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Everything posted by RJLUK

  1. Merge notes......the one thing that means I have to carry my Mac around with me- alternative provide merge option on web browser.
  2. Evernote 10 on MacBook ..... Safari Trying to use Web clipper in Safari to clip a webpage consisting of a PDF generates below error. Clipping normal HTML pages works ok. Work around is to print to Evernote ( as PDF) Anyone else experiencing this?
  3. Completely agree but you are wasting your breath - if EN went back to plain text files not attachments no free users etc some of the acolytes here would claim it was the way forward. EN appear to ignore real paying customers here. The only real way to garner their attention is to message them on twitter.
  4. It imports enex files as notes but you can not then MERGE notes....well as far as I can tell and according to the developer of Keep-it.
  5. Odd software developer advises Keep-it does NOT offer option to merge notes....
  6. The one thing it does not do-unless I am missing something is merge notes.....having said that neither does EN IOS......or EN Web
  7. It would appear so-well on MAC I can't see it. Same as I can't figure out how to create a notebook stack- but can on web version . This is getting really tedious.If I have to spend time across several versions of same app to figure out how to do something that was easily done on previous versions I need an alternative.
  8. = Do as you are told we know better and oh bye the way can you please continue to pay for the pleasure of TESTING software?......Golden opportunity for other "developers" to fill the gap.
  9. Gawd take a look at comments re EN on IOS App Store. Enough to scare anyone off. I wonder if EN "management" actually read those comments? ( they obviously ignore this forum).
  10. Same question from from many For how long? I think the EN acolytes here if they have the Kings Ear need to send a message saying "get your A into G and start communicating with PAYING customers -----or LOOSE THEM."
  11. So basically for whatever reason EN has not been "developed" but now it is being re written with limited functionality....perhaps eventually developing to offer functions that WERE available once again in a "New" EN? Explain to me why Premium subscribers should pay full subscription while a limited version of a service is provided and application is being re written?
  12. Word of warning- export notes to an ENEX file BEFORE upgrading. V 10 apparently exports files differently resulting in for example Bear app not being able to import EN notes from V10.
  13. Should be simple ( ok lets called it less than a challenge) to a competent coding team who are familiar with EN. If you want to service and overhaul a Jaguar you do not ask a team of apprentices who may have worked on fords to come along and remove the headlights and cruise control..... Then tell owners the Highlights and cruise control were removed without seeking opinion or giving an explanation.
  14. Oddly EN is a tool I use as part of my life,so I do not spend my life reading everything EN publish online. I actually have a life..... As a company SELLING a service EN had a few simple tasks to carry out and have had over a year to do so: 1. Make features available on one operating system available on all -=they have not. 2. Read their own forum and try and provide features requested by many over last ten years-=failed. 3. Retain existing features, some of which will have been reason some paying customers bought into system -=failed they have actually removed some features. 4. Give the people what they want not what EN THINK they want -=marketing disaster. The Tsunami is about to hit......
  15. Where did THIS come from? Is it Opinion or the gospel according to EN? Same - if it IS the official party line then I suspect EN have just committed commercial suicide. + 1 more who has just cancelled their renewal.
  16. I suspect Notion has been downloaded a lot more over last few days.......
  17. Thanks- I will test system on a faster net connection once I have returned back to UK.
  18. I took a punt and installed on one of my MACs- maybe it is my current internet connection but new version seems incredibly slow at loading notes compared to v7. Question- How do I export all notes to an enex file? Previously I selected all notes then export . New version seems to only allow you to select a max of 50 notes! So question re v 10 how do you do a full back up/export?
  19. Alternatively if you can not refrain from acting like some form of EN thought police don't respond to posts? Has it not occurred to you that most people try to USE Evernote and don't want to spend their time on a forum policed by EN disciples who think EN is the answer to everything and kick back against anyone having the temerity to suggest otherwise? Despite the empty promises from the management to PAYING customers and broken apps/systems?
  20. Completely agree which is why I post little here- it seems if you are not a 100% committed EN acolyte then the EN PD pounce and tell you basically go get something else. Very odd and very detrimental to perception of EN.
  21. Which ones? PM me if you would rather not discuss here. I simply cannot trust evernote anymore. Management appear somewhat delusional giving the customer what they THINK they want rather than what they WANT...then icing on cake pushing out untested buggy "updates". Cue a stream of evernote acolytes telling me all is well and if I don't like it go- but the point is I have paid for a service/application as in PAID and it is broken.
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