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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Strikethrough is still working for me A checkbox only has two settings checked and unchecked - no other features like grey colour
  2. Seems like a niche request. It could be satisfied using a search, for example created:yyyymmdd -created:yymmdd+1 but a script would be needed to generate the date; easily done using Applescript on my Mac
  3. Some people might not be aware that its a known problem and being worked on They might be interested in the work-arounds And there are others who just want to post their whines. They think if they keep posting the same thing as other posts, the problems will get solved faster.
  4. You do realize this was caused by the OS Sierra upgrade. Some things got broken when Apple upgraded their Mac OS; some were recognized ahead of time and taken care of - other problems are being followed up on My understanding is that Evernote is working on a fix
  5. This has been discussed, and is being worked on I can open attachments (pdf) and view them. However, they seem to be read only. If I update the attachment I need to save to my desktop and the drag the new copy into the note.
  6. The discussion is about creating quick notes with the Evernote widget on the Notification screen. More details are Discussed here The share sheets are used to pass data between applications. For example clipping web pages to Evernote. More details are Discussed here
  7. Note, version 10 is out of beta. You might want to upgrade to the official release
  8. I found I could annotate other pages if I used the sidebar thumbnails to switch pages. Scrolling didn't work for me
  9. I'm not seeing Evernote as the tool for this. The editor is good for notes, but I don't think of Evernote's core function as a word processor fwiw I keep the my notes short, and use links to "sub notes". My version of expanding a section is double clicking a link. To compress the section, I click on the back arrow
  10. I'm not a Skitch user. Is this related to the pdf annotation issue in os Sierra?
  11. It looks like the annotation problems are still being worked on, so we'll have to continue to be patient As I pointed out earlier I am able to annotate page 1, and subsequent pages. Outstanding is scrolling; For annotating, I have to use the thumbnails in the sidebar to move between pages. A separate issue is using Preview for annotation. The pdf appears to be read only, and a new copy is created. I create the new copy on my desktop and drag it into my note to replace the original
  12. Not sure what you're looking for - this is a user forum, and there are users participating
  13. I'm participating in the beta program and can tell you the problem has been partially resolved. I am able to annotate page 1, and subsequent pages. Outstanding is scrolling; For annotating, I have to use the thumbnails in the sidebar to move between pages.
  14. I've moved this to the feature requests forum so that it can be better addressed. Users can indicate support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner. I left a temporary link in the original forum. You might add a note there with a link to this message
  15. Thats good, because Evernote doesn't charge for it's software or updates fwiw Evernote just implemented the "common editor" on the Mac I'm hopeful thats a step towards parity with the other platforms, and getting Find/Replace on Macs
  16. Why do you think there will be a version 6.9.3? The latest version is 6.10 Beta 3 Theres no timetable for a version 6.10 release, but it's imminent
  17. I kow they're working on this and have it partly fixed I'm using @mike_rametta's solution to advance pages
  18. This is not correct Not sure about people managing to boot my computer without a password I know for certain they can't launch Evernote without specifying my userid and password As to Evernote implementing a PIN on the Windows/Mac platform, I'm sure its on the list and a simple matter of allocating resources to get the work done. Evernote implemented a PIN (and fingerprint) on my iPhone and iPad, so I'm being patient and waiting for the other platforms. Its childish to be posting with your name calling and taunts. I see this as a question of priorities, and accept there could be other work that's more important
  19. From my point of view, pdfs are an external document to Evernote, and my user experience is that I'm always going to an external process for annotation. - Even with the internal pdf editor - it doesn't feel integrated like the note editing (html) However, it serves the purpose for basic editing - for more serious work, I turn to a dedicated app The Notability app is my choice for serious pdf review/annotation (and serious note taking) Evernote remains my choice for filing and organization; when I'm finished my annotation, I store the output in Evernote You said "Note taking and document annotation is the crux of Evernote" And others have requested word processing and spreasheet features My feeling is filing, organization, syncing and sharing are the crux of Evernote - the other features are just a bonus
  20. I up voted There is a theory that Created Date is the date the note is created, and should not be changed. There is a Subject Date field, but we can't update that either. As per @gazumped, I put the subject date into the title
  21. Please indicate your support for nested notebooks using the voting buttons in the upper left corner. For sure, people have different methods of organization. I happen to like the tag methodology. I would not chose to use a product that doesn't support tags I'm wondering: Why are you using Evernote if you need a folder structure? >>As I am not willing to take the time to tag every item entered But you are willing to take the time to search through a folder structure to file every item entered
  22. Not sure exactly what you're referring to - you're posting in the Mac forum Evernote doesn't maintain much of a database on the iPhone (exception for offline notebooks). When a note is looked at, the data is retrieved from the Evernote servers
  23. While you have the pdf opened in Preview, you could make use of the annotiation features. Its a different featureset but it might be adequate
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