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Evernote for Windows 6.21 beta 1


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Today we released Windows 6.21 beta 1. It's available here!

What’s in 6.21 beta 1?


  • Fixed several crashes
  • Encryption block turns into a .png file after Drag and Drop
  • All notes from a notebook duplicate if opening a notebook from notebook kingdom when using touchscreen
  • Japanese/Korean characters are changed to Kanji or question marks in Work Chat
  • Hyperlinks containing & created on Windows client are broken on other Evernote clients
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  • Iriska pinned this topic
11 hours ago, Iriska said:
  • Encryption block turns into a .png file after Drag and Drop

I have confirmed this is fixed, thanks!

I am surmising this was fixed by disabling drag and drop in encryption blocks, right? 

If this is correct, would it be possible to add an option to disable drag and drop inside of notes in general?  Drag and drop is a source of accidental note errors and data corruption, through an unintended mouse action.

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7 hours ago, Don Dz said:

I have confirmed this is fixed, thanks!

I am surmising this was fixed by disabling drag and drop in encryption blocks, right? 

If this is correct, would it be possible to add an option to disable drag and drop inside of notes in general?  Drag and drop is a source of accidental note errors and data corruption, through an unintended mouse action.

Drag and drop is not disabled but it is a bit harder to invoke. After selecting the encrypted text , you would have to put the cursor in front of it or at the end to drag it to a new position. Try it. It may take a few attempts.

Thanks for the feedback regarding the option to disable drag and drop in the editor!  I will pass the information to the right people. 

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19 minutes ago, Em Gee said:

Drag and drop is not disabled but it is a bit harder to invoke. After selecting the encrypted text , you would have to put the cursor in front of it or at the end to drag it to a new position. Try it. It may take a few attempts.

I succeeded in dragging the encrypted text after a few attempts, and it did not become an image, was still accessible.  Thanks!

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Evernote, I love you - but this is really annoying... you really need to fix whatever is happening with cross platform syncing  that results in ** DATA LOSS ** 😬.

See screen shot.  This is just one example.  Yesterday, I had 47 notes reappear in my inbox stripped of any changes.  Luckily they weren't important and headed for the trash bin anyway.  BUT, I do get notes popping back up into the inbox stripped of data that I'd prefer not to have to figure out again.

My workout capture below isn't a big deal - it's easy to put the data back - but my work flow in EVERY one of these cases is from a note that originates on iphone or ipad.  I think (don't quote me on this), but I think the note is always generated via the 'share sheet' menu on ipad - I know my workout screen shot is a camera shot, then shared into Evernote... and the other notes I mentioned above were screen shots from a different ipad app that I marked up with ipad pen and then shared as a new note into Evernote on that ipad.

Then I end up on the windows machine, sync, make changes, re-title, move to notebooks, etc.

A day (or so - I haven't noticed a pattern) later, I'll get the note back into my default notebook - stripped of those changes - aside from tags (usually - but I haven't watched enough to see). I think this is strictly limited to image based notes (or screen shots)  that - again - were created with a "share sheet task to evernote") - I haven't seen noticed it happen with text based notes directly created on ipad or via one of my siri shortcuts.

I've made comment about this problem quite some time ago, but honestly think it's gotten worse since then.  Seeing a fix for this would be awesome!  



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  • Level 5*
On 9/12/2019 at 1:58 AM, Iriska said:

Fixed several crashes

This is from my latest Fatal Error report today...

Despite the recent update,  Evernote is still quietly crashing...  I had 9 apps windows running, including Evernote, and had just added a tag.  and moved 6 notes to another notebook. I used a 'shortcut' link on Evernote's left pane to jump to the top of my list of notes... and Evernote quietly folded its window and went away. I killed two processes in the system tray,  and here we are again...
I did try to restart Evernote from the tray,  but got:
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😬 DATA LOSS continues between ios and windows devices.  Maybe this is more of an ios bug or internal Evernote systems bug than Windows bug?  Either way... it needs addressed.

Following up on my prior post of data loss when syncing between Windows and iOS devices - here's my morning 'report' and example.  

Luckily I can access note history and recover the note...   then I just need to re-assign it's link into my master note table of contents.  




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6 hours ago, ej8899 said:

😬 DATA LOSS continues between ios and windows devices.  Maybe this is more of an ios bug or internal Evernote systems bug than Windows bug?  Either way... it needs addressed.

Following up on my prior post of data loss when syncing between Windows and iOS devices - here's my morning 'report' and example.  

Luckily I can access note history and recover the note...   then I just need to re-assign it's link into my master note table of contents.  




I tested the described scenario but cannot reproduce the problem. It will help if you provide additional information on your interaction with Windows and iOS application between the time of the note creation on iOS (1), then editing in Windows client (2) and the time you see the reversed changes in Windows client (3) step. Did you use the iOS client again between steps (2) and (3)?  If yes, did you interact with the notes in question?  What is the client version on iOS? ANy of this information could be helpful for our testing.

Thanks in advance!

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I seem to recall Ctrl + Scroll zooming used to work with regular notes, though I rarely use it.  While testing an issue discussed below, I found that not only pdf zooming is poor, but if I switch notes while the zooming is messed up, the same zoom level remains with other notes, using Ctrl + Scroll zooming does nothing to fix the issue, I had to go back to the pdf to restore the normal zoom level.  I disabled some background hotkey programs to be sure it was not an issue caused by interaction with other programs:


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Is this behavior a bug or deliberate?

I run a search, then click on a note that has links.  I click on a link, the note flickers and stays put instead of going to the note in the link, if that note doesn't match the current search. 

I seem to recall that the normal behavior is supposed to be than when following a link outside the current search, that search is cancelled, all notes are displayed in the note list, and the link is followed normally.  This is what I understood as expected behavior.

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6 hours ago, Em Gee said:

I tested the described scenario but cannot reproduce the problem. It will help if you provide additional information on your interaction with Windows and iOS application between the time of the note creation on iOS (1), then editing in Windows client (2) and the time you see the reversed changes in Windows client (3) step. Did you use the iOS client again between steps (2) and (3)?  If yes, did you interact with the notes in question?  What is the client version on iOS? ANy of this information could be helpful for our testing.

Thanks in advance!


Thanks for  looking into this @Em Gee - here's some extra info - and new observations... 

Once the note item is shared into Evernote, via the iOS share sheet, I  might be 'minutes' before doing a sync on a Windows machine to do some note edits.  In some cases, it's hours.  Rarely is the iOS device that I used to create the note (via the Share to Evernote function) is used to open Everenote for reference and even more rarely I open it to do any edits since the Windows laptop is right there beside me as well - or I'm otherwise occupied and know I can just deal with the created note on Windows later.  (step 1 to 2). 

The reversed changes normally show up a day later (step 3).  Between steps 2 and 3, the iOS client is generally not used - Evernote not opened - but there could be other notes that were created via the share to evernote function.  I might open Evernote on a 3rd ipad though to review notes.

My work flow has 2 Windows laptops running, an iphone and 2 ipads.. The iphone and one ipad I generally don't even open Evernote note - just use the camera for photos to send into evernote, or ipad screen shots of a mapping application.    


iOS version that I'm looking at right now is 8.23.370265.

*** Important observation: 
I opened Evernote on this ipad  for the first time in quite some time (to get that version #) - and noticed a bunch of notes I collected on it this morning are tagged for syncing....  BUT they were already synced into Evernote (Windows) - these were screen shot captures from this same ipad earlier today.  I dealt with them on Windows - tagged/titled/deleted/etc.  Now I open Evernote on ipad and see these notes still here and resyncing.  I jump back to Windows Evernote hit sync and ALL these notes are returning!  stripped of their prior changes (tags remain).   No note history on the ones I've checked.  (tried to grab a screen shot, but it didn't save).

Jumped to the iphone and followed the same as above - low and behold - another note - this one from yesterday  (took a photo on iphone, used share sheet to send to evernote - it synced into windows - was titled, tagged and moved into a different notebook than my default).  The sync icon was on the note and I jump back to windows, hit sync and it's returned to my inbox (default) notebook, tag remains, but stripped of it's title.  Created date is correct - but time appears wrong (it shows a few hours later than I when I think I created this note).  It then shows an updated date of today - but a few hours ago (might have been correct for when I set the title).    


Here is the iphone screen shot when I opened Evernote.  This upload icon is on a note that was generated via camera app yesterday and shared into evernote via sharesheet.  Evernote on this iphone was NOT opened after this was done - BUT the note shows in Windows after a sync.  It was titled, tagged, and moved to a notebook. 



After seeing the above, I let it sync - and then jump to Windows...  hit sync and the note reappears in the default notebook - stripped of changes except for the tags.  See below:



Doing all this - it looks to me like we're definitely into an iOS issue - even though the note is getting generated.   I'm wondering if I do these 'share sheet' note creations then open Evernote on the iOS device, let it sync - then sync on Windows if this problem would not occur?    I'll maybe try that tomorrow - if it does "fix" my problem, that's great - BUT to me this would still represent a significant bug - I should be able to create notes via these 'shortcuts' and not have to worry about data loss occurring a day later.   Hopefully all this rambling on helps a bit!

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  • Level 5*

Another crash today - starting my system and the Fatal Error window pops up instead of the Evernote window.  Filled that in and sent it... and the Evernote window then froze before loading any note data. I got the colours,  the titles and the lines,  but no content at all.  Closed that - got another FE window - had to kill the tray processes before I could get it to restart.  Third time was the charm.  Interestingly (as they say) I usually log these events with screen shots via XnView MP,  but when I started that app I also got an FE window!  Filled that in and the app started first time.  Now an hour into my day and I can start actually working... 😒

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  • Level 5*

20190923 1648 Wow two crashes in one day?  This time I was mousing up and down the note list,  opening likely candidate notes.  The first couple opened fine,  the third one... Evernote went away...  Fatal Error report sent...

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, gazumped said:

20190923 1648 Wow two crashes in one day?  This time I was mousing up and down the note list,  opening likely candidate notes.  The first couple opened fine,  the third one... Evernote went away...  Fatal Error report sent...

Thanks for keeping me off of this release.  😯

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Thanks for sharing your screen-shot @ej8899 from where i picked up on your use of icons.  I have used Unicode icons in my Note-Titles, but never thought to use them in Shortcuts. And I suppose they work the same in Stacks and Notebooks.  Nice visual standout, esp on my android phone. cheers


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