to export just one note at a time. I've read the Evernote guides, I've watched several videos which make it all look easy but since I'm unable to find the export option it's impossible to make any progress. Advice?

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Long time customer (yes, paying) here. First post, I think. Windows client, version 10.71.2.

I ignored the forever rotating symbol that seems to offer to divide the export into smaller chunks, I just clicked Export. My export, some 3600 notes in one notebook, then failed repeatedly after reaching 100%.

Splitting the large notebook into smaller pieces seemed like a bad idea to me, considering that all note dates are "touched" when moving them to another notebook (yes, that's a bug).

Some people mentioned that specific notes could be troublemakers so after some contemplating I figured it might be the encrypted notes that are the culprit. I had only one or two such in this particular notebook. I permanently decrypted them, and voilà! The export worked!


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Also getting the "Failed to Export Notes" message.

I am running Evernote desktop client on Windows and exporting by right clicking the name of the notebook in order to include all 7,000+ notes as an ENEX.  I'll get 24%-29% through the export before the error is generated.

I realize it's alot of notes for one export (and some have attachments), but that's what happens when you use program for a few years.

Any approaches that have worked?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am also finding this problem trying to export to ENEX using Windows desktop.

The log contains many messages byt the significant one seems to be:
    Could not fetch note. [Worker pool queue is full. [Task queue is at limit]]


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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, ggrinton said:

I am also finding this problem trying to export to ENEX using Windows desktop.

The log contains many messages byt the significant one seems to be:
    Could not fetch note. [Worker pool queue is full. [Task queue is at limit]]

Hi.  What versions of Windows and Evernote do you have?  How many notes in the notebook you're exporting?  Has export worked for you before?

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Guess how I found this thread?!

I'm on WIn 11, using EN 10.73.4

I backup my inbox every month to an enex file containing about 7300 notes.  For the last 8 months I have had no problem.  Last month and this, I get an endless spooling from the export option.  It will let me start an export but after 3 ish hours I get a failure message.  And the file is not quite as big as it should be (about 9,982,018KB - The last one that worked).

Nothing has resolved this and I'm getting pretty fed up!  Any assistance appreciated.




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  • Level 5*
56 minutes ago, Fowleronline said:

I backup my inbox every month to an enex file containing about 7300 notes.

Hi.  There's been an extensive discussion here and various suggestions for fixes.  We're mostly other users in this forum,  sharing suggestions and experiences.  If you've tried everything here I suggest you contact Support... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new

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Well, I did try something and it worked...

I made a notebook called Temp and moved 100 notes to it.  Then exported it, and the inbox as separate files and both worked.

The only issue I now have is that the inbox file says I don't have permission to use it!


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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Fowleronline said:

the inbox file says I don't have permission to use it!

? That's... unusual.  How are you trying to use it?  Importing back to Evernote?  Moving or copying the file?

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I'm trying to export them to Onenote as a backup.  It has worked every month since I started doing it, and now it doesn't!  All other notebooks export fine onto Onenote too.

It did seem as if they would go back into Evernote though.

Interestingly, I tried again this morning and when it finished compiling the job,  instead of just a single backup file it offered to divide the inbox into several smaller files it called My Notes.0.enex, My Notes.1.enex etc to 4.  So I have 5 files (of about 2,077,523KB each, the last being smaller)  that do seem to be exported correctly from Evernote, and now they are installing into Onenote absolutely fine too!

Hope this helps someone else, it's been driving me spare for too long now.





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Running 10.74.1 Windows and 10.73.3 Mac. I have 9K notes in a notebook I was last able to backup to a single 10 GB .enex file in July 2023 -- this was on the Windows desktop app after it failed on a Mac. The backup took several hours and nearly ground to a halt periodically, so I suspected computational resources was perhaps a factor (i7 16 GB, i5 24 GB for the Mac). A couple weeks ago I tried to backup the same notebook on an M3 24 GB Mac and the same Windows machine; in both cases I got the endless spooling in the box that should offer the option to split the backup into 2-3 GB chunks. I get the same spooling with much smaller notebooks, and per some comments above, I have no encrypted notes in the notebooks that failed to backup. As a precaution I imported the 10 GB enex file into Joplin, which devoured it in about 20 min. on the M3, all perfectly formatted. Evernote does currently export .enex notes in batches of 100, so I was able to export the notes since 7.2023 into 8.enex files. I am hoping that Bending Spoons will take care of its legacy/paying users with large notebooks by soon fixing this export glitch, particularly since it is now touting 100K note capacity for its personal and professional plans -- I don't think anyone wants to backup 100k notes 100 at a time.

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  • Level 5*
13 hours ago, mbennis said:

I don't think anyone wants to backup 100k notes 100 at a time.

Nope - me either.  Which is why I use Backupery to automatically back up my account (of 60,000+ notes in 400+ notebooks) on a weekly basis.  There's also a Github option called (surprisingly) Evernote-backup,  and if you only have a couple of notebooks you can export them manually from a desktop notebook page via the three dots menu.  The 100-note limit does not apply.

Whatever system you're using it's a good idea to use a smallish file size if you can - say 4GB max;  it's less drain on system resources and they're easier to move around if you want to copy elsewhere.  

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had the same on a Mac Desktop Client (newest V). After 3-5 attempts per Notebook (Both around 5k notes), with failed status, EN finally saved my notes as multiple html. Annoying as hell and I hope there will be an update for the backup 'feature' soon.

To me it seems, that EN is loading Notes in the Background and can't do it for a huge number until the backup process stopped. Hence after a couple of attempts every note has been downloaded fresh and it works. But ... thats just a guess.



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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, ThomH said:

I hope there will be an update for the backup 'feature' soon.

Evernote may not be aware that there are any issues - we're mostly other users here.  The way to bring it to their attention is to contact Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new but be prepared for something of a wait;  they're a little busy right now....

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  • 1 month later...

I tried several times with Evernote 10 (I have about 4000 notes) and it gave me an error every time. I downloaded Evernote Legacy (via wayback machine) and it exported an enex in less than a minute. Perhaps because the Evernote Legacy notebook is stored locally?

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  • Level 5

You probably still not have a full download of your notes in the v10 client. Notes are stored locally in v10 as well, but you need to give it enough time to download all.

Let the client open and running in the background, whenever your computer is on. It will probably take several days (depending on your network connection and computer's speed) to download all.

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