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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Hi Saferoom people. I think the product is great and I intend to use it. Was there any followup on this concern? As per the above note, I am concerned about the encrypted note being corrupted and unusable. Not even from infants, it could be myself accidentally hitting some keys. Of course this could be resolved if Evernote would implement a read-only feature. If this is still an issue, I'm going to make sure I have a backup. I'm thinking after encryption I have to do something with the original notes sitting in the intake notebook. I can just move them to a local backup notebook.
  2. OK - I got the message - you'd like encryption done at the notebook level and I'm sure the people at EN have noted it. I don't understand why this prevents you from using Evernote. Yes, it means you have to work around this, probably encrypting the data before you import it, or using local notebooks. Does this really make it impossible to use Evernote? Has anyone tried out the app Saferoom? It seems to be the best solution I can find.
  3. Xavier_ Could you expand the scope on this to change font/colour and background colour to all mobile platforms
  4. I find this to be the best work around in the absence of internal hyperlinks. It also resolves a few issues Lengthy notes are problematic; chance of corruption; searches are less effective. For example, in the case of a journal, I find it better to keep separate days instead on an entire month or year I can simulate collapsing and expanding sections by using links to sub-documents
  5. I think that's the most significant point in answering this question. If it's the technical definition of backup, you have to be looking at file backups both on and off site. If we're taking about trying to retrieve a note that somehow got purged, I go to my html export. And by purged I mean it's gone, not in the trash; not on the EN cloud.
  6. My understanding is this "feature" triggers when you sign out, and then try to sign back in without Internet access. If you never sign out, you will have access to your data.
  7. I don't think that's a valid assumption. Perhaps they listened, investigated, and said no, for many of the reasons given in this thread. Or, perhaps they decided this is the greatest idea since sliced bread and are adding it to our development plans. I find it sad that posts like this and so many others in the forums post suggestions, and then denigrate the product if there suggestion is not accepted and implemented immediately. I'll admit there's no impact to me; I'm an apple user with no access to SD cards.
  8. That's a good approach to handling these things. I'm glad to see you didn't add scorn and derision towards the EN people, and say you'll pay for the service when EN adds this feature; as other's did in this thread, and in the forum when they want a feature added. You might also use the voting button in the upper left corner.
  9. In the absence of an Evernote Archive feature, I see using an Archive tag as the best alternative. I agree that it is inconvenient having to add the -tag to searches, however if you use saved searches and the shortcut bar it means you only have to do it once for frequently used searches.
  10. I'm sorry you read that in my message. It was not my intention.
  11. Right. From the forums you can see that people want Evernote to do Task Management, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Hand Writing and so on. Its ok to ask for features, I'm just saying be polite.
  12. I don't like to see the tone of some of these messages. It's one thing too ask for a feature. However it's sad to berate or belittle Evernote staff. The feature may be important to you; however that doesn't mean it's important for the product. And the comments that state how simple it would be to implement the request. That doesn't seem to intelligent. If you need recurring reminders right now, use an alternate product. I use The Apple Remider feature. As to the task management comments, Evernote is adequate for me. If I needed additional features, I would use an alternate product but I would want it to interface with my Evernote data. I use Evernote for brief notes, but for me its main strength is as a digital filing cabinet.
  13. For 2000 notes, I think it would be worthwhile following up on a restore One of the good things about EN is that the users master database is In the cloud. Except for local notebooks which I don't use for that reason. Since you've already blown away your local notebooks, I wouldn't worry about messing up on the Mac. It can be easily restored from the cloud. As you've seen, restoring from your time capsule backups is all or none. You can't do selective notes or notebooks. So, don't even look at the SQL stuff. Restore at the higher level folder level. One caution; I would be disconnected from the Internet while I was doing this restore. You don't want to mess up the data in the cloud. .
  14. I would certainly find it irritating and fustrating having to export my notes. Using a tag would just be part of the process.
  15. I don't understand why you want a separate tagging system to flag your notes as Archived. What is the problem with using the current system and using an Archive tag.
  16. Sounds complicated. There are also people asking for outlining features like collapsible/expandable bullet features. In the meantime, have you considered dividing your list into separate notes,and including links so you can go from between sections.
  17. >>Journal. Is there a way I can create multiple notes for one month each with a diffrent date at one time? Not sure how to do it at one time, but you can use the IFTTT service to create a note each morning. It can also insert information like weather.
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