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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. What problem, and what claims from updates? If you accidenly deleted a note, why not retrieve it from the Trash Still not clear on what issue you're reporting - Mac and something about encryption password?
  2. Any ideas on design changes? My suggestion is for Evernote to implement a read-only feature to minimize accidental deletion of content >>If you have the basic program, you cannot recover your data and it can be lost completely in the free version of the app. You might want to consider implementing a backup process. Its easy enough to do on Macs - my process is documented here My process runs over night so I still run the risk of losing data during the day. As you mentioned, Evernote has a Note History feature that captures data more frequently. If you accidently delete a note, it can be recovered from the Trash notebook.
  3. I think you're posting into a completely different feature request; this request is for a passcode (PIN) at the application level >>I hope some employee see this topic and send to its boss to consider this feature. It would be more constructive to locate a feature request in the feedback fotrum and add your vote, (voting buttons in the upper left corner)
  4. As @gazumped said, there is no current version in beta To download beta versions, you have to be using the software downloaded directly from Evernote. You also have to set your prederences to allow beta downloads >>When I open a pdf to annotate it is blurry. I am so tired of this. I have not seen this reported before. Can you post a screenshot?
  5. Would you have an estimate of the number of Linux users willing to pay for Evernote? It's ok to include existing users
  6. And that is why you should not copy your data into multiple notebooks Sure, have duplicate notes - but link back to a single note that holds the content If it's just yourself, use an internal link; if public, use a web url
  7. Sorry, just not that important for me; I feel Evernote has more important work that redesigning the system for archiving fwiw I archive my notes; been doing so for years. I use an Archive tag; other solutions have been posted If a dedicated archive is the most important feature for you, you should switch to a different product. Its a smart move. Good bye, Good Luck
  8. Still not built in, but less time consuming: As per @csihilling, make use of a text expansion utility I also use keyboard text replacement (built into Mac and iPad). I just type "-a,," My main searches are saved as shortcuts so the archive entry is already included
  9. I moved this to the feature request forum Please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner This is also discussed at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/96018-writing-from-right-to-left-in-hebrew-or-arabic/?do=findComment&comment=406915 indictating a bug that is being worked on
  10. I don't know of Evernote's priority list or work schedule, however you can influence the priorities by adding your vote to this request The voting buttons are in the upper left corner, and the vote count is currently
  11. Just discovered this The Relevance Column suddenly appeared when I had a search that includes reminder date The sort order also shows Sort By Relevance
  12. The Mac/Windows platforms are much better at table processing than the iOS platforms. I did find I could log in using Safari on my ipad. When you get the "not supported" message, switch to the desktop site by holding down the refresh button (curved arrow at the end of the url space) Its not a great experience, but does allow you to create a table.
  13. It's just a folder set up so any contents are automatically imported into Evernote. On Windows, it's actually an Evernote feature. - You identify folders and Evernote watches for files added to the folder. On Macs, the process is driven by the OS, but we have to do some extra work. - The OS has a folder-actions feature that trigger when files are added to the folder. The folder-actions can trigger execution of Applescript or Automator workflows - At it's basic, a note is created in Evernote with the file as an attachment - This can be customized for Title, Notebook, Tags etc. - My applescript process is documented here Another process is documented at http://veritrope.com/evernote-desktop-folder/
  14. Highlight colours have been requested, but there's been no response from Evernote. You might want to go to a request post and add your vote. For example
  15. One way of identifying what "user's want or need" is the vote count - upper left corner of the request. This request has only 8 votes What process are you using to identify "what user's want or need" and how do you determine priority.
  16. Is Evernote the best tool to be using for academic drafts. As you found out, the note editor doesn't have extensive features; have you looked at the printing? I'd use Evernote to store the file, but would use a dedicated word processing app for the actual editing.
  17. I added my vote. I'm thinking this request for read-only access should apply to all platforms. You might check the forum for existing requests before posting. There are other requests for this feature, and multiple requests cause the vote to be split. Its interesting that Android has this feature
  18. If you review this forum, you will see the same request has been posted multiple times. The request would be better addressed if you add your vote or comment to one of the original requests. Repeating the request splits the user vote. Personally, I avoid using long notes. The definition of "note" usually indicates brief or short. Regardless, I up-voted the request; voting buttons in the upper left corner
  19. There is no "transfer ownership etc" concept. My solution would be to become the new owner by creating a new notebook, copying the notes, resharing the new notebook
  20. For me, the core of Evernote is a digital filing cabinet; the storage, organization and retrieval of my data
  21. What a load of BS Disregarding the "Linux are a massive majority of the people who have contributed millions of man hours of work to the community" Evernote is a business paying a staff for services. Try presenting a business case for Evernote to commit money/resources to a Linux project
  22. It would be more productive adding your vote to a feature request for example go to the request below - voting buttoms are in the upper left corner As @gazumped said, nested stacks/notebooks isn't Evernote's organization method. You might want to look at tags
  23. Strikethrough is still working for me A checkbox only has two settings checked and unchecked - no other features like grey colour
  24. Seems like a niche request. It could be satisfied using a search, for example created:yyyymmdd -created:yymmdd+1 but a script would be needed to generate the date; easily done using Applescript on my Mac
  25. Some people might not be aware that its a known problem and being worked on They might be interested in the work-arounds And there are others who just want to post their whines. They think if they keep posting the same thing as other posts, the problems will get solved faster.
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