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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. No hints, we can only post requests and indicate our support by voting >>b. We better forget it. Personally, I carry on and work out how I can use features like "text collapse" My approach is to switch to dedicated word processing apps that offer the feature. I continue to file the documents in EN.
  2. There is no conversion option, you have to rescan I'd be concerned why the original scan failed to set up a business card. Can you tell us about your scanning process? This isn't a plus/premium issue. I moved the discussion to the General Discussions forum
  3. There is no mind map function in EN Not sure which tutorial you looked at, but the paperclip icon is used to add files as attachments to a note. This is one of the strengths of the EN product. The file attachment could be any format: image, PDF, word-processing, spreadsheet ...including mind map This means you can open the mind map file attachment in its native app, and have all the mind map functions
  4. It may be obvious to you. I'm busy testing/reviewing the Mac improvements in v6.11 edited Still no indication of Find and Replace
  5. I also use keywords for searching within notes You might want to be careful with special characters; they are dropped for searches <Keyword_PRICING> works better
  6. Thanks for the details My practice is to not copy my recurring tasks, but I append a "Completed yyyymmdd" log to the bottom of the note
  7. Is there something special about the !Daily tag, or just a tag you use often?
  8. We're a user discussion forum here; you could contact support and open a ticket Contact Evernote Support
  9. It's only available at the Premium level, but you just need to subscribe for a single month Yes, the data is being constantly backed up for everyone and runs several times a day
  10. No "hide" option, but you can drag the sidebars and minimize the widths Personally, I use the top list view You also have the option of opening notes in their own window.
  11. I think that's what the request is about; at least that's why I added my vote I'm happy with a tag, but I think people really want an archive/hide toggle on the note
  12. You've posted the request and users can add their support with the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion Personally, I don't want Evernote doing any modification of my lists. Its sufficient to have the checkbox indicator. I know what you're looking for; I've seen dedicated list applications that hide completed items etc I just don't want to open the potential for my work to be messed up
  13. No preset filter views delivered with Evernote For my tag workaround, I have the filter in my shortcuts, and a keyboard shortcut to type in the searchbox
  14. I don't want to "put" my archive notes anywhere. They are fine where they are. My objective is a method to include/exclude them from view
  15. I was addressing archiving notes My solution to archiving tags was rename and prefix with an x. They're still visible, but at least they're at the bottom of the list
  16. I could see it being done - an button on the note panel to indicate Achive - a button on the main page to indicate Ignore Archive and replicate the function to all platforms Users can add their vote to indicate support for the Request (voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion)
  17. In my search box I usually have -tag:!Archived I can remove it if I want to see archived notes
  18. I think the result would be the same - archived notes not visible
  19. Not sure what "clutter" you're trying to solve I use a !Archive tag and search to remove archived notes from my note lists
  20. I use a keyboard shortcut expander (it's a builtin feature on Macs) so I just type o,, and it's converted to Ω
  21. Have you looked at the Shortcuts section I actually have too many notes that I want "pinned" so instead I use a tag (!Hot Notes) that I apply to notes I want quick access to The tag is "pinned" at the top of my shortcuts
  22. Ω I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
  23. It looks like you clicked the info icon, then clicked the + icon This adds existing tags to the note
  24. Its done at the note level You click on the info button (circled i) and see Add Tag
  25. Evernote has not shared their request list, but I'm confident they've taken taken note of this request. As to which requests they implement, that's another discussion. It's their product, and I can accept that some requests are rejected or not implemented immediately. I do indicate my support by adding my vote to the requests I favour
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