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Tasks: sub-tasks and connecting content to a task - tell us what you need

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@lost_gweedo writes:

Hi @Jack Lynch. Embedding a link in the task works, and is a good workaround.  While tasks are a great addition to EN and I'm interested to see where the development goes, the task title is already cramped in space.  Without other areas in the task to place the context that @JJJ-CCC discusses above, everything needs to be crammed in the title.  The task box (when open) cannot be resized, so the user is left to scroll through the task title to read.  Perhaps part of the future development could be separate text boxes for links, or something similar to give ability to flesh out our tasks a little more. 

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We are keenly aware of the limitation @lost_gweedorefers to, and we are actively working on this problem.

We'd like your thoughts on something.

One of the big advantages of the fact that tasks are embedded in notes is that you have context for them. You can take advantage of all the power of the Evernote note editor to surround your tasks with information that will help you get them done. Here are two videos we've created that give specific examples of this and why we think it's powerful:

Let's call that capability "rich context for tasks."

Now start thinking about how you would want sub-tasks (incredibly highly requested feature by our users) to work.

How important is it for you to have rich context for both the parent tasks and the sub-tasks that are associated with them? Could you live with having rich context only for the sub-tasks?

We're asking because it is probably way faster for us to give you the ability to turn the note itself into a "task-note" or "project-note". You could do this for some of your note, all of your notes, or none of your notes. If you turn it into a "project-note", it means it's just like a regular Evernote note except you can also mark it complete and put a due date on it. You can manage it in the Tasks view just like you manage all your existing tasks today. This would effectively turn the in-note tasks (currently the only type of tasks) into sub-tasks. But it means that these "project-notes" would not be surrounded by relevant rich context the way the current in-note tasks are. They would live as independent entities within a notebook just like regular notes do. But to reiterate: you still have all the existing note functionality with these notes; the project aspect is additional functionality.

Alternative approach: build the two types of tasks into the note so the parent tasks have rich context just like the sub-tasks do. Obviously having rich context for both parent tasks and sub-tasks is a good thing, but it will probably take much longer to build, so you would be waiting longer for sub-tasks functionality.

To summarize the difference:

  • "Project-note" approach: Notebook > "Project-Note" (has due dates, reminders, but no rich context) > In-Note Task (has due dates, reminders, and rich context)
  • Alternative approach: Notebook > Regular Note > In-Note Parent Task (has due dates, reminders, and rich context) > In-Note Sub-Task (has due dates, reminders, and rich context)

Alternative approach means longer wait for sub-tasks but you would have rich context at both levels of the hierarchy.

So how important is it for you to have rich context for both parent tasks and sub-tasks?

PS - the "project-note" approach gives you task tags for free.

PPS - we could eventually have both of these approaches together, but that will take a while :)

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@Jack LynchI’m confused on the “Project-note” limitation of no rich content. Are you saying you would not be able to add pictures or other content to this new note type? Would it just have the ability to add tasks to the note? So the note would be a list of “sub-tasks”? Or are you thinking that all of the rich content in the note would be related to the sub tasks created and not the main task? 

I think starting with the easiest to implement “project-note” is a good first step to sub tasks - I would think that there are quite a few users who do it like this already. Being able to have multiple tasks with sub tasks within the same note eventually would be great. I can see where managing multiple notes full so subtasks could become a pain vs. having all tasks in the same note.

it sounds like you have a good plan if getting subtasks working within tasks. Looking forward to the implementation. Hopefully after reoccurring tasks 😉

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Hi Jack 

in the meantime , waiting for  possible (or not ) tasks tags (  for GTD)  ,  is there a way to have saved searchs of tasks (  similiar to the notes saves search) ? 

it could be  useful to quickly access action / follow up / on hold / etc type of tasks .Especially for the non dated tasks ( it's always difficult to have in mind the non dated ,  and not always easy to define dates on tasks ,  unless using reminders -  that can't be seen on iOs badges for follow up

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16 hours ago, buckethead said:

@Jack LynchI’m confused on the “Project-note” limitation of no rich content. Are you saying you would not be able to add pictures or other content to this new note type? Would it just have the ability to add tasks to the note? So the note would be a list of “sub-tasks”? Or are you thinking that all of the rich content in the note would be related to the sub tasks created and not the main task? 

I think starting with the easiest to implement “project-note” is a good first step to sub tasks - I would think that there are quite a few users who do it like this already. Being able to have multiple tasks with sub tasks within the same note eventually would be great. I can see where managing multiple notes full so subtasks could become a pain vs. having all tasks in the same note.

it sounds like you have a good plan if getting subtasks working within tasks. Looking forward to the implementation. Hopefully after reoccurring tasks 😉

Thanks for raising this question, @buckethead. Looks like I may not have been clear enough in my post, so I added the following sentence to it (see above):

"But to reiterate: you still have all the existing note functionality with these notes; the project aspect is additional functionality."

In other words, all we would be doing would be taking the existing notes and adding the ability to mark them complete and put a due date on them (analogous to how you can already put a reminder on a note.) So they still have the full functionality of an Evernote note.


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54 minutes ago, Claudiofpiga said:

Hi Jack 

in the meantime , waiting for  possible (or not ) tasks tags (  for GTD)  ,  is there a way to have saved searchs of tasks (  similiar to the notes saves search) ? 

it could be  useful to quickly access action / follow up / on hold / etc type of tasks .Especially for the non dated tasks ( it's always difficult to have in mind the non dated ,  and not always easy to define dates on tasks ,  unless using reminders -  that can't be seen on iOs badges for follow up

I forgot to tag you,  Jack :  @Jack Lynch

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17 minutes ago, Jack Lynch said:

In other words, all we would be doing would be taking the existing notes and adding the ability to mark them complete and put a due date on them (analogous to how you can already put a reminder on a note.) So they still have the full functionality of an Evernote note.

Thanks Jack. I figured that is what you meant, but wanted to clarify. Few more thoughts and questions for you to think about as you move forward with the sub task ideas.

1 - with the  Project-note how would you be able to tell the note is a task/project note in a list of notes? Currently with tasks in a note we get the purple check mark icon to the right of the note title in list view. If there are no subtasks within the note will the note still have the purple check next to it in the list view? Would the notes filter using the add filters option?

2 - Would these project-notes clog up the Notes view in the task panel? Using individual notes as tasks could make it so the number of notes in this view will be quite large (if this is the case having a method to expand or collapse the tasks in all of the notes at the same time on the note view will be needed)

3 - The ability to to link to these project-notes in task titles in other notes would be great - kinda like creating a full project overview with each section broken down into sub tasks? an example here would be something like a remodel project note that has tasks of []design []plumbing []electrical []flooring and then having a separate plumbing project-note with it's own subtasks in it? Right now we can only put URLs in the task so maybe this is seperate - it'd be the ability to actually add a link into the title using cmd-k on a mac.


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I would emphasize the minimal design of tasks is good rather than bad. The reproduction of a complete task management system is not desirable at all! What is missing is a two way sync of the Evernote tasks to Google tasks (not Google calendar). Then every task features can be delegated to Google tasks. 

Subtasks can be easily emulated by including a checklist under a task or  by using multiple tasks inside one note. Subtask feature is a waste.


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Hello all,  @Jack Lynch

i am really following carefuly the topic (end checking weekly the update for new functions), currently I stopped to use MEISTERTASKS for Evernote now for task management (to have all my data in one system - i use Evernote for more than 10 years), anyways solution is not perfect as i need to use FILTERIZE

I agree with buckethead  tags are definitively needed to structure the tasks follow up. If you use tags then after you can extend Evernote to have easily a KANBAN view (a dream for meeting management)

one point also missing to be able to use the tools in pro way is to be able to have the tasks (resulting from a search) listed in a table and that you can export in Excel format (as not all your contacts are using EVERNOTE at the end like in a shopfloor...)

i missed also one point, i am also an iphone user and I use Shortcut  and created specific workflows (to dict all my tasks to my Evernote GTD), should be great to upgrade also shortcut to add tasks creation (as by  mail too) 

Anyways you are on the good direction :) 


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@Jack LynchObviously we want everything, YESTERDAY! Hahaha

But actually, your proposed short-term solution would be extremely helpful. I'd encourage you to implement quickly, and then come back with fuller functionality when you're able. Subtasks are a big deal, speaking as an EN user for over a decade (and one who does NOT want another task manager, whether Google, Apple, Omni, or whatever). I've been using EN checkboxes for years, despite the very limited functionality, because it works much better for me to keep it all here in Evernote.

But the new Tasks functionality is almost unusable for me without subtasks. Your propose short-term solution would be a huge step forward.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Tasks simply are not useful the way they are. All the mechanics at the side bar level are cool - drag and drop between notes etc. But some related context is necessary. As a starting point I suggest just following how Checkboxes already work. I can create some bullet items under a checkbox and they are 'attached' to the checkbox. These bullets can be text or links to notes etc. I can Drag the checkbox around / re-order a list of them etc. and the bullets move with them. That's really all that I need to start using tasks. Just start simple please - you can expand / get fancy later. 


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Aside from the much-wanted recurring tasks, I would dearly love a way for Google Calendar events to be automatically added to Tasks.  I use Tasks as my daily to-do list and have a terrible memory so it would be super useful to have meetings in my Calendar that I need to show up to added to my Tasks automatically.  For sub-tasks, I really really want a checklist.  For example, my main task would be Inspect Apartments, and my sub-tasks would be each apartment that I need to inspect.  Being able to check those off as I do them would be super.

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Full screen view when clicking on Tasks in left sidebar.

Ability to include links in task text

Ability to link TO a specific task

Ability to move Task link left sidebar to TOP of list.

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I am brand new to evernote, been on free subscription but desperately needed tasks. So joined the personal today. However now I see there is no way to tag a task? I need to sort my tasks into at least 5 categories. Help!

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On 5/6/2022 at 9:05 AM, dancing-bean said:

However now I see there is no way to tag a task? I need to sort my tasks into at least 5 categories.

The best thing for you to do at this time would be to create 5 different notes - one for each category of tasks. Then tag that note as tags currently live at the note level and tasks are always a part of a note.

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@Jack Lynch I'm clearly very late to this party. When I think of the way that tasks should work, I think of Things 3. It can get complicated but it's not necessarily complicated. It's really quite clever. (Just to give you an idea of an app that I think works really well.)

Of the two options you present, I think project-notes are the most natural evolution of Evernote and the new Tasks feature. Your two most basic "objects" become Notes and Tasknotes ('remembering everything and doing anything'). Tasknotes are still contextually rich because they can contain bits of context or links to other notes in your project notebook - which, I assume, are a common way of managing projects in Evernote. One of the things I like about Evernote is the limited number of layers: stacks, notebooks, notes, content. I think project-notes are most in line with that (stack, notebook, task, sub-task or really any kind of content) rather than the alternative adding another content layer. I also think it best fits the way a note naturally grows. I might add some text, an attachment, and then a couple tasks until it really becomes its own beast. Allowing me to convert the existing note to a tasknote would be, to me, the most natural way for it to grow.

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  • 3 months later...

Is there a wrap to this context? Is the feature heading to development?

Specifically I'm interested in seeing sub-tasks and the ability to add tags to tasks. This together is very powerful when it comes to project management.

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Thanks as always for the feedback!

We haven't lost sight of this feature. You will eventually have it. There are lots of other good things in the works with Tasks, and this is one of them. I can't give you a timeline except to say (unfortunately) that it will months, not weeks, for sub-tasks.

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Jack can I suggest the REMINDERS within TASKS are looked at? They seem to be treated differently than a NOTE reminder- consequently using something like Remember the Milk ( great app) WITH EN reminders how as todos but reminders within tasks do not.

Keep up great work- I use EN for EVERYTHING now no need for task managers etc- RTM is simply and easy way to bulk manage reminders.

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14 hours ago, Jack Lynch said:

@RobertJLee thanks for the feedback! Please help me understand what functionality you would specifically want from Evernote task reminders.

As an experiment download the free version of Remember the milk.

Create a note and add a REMINDER= it shows up in Remember the Milk as a TASK/Item

Create a note and ad a TASK- setup a task REMINDER= it does not show up as a Task item in Remember the Milk

Reminders as selected at bottom left of Evernote Note seem to be "different" to reminders WITHIN a note.

I suspect TAsk "reminder" data is not shore currently via API.

"normal" Reminders are.

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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, RobertJLee said:

I suspect TAsk "reminder" data is not shore currently via API.

"normal" Reminders are.

I suspect that you are correct. Good to have these things noticed and ready for when the API is updated.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 1/15/2022 at 7:12 AM, M31415926 said:

I would emphasize the minimal design of tasks is good rather than bad. The reproduction of a complete task management system is not desirable at all! What is missing is a two way sync of the Evernote tasks to Google tasks (not Google calendar). Then every task features can be delegated to Google tasks. 

Subtasks can be easily emulated by including a checklist under a task or  by using multiple tasks inside one note. Subtask feature is a waste.


I guess this depends on whether Evernote wants to become the go-to for all note-taking and task management.   It has already moved in that direction with the calendar feature and other features.   In my opinion as a full-stack software architect, all tasks should be a note class object decorated with additional information or classes such as reminders, many-to-many n-tiered parent/child relationship, etc.   Simply by allowing nested n-tiered task lists you allow your product to compete heavily with Google tasks, Google Keep etc. rather than simply integrating with them.  And by making each task a lazy-loading note class object you open up a lot of power to organize tasks in multiple ways.  And the nested task lists can stay as simple or become as feature-rich as users expand them to be.  Maybe you've already done this and I missed that.  If so, I apologize.

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/13/2022 at 5:03 PM, Jack Lynch said:

We are keenly aware of the limitation @lost_gweedorefers to, and we are actively working on this problem.

We'd like your thoughts on something.

One of the big advantages of the fact that tasks are embedded in notes is that you have context for them. You can take advantage of all the power of the Evernote note editor to surround your tasks with information that will help you get them done. Here are two videos we've created that give specific examples of this and why we think it's powerful:

Let's call that capability "rich context for tasks."

Now start thinking about how you would want sub-tasks (incredibly highly requested feature by our users) to work.

How important is it for you to have rich context for both the parent tasks and the sub-tasks that are associated with them? Could you live with having rich context only for the sub-tasks?

We're asking because it is probably way faster for us to give you the ability to turn the note itself into a "task-note" or "project-note". You could do this for some of your note, all of your notes, or none of your notes. If you turn it into a "project-note", it means it's just like a regular Evernote note except you can also mark it complete and put a due date on it. You can manage it in the Tasks view just like you manage all your existing tasks today. This would effectively turn the in-note tasks (currently the only type of tasks) into sub-tasks. But it means that these "project-notes" would not be surrounded by relevant rich context the way the current in-note tasks are. They would live as independent entities within a notebook just like regular notes do. But to reiterate: you still have all the existing note functionality with these notes; the project aspect is additional functionality.

Alternative approach: build the two types of tasks into the note so the parent tasks have rich context just like the sub-tasks do. Obviously having rich context for both parent tasks and sub-tasks is a good thing, but it will probably take much longer to build, so you would be waiting longer for sub-tasks functionality.

To summarize the difference:

  • "Project-note" approach: Notebook > "Project-Note" (has due dates, reminders, but no rich context) > In-Note Task (has due dates, reminders, and rich context)
  • Alternative approach: Notebook > Regular Note > In-Note Parent Task (has due dates, reminders, and rich context) > In-Note Sub-Task (has due dates, reminders, and rich context)

Alternative approach means longer wait for sub-tasks but you would have rich context at both levels of the hierarchy.

So how important is it for you to have rich context for both parent tasks and sub-tasks?

PS - the "project-note" approach gives you task tags for free.

PPS - we could eventually have both of these approaches together, but that will take a while :)

My biggest needs for tasks are these:

- the ability to have multiple phases of completion: incomplete, In Progress, Waiting on Someone, ..., Completed

- the ability to assign a Task to multiple people OR (a work around) the ability to Add TAGS

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/10/2022 at 1:45 PM, RobertJLee said:

As an experiment download the free version of Remember the milk.

Create a note and add a REMINDER= it shows up in Remember the Milk as a TASK/Item

Create a note and ad a TASK- setup a task REMINDER= it does not show up as a Task item in Remember the Milk

Reminders as selected at bottom left of Evernote Note seem to be "different" to reminders WITHIN a note.

I suspect TAsk "reminder" data is not shore currently via API.

"normal" Reminders are.

Hi there, 

has this difference in handling of reminders and tasks been solved by now, maybe in a beta version? (I am looking for a way to link my tasks from within a note to Remember the Milk, which I still seem to be able to do for reminders - aka note titles - only.)



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35 minutes ago, Johannes Rieckmann said:

Hi there, 

has this difference in handling of reminders and tasks been solved by now, maybe in a beta version? (I am looking for a way to link my tasks from within a note to Remember the Milk, which I still seem to be able to do for reminders - aka note titles - only.)



Evernote tasks aren't exposed in the API. They are still rebuilding and upgrading a lot of stuff so I imagine API updates will come after that's finished. 

I'd like to see ways to integrate tasks at some point.

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*make Tasks inside a note drag-able (in mobile)

*notes in Tasks sidebar re-arrange able (also in mobile)

*Tasks and others (like home, notes, notebook, tags) in sidebar re-arrange able (also in mobile)

*Toggle list for Tasks can be an good idea for sub tasks. and it is also another kind of list (addition to checklist, bulleted, numbered)


*Lists (checklist, bulleted, numbered) and Paragraphs, Headings or everything has the option or feature to be drag-able inside a note (in mobile)


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