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Everything posted by RJLUK

  1. Oh dear I suspect you will regret saying that.....maybe take your own advice? 🤡
  2. I suspect Evernote have just shot themselves in the foot. The search is on for a viable alternative - I simply do not trust this application anymore.
  3. Same with me does not exactly instil confidence does it?
  4. Across the internet everyone is discussing new ios version (10??). In Uk and Holland it is not available in app store we are still on 8.24.6........ What is going on? Is it available or not?
  5. Good idea. Many use EN cross platform to current planning and targets would be a great help when deciding to remain with EN or move on.
  6. Just noticed this nonsense shows how much time I spend ( waste) here. To be clear - I don't care because the colour of someones skin or the source of their genetics is of no concern to me. I take people as they are. You have not right to accuse me of : You do not know me; ....you have no idea of my views on life and society ....you have no knowledge of my background so can not comment on my "privilege " whatever that drivel means. I think you need to have a word with yourself and take a look at your self. I don't have an issue with anyone but I also see no need for companies to start thumping the table about rights when any civilised person/company should be treating people equally without the need to declare they will/are doing so. Evernote need to focus on fixing/improving Evernote for PAYING customers and stop playing politics. If you want to talk about Evernote you are at the right place. If you want to talk about "racial injustice" off you go to Twatter or Farcebook.
  7. Nailed it.......👏 Time to throw a few grenades on Twitter and Reditt
  8. Mmm aka pointing out EN ignore this forum.....please continue clicking on your virtual buttons lol.
  9. Can we all stop this nonsense of saying vote for it? I didn't realise a voting system even existed until the EN acolytes starting harping on about about it. EN obviously could care less about "votes". What part of "Evernote either don't read this forum or think they know what customers want when actually they have no idea" is not getting through? They are absolutely on doggy ground and the minute an alternative that allows easy synch, merge and manual sorting proves viable I will move and I suspect many others will. I have used EN for 9 years now but rarely visit this little community because it is filled with acolytes and obviously ignored by the so called EN management team. I don't think anyone at EN actually knows anything about marketing. I continue to use EN because no matter where I am in the world and whatever network I am on it synchs. Many apps do not synch especially on slow networks involving iCloud or Dropbox BUT, and this has been pointed out several times ....IF Evernote allowed notes to be sorted within a note book manually ...then merged people would use Evernote rather than say Ulysses (subscription) or Scrivener. EN are ignoring SUGGESTIONS and leaving fruit on the trees for others to harvest. An absolute starting point would be for EN web to have the abilities of say EN windows or MAC i.e merge. Then if the apps don't do the required job then you use the browser system. Like MANY I have considered travelling and working with only my iPad and a keyboard. But it is unworkable why? Because the IOS Evernote does not have the same features/capabilities of the EN Mac. If you have valid suggestions regarding EN I suggest you hit reddit and Twitter. At least the EN heroes here wont try and belittle you and tell you to press some silly vote button to support your arguments.
  10. There are several threads some dating back years on here asking for same- all ignored so really what is the point? Maybe the Joplin developers will latch onto the suggestions/request here then things will change. At the moment I gather information into notes export to notebooks app then sort manually and combine into a document . A work around all be it a rather inefficient work around.
  11. Thanks for nothing......Not exactly a solution for Mac/IOS users. Bear allows notes to be merged but not sorted manually. Why is this so difficult. If you are writing an article/webpage/Book and simply want to change structure the only other apps available are scrivener and ulysses- more complications. Evernote is SO close to being the ideal all in one app but I guess most people simply don't need it. But it is a mystery why merge is not available on IOS and Evernote Web and EN team have ignored requests for years.
  12. Which apps? I have been looking for this for years. The only one I have found is Notebookapp which relies on Dropbox and is often flakey. Any suggestions much appreciated. Thanks.
  13. I would not hold your breath- this has been asked for by many paying customers for years and EN simply ignore them. ...please EN acolytes save the "not everyone wants the same thing" responses for someone else. We are being ignored.
  14. ...and ignored by EN for 9 years so don't hold your breath It is an odd world.If a coder sat down with users and actually coded what is required he would make a killing.As a starting point options should be standard on whatever platform you are using or make these options available on web version.
  15. Which will be their downfall. User experience= I feel ignored. Suggestions= Try Notebooks App.
  16. Take a look at notebookapp.com. ( Not affiliate) I think it is a viable EN alternative on Apple Eco system at least. I am running it in parallel to EN at moment. If EN do not sort out this nonesense ( before the acolytes leap in - refusing to to respond to concerns/request for manual sorting /merge on IOS etc) before I am due to renew, I will be leaving EN.
  17. IMHO it is lunacy in this day and age that he has to even take a stance. I couldn't care less what colour or creed someone is.
  18. It seems to tied in to trying to view notes contains pdfs. Using Evernote for research purposes results in a lot of PDFS being stored. I deleted the App Store version and installed latest version from EN site. Same issue. Trying to view a note containing a PDF (35 page pdf) causes a crash. With new features promised in Apple notes I will be moving away from Evernote in the fall unless they really get their act together and focus on getting the basics right.
  19. No rhyme or reason when attempting to open a note Evernote shuts down. Nothing changed on machine- no new software etc. Macbook Catalina 10.15.5 (19F101) Version 7.14 (458265 App Store) Editor: 69.3.10951 (15add1e) This application is becoming increasingly unstable and for me at this time unusable on Mac at least ( the only platform I have access to allowing notes to be merged). I will not be renewing my subscription after 8 years if this continues.
  20. Feature requests are ignored..for 8 years.
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