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Everything posted by RJLUK

  1. Just tested it no issues just pasted......on iOS and Mac.
  2. go watch videos on YouTube explaining how to do it. I used it 5 minute ago- it works
  3. My thoughts exactly - it does what I ask and I am looking forward to the next "expansion".
  4. I think you might get a pleasant surprise. Maybe the approach should be to treat v10 as a new app that actually imports enex files.
  5. Main purpose as in keep notes for ever- ( clue is in the name)? Maybe I have too much time on my hands but.......I tried= I really tried to replace EN with apple notes and returned to EN If I want to create a note.....task....reminder...sketch on my mobile device can I with EN? =Yes Does it have a functional webpage clipper that er clips web pages = Yes ...............Apple does not- the "share" option is almost useless. Is it synched and accessible across multiple devices ( and web page- oddly yes I have paid extra for that)? = yes ...............APPLE NOTES simply did NOT synch some notes Does it search within all content=yes ...............Apple notes does not If I take hand written notes- photograph and upload does it find text within IMAGE=yes ...............Apple notes does not Can I build my own menu of Saved Searches and links= yes ...............Apple sort of using tags but easy Can I backup/extract data= yes ...............Apple notes no way. I suspect a silent majority here and on say Reddit simply get on with with USING EN. Apart for Onenote and perhaps Devonthink none of the other APPS/SYstems have LONGEVITY- they have not proved themselves to be in the game for the long run so I will let others beta test them while I get on with it. I am not some En fan boy and there are many things I would like to see added/changed - they scored a massive own goal by not actually telling people what they planned to do by stripping back options as they re built the system, but no use crying over spilt milk. At the moment Evernote works for me and I don't have the time or the energy to risk experimenting with " new" tools and utilities. I can't comment on windows /android but even the Web version is ballistic these days. I guess each to his own- if note taking is stressful you are either doing it wrong or this product is the not the right one for you so best you go off and use an alternative.
  6. @Chris Darby= correct. @Boot17The two articles are irrelevant to most users I suspect as anyone who is concerned about pure text and offline storage etc knows which apps to use and where to place data. If you want more than that then use Evernote. I can not find anything that searches as well as EN. If you want both- perhaps create /save text files to local computer then PDF file ( to make it easy to search) and upload to EB with the TXT file as an attachment. Many local storage/text only apps such as Obsidian are useful and developing constantly BUT they are a distraction and encourage "tinkering". Sometime down the road maybe EN will offer ability to store as plain text? ......Text blocks.........bidirectional internal linking...and so on but at the moment with the new Tasks facility with tasks linked and contained within notes as opposed to a not being linked to a task it is a killer app. I am back it works for me and I look forward to the next phase of development. The simple test I guess is - at the moment can you do what you need to do with evernote? No then use something else. It is not going to revert to the old legacy system as they are looking to future. Yes they should have warned users of their plans but they HAVE provided the legacy version for those that want it. Im back on board- loving new version and using EN for a lot more than I used to.
  7. It WAS ...and still is a very good outliner that works on OS and IOS it used to synch outlines TO an EN notebook called "Outlines" and allowing bi directional editing. But at the moment it is broken and asking for key chain access if you try using EN. The app has not been updated for 12 months and at the moment I can not recommend it if you wish to use with EN.
  8. Side note- This also occurs when I try synching with Cloud Outliner pro. Pink Elephant fix works delete password in Keychain App. It won't fix Cloud Outliner issues but will fix Evernote login issues.
  9. My thoughts also - I have tried MANY alternatives and bottom line is none of them have the search capabilities of EN. I also suspect many have not really explored v10 -for example few seem to use the Tasks facility, to me it requires a bit of a rethink but it works VERY well. Save searches and filters also really useful ETC. I did experiment with Apple notes but the search is not as good and there is not a real export option. I also have misgivings about relying on NEW software which is basically being beta tested by paying subscribers.
  10. I created a folder on Mac called 2Evernote ( You can call it whatever you like) then implemented Evernote/Preferences/import folder...to a Notebook called....Sort...... Anything I want in Evernote I dump in 2Evernote and it appears in "Sort".
  11. Possibly a simple solution= Insert a Single column table. A row for each section/chapter concept. You can drag the rows up and down = manually sort Select all and paste into text editor = job done.
  12. Evernote Reminders and be synched to outlook using https://evernote.cronofy.com Tasks are not. So if if is essential you use Outlook then set reminders for each project and use Evernote tasks within each project. Or use Microsoft tasks.
  13. Free normally means take it or leave it.
  14. On a MAC you can.....EN v 10. Blue +......Sketch. It that what you are looking for?
  15. You learn all the time with EN. I have a sort of solution to above. I have inserted the tasks widget in home page on MAC full width. I then use a keyboard shortcut to go to home screen.Gives full screen view of list of tasks. Incidentally done the same for Calendar with full width widget- for each project/meeting I have a note with a reminder. The reminder is "sent" to google calendar using evernote.cronofy which results in it displaying in calendar widget. I can then see calendar and tasks on same EN screen.
  16. This would be nice I agree. Something other than a single narrow column would make it so much easier to use or ability to drag and modify width of view column
  17. Ideally a full page task screen A calendar view making ...it easy to move tasks from date to date. Reminders in tasks being treated AS EN reminders ( they are not the same) I think the tasks utility is BETA as EN have implied but it IS brilliant and I have done away with todo apps. Using cronofy to link EN to a Google calendar then display the calendar within EN gives a sort of calendar view to use with tasks but is a work around not a solution
  18. I thought it would be useful to start a thread relating to the new Tasks function in EN. Has anyone taken it up and ran with it. I really see a use for it despite the tasks only being visible in a narrow strip on MAC on the iPad they are much better. Is anyone using it daily and figuring out a means of USING it?- very little on line , almost nothing on Youtube/reddit etc Please share.
  19. I forgot to add what RTM does is provide a way to quickly change dates of multiple reminders quickly. There appears no way to do that in EN it's self.
  20. I must have tried EVERY option to make this work and the best one - which I use everyday is the integration between Evernote and Remember the Milk.(RTM) RTM has two way integration with EN. Evernote reminders creates a reminder within RTM - if you change date in RTM the date is changed in EN and via versa. RTM also has a note keeping system and allows for repeats so if you are going to a meeting at a certain time and date it will remind you and allow you to access a relevant note. Chronofy is also an option which generates a DIARY entry from each EN reminder. This makes your diary somewhat messy. Another option is to use EN only. The IOS app makes it very easy to track reminders and actually change them. Two things that are VERY confusing…… Tasks are not integrated YET with any external systems so have to be managed within EN If a reminder is created WITHIN a task - ie to remind you to DO a task it appears to be treated differently to the “normal” reminder and does not generate a “reminder” in RTM or a diary entry in Mac Calendar. So options are Use EN only and become familiar with the new Task and Reminders or Use EN and RTM. After curing and fuming re new evernote I actually think they are getting close to being a good product again which can be used on a daily basis. Happy to hear of how (if??) others are managing EN/Reminders/calendar integration.
  21. a fix of sorts integrate EN Reminders into Remember the Milk ( RTM links to EN) use tasks as milestones and reminders as er reminders which show in RTM.
  22. The new Tasks utility has a LOT of potential however it is somewhat buried in the side bar. Suggestion allow a particular menu item to be set up within preferences as the HOME screen ie tasks ( Yes I KNOW there is a widget but on a Mac En seems not to default to Home Screen when opening and the widget is only half page) Are there any plans looking ahead to have a two way integration of EN Tasks and the Apple Ecosystem? RTM has a two integration using EN reminders but it requires a pro subscription and is over kill if you are an apple user. Thanks
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