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RJLUK last won the day on January 17

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  1. LOL I knew there was a reason I hadn't posted for weeks. Back to undercover mode - smile and wave.......
  2. So, guilty as charged—I left for a bit, but I'm back now, and Evernote (EN) is meeting all my needs. Sometimes, you just gotta explore and come full circle, right? Quick suggestion, though: if you're on the fence about leaving or staying, no need to share the departure drama with us. We're all here for our own reasons, and that's cool. And hey, if EN is a bit out of budget for you, no worries! There are other options like Bear or some free apps that might do the trick. Now, about that nostalgia for old software that's getting the boot—tough break, but hey, it's part of the tech world. We move forward, not backward. If you're ready to go, no need for a grand exit or a farewell performance. Just do your thing, and we'll keep the forum vibes going strong. Welcome back to those returning, and to those heading out, happy trails!
  3. This is so infuriating-stop posting bullshit then the guy is trying to help you, if you dont like EN go elsewhere. IF you can find something that does the same job. I have bit my tongue for a long time Free is worth what you pay for it and a FREE customer is worth NOTHING to the company. Put up or shut up.
  4. Your recent statement really caught my interest! Would you mind expanding on that concept please?
  5. I'm currently investigating the integration of a Gantt chart system directly into Evernote, with the objective of maintaining a centralized workspace without resorting to external platforms like Google Docs. I am keen on insights or solutions from anyone who has successfully achieved this. Alternatively, I am interested in learning about experiences related to implementing a Kanban board within the Evernote platform. Any best practices or recommendations would be greatly valued. Furthermore, I am exploring the development of a sophisticated project management dashboard within Evernote to efficiently monitor multiple projects and trades. I would appreciate any guidance, tips, or insights the community may have on this matter. Thank you in advance for sharing your expertise.
  6. As i said en...bear.....apple notes easy fix no extra software
  7. Word of Caution Generating an ENEX file with latest version results in an import file not containing pdfs included within the various notes. Only file names.An absolute nightmare. Also tried importing enex into Joplin same result Bear imports associated PDFS so.....EN toENEX ......enex to Bear......export from bear to RTF with Attachments.......import to apple notes
  8. I'm not going to make a song and dance about it but just emptied evernote and moved to Apple notes which despite shortcomings suits MY requirements. My renewal is due November, I am not paying to be a beta tester for broken software, the spoon Benders appear to be ignoring paying customers and are obviously out of their depth-I have lost all faith and trust in EN. The Elephant is now a mammoth and is hurtling towards extinction. Good luck to everyone.
  9. you have to wonder why they cant simply post a linlkto latest version here with a list of changes? Obviously too much trouble..........
  10. 10.61.10 no Ai= download file is now evernote-latest.dmg on mac making it even MORE difficult to establish wether you have the latest version! Ai has not been enabled on my account. Dave if you have the kings ear do us all a favour and tell him to START LISTENING to paying users and sort out the update function....and tasks etc. I am rapidly loosing patience with this lot.
  11. Perhaps of some significance https://evernote.com/download will not open safari/chrome on Mac.
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