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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Until this gets changed you can always insert emoji into to the name. for example notebook1, notebook2 It works for tags too.
  2. You can read up on it at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313558 I think there's also a Windows version
  3. I've seen messages like this from various people on the forums. My experience is that whenever I've opened a ticket, I have always got an email back with a ticket #. This was followed by a response from a live person. Sometimes the response was "known bug, we're following up on it"; but I've never been ignored.
  4. Its a feature I would make use of. Its also lacking in the EN tag hierarchy.
  5. Yes, I realize that; if you paste outside the Evernote application you get the web link. I just live with that in the IOS environment for now I did up vote this request - its at 9 now
  6. Further to the OT I encourage anyone wanting support to open a support ticket; link is below in my signature. We see Evernote employees occasionally in the forums, but its not guaranteed.
  7. Is this still an IOS request? Most of us aren't using external keyboards and can't make use of shortcuts. I would be concerned with the UI getting cluttered for something with a small use requirement. I understand the log files, but generally Evernote works better with a series of short notes. Do you think there are enough users to justify this?
  8. Welcome to the discussion. So far, we haven't heard any response from Evernote on the Archiving issue. An archive notebook is an idea, but people might not want to move their notes out of the current organization setup. I'm not a notebook fan, but I have sync'd, local, and shared notebooks. If you're looking for a work around, ideas have be discussed in this thread. Personally, I use an !Archive flag, and exclude that in my saved searches. edited: An archive stack is another idea for hiding obsolete notebooks
  9. Re; Getting Classic Link in IOS A little too complicated for a simple function. There are other work-arounds, but I usually just copy the private link.
  10. That's my problem too - I'm doing this quite often. However, the request has only been up-voted 9 times (top of this list)
  11. That's a nice feature. A flaw with my Evernote archive process is that the notes are always there. You have to specifically exclude them from searches. Thanks for sharing.
  12. As mentioned by @jefito above, in the absence of this, I'm using sub-documents and the linking feature
  13. I have been satisfied with the cut/paste process - I've only needed it for single notes; it wouldn't be adequate for a batch, It seemed the best process to ensure the formatting didn't get corrupted. It included my image attachments; not sure about audio attachments. Lately though, there is a known bug with attachments. My images are getting lost in the cut/paste - Assuming I catch it, I have to go back and handle the images individually,
  14. Not the notebook - just the note On my Mac, I have a local notebook for encryption. I move private notes in here temporarily to work on them. >>I'll just assume that once it is re-encrypted the un-encrypted version is permanently deleted from wherever. Its not a bad assumption. The more paranoid among us would have concerns that unencrypted data has gone into the cloud. >>But above all it is the inconsistency of features cross-platform which is greater than any other app I know. Yes, this has impacted me many times. I appreciate there are limitations for the mobile devices, but I would expect the desktop versions to be the same UI.
  15. Its one of the reasons I switch to the Notability app for serious note taking
  16. We've gone a little off topic, and encryption is not something I use much, but I'll try to explain further If you have un-encrypted data in a sync'd notebook, - It gets replicated to the other platforms, including the Evernote cloud. - It's also replicated in your note history This is not great if you want to keep it private, which I assume is desired because we're talking about encryption To be really secure, you should do your encryption in a Local Notebook, or outside Evernote You should only move the note to a sync'd notebook after you've done the encryption With basic Evernote IOS, you can't do encryption (perhaps for this very reason)
  17. I should have used the word notebooks instead of folders On the desktop (Mac or Windows) you have local notebooks and sync'd notebooks (default) You should always do your encryption/decryption in a local notebook.
  18. I'd prefer to see other priorities get addressed. I would think copy/paste should work fine for most use cases. For the exceptions, and automated button might have the same problems. >>Evernote is great for taking notes but not for heavy document processing. You need a word processor for that. Thats my feeling too. If your document is so complicated, you should be filing it as an attachment in its native format. >>Until they make this path from En -> MSWord easier, EN will remain a hobbled application. All software has various feature limits. I wouldn't call it hobbled.
  19. One thing has bothered me about your post. The iPad is not the greatest place to work with encrypted text. Yes, you can decrypt the text, for viewing. Even if you could edit it, you now have the decrypted text in a synced notebook.
  20. Since we're going off topic. My request would be less extensive. Currently EN allows the encryption of text within a note. This excludes attachments like pdfs and images. I'm not happy with the extra work to complete my note encryption.
  21. In all this discussion, that's the point that I strongly agree with. I feel its my choice/responsibility to encrypt my data, but it bothers me that Evernote only goes halfway on this. I looked at external products (example Saferoom) but the result is less functional.
  22. That would be like saying - "For me, its a fact that the earth is flat" on a Planet Earth forum discussion I would also express my disagreement to that Of course the person is entitled to hold any opinion they want. But if they are going to express it, it should be based on sound facts. I will admit that they said "For me" which possibly mean that it doesn't have to fact based.
  23. Can you explain further. I'm not a OneNote user so I'm not familiar with the features. I'm assuming the first requirement is that your notes would have to be flagged as Archival. What does OneNote have to identify your search as Archive vs non-Archive.
  24. I'd have to disagree on this. If I had serious task management requirements, I'd be looking at different apps. However my task management requirements are simple and I do them within Evernote. For me, Evernote is the best digital filing cabinet in the world, and the PIM features are an added bonus.
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