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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I don't have this but don't use AVG either. Could you bear the pain of disabling/uninstalling AVG and allowing Windows Security to step in and see if that fixes things? I use ESET anti-virus.
  2. I'm assuming that you are attempting to open a PDF that is saved inside a note... Right click the title bar at the top of the PDF and you will see Open as one of the options. In the legacy version of Evernote you could click anywhere in the PDF but not version 10.x
  3. The dictionary is not accessible to EN10. So it cannot be added to or updated. This is a much requested need. But at this point not available.
  4. Evernote 10 does not always delete the folders relating to EN 6.25. Have a browse and see whether the c:\users\<your_name>\Evernote still exists and has data in it. If it does then make a copy straightaway for safety. Now navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote Double click on Evernote.exe If all is well the old version of Evernote should launch and all your old data should still be available. By now, if this has worked, you will feel able to relax. You can either abandon Evernote 10 and stick with the old version or you can follow the link that @gazumped provided and follow the advice for importing local folders into the cloud with EN 10. However, local notes are not supported in EN v10.
  5. There is a known issue with the notes displaying blank. Have you tried to Quit Evernote and then restart. It will be a temporary fix. The problem will, eventually return.
  6. There was a system error yesterday which is resolved but there is an indication that it might take 12 hours to roll out across the EN v10 world. A workaround is offered...
  7. Import folders are not, currently, part of Evernote v10. If Import folders are a key part of your workflow then stick with v6.25 for the time being.
  8. Ctrl+Alt+4 has never worked for me in any program to enter the Euro symbol. I've always used Alt+0128 = € My PC only offers Alt+xxxx for special characters. Alt+ is the default Windows 10 key combination so I'm content with this... Ctrl+Alt+4 does work as you describe for me in EN v10.2.4 and AltGr+4 works in the Title andthe body text. I have a new PC recetnly so perhaps Ctrl+Alt+4 will work in Word etc.
  9. @nstacy3 If you have an Excel sheet on, say, your desktop - not inside Evernote - can you double click the icon and open it inside the Excel program. It feels like you might not have the xls or xlsx file extension associated with Excel.
  10. In EN 10 renaming is handled from the Notebooks pane. Click on the Notebooks heading in the Sidebar. THis will open the full list of Notebooks. THis is the pane from which you can create new notebooks, rename existing one and do stuff with stacks. Not as intuitive as EN v6.25 but where it has to be done - at least for now.
  11. I think we all read this stuff through a particular filter... Early on I was deeply anxious with nothing I used working. Gradually I've seen a good number of my missing requirements restored and I've got to the point where I can do almost everything that I previously did. Some of it requires different key strokes, going to a different place in the UI or whatever but things have gradually been returning. Right at this minute, with 6.25 still working I'm more troubled by a few persistent bugs that don't seem to be addressed but if v6.25 was withdrawn and blocked from use then my perspective would change.
  12. There is no option to configure the left-hand notes/tags/shortcuts list panel other than adjust its width in EN 10. There is a promise of the ability to personalise the configuration of the program but nothing available at the moment.
  13. I'm not sure that there is an absence of communication. I keep seeing interviews with Ian Small and he is taking the criticism on the chin. For example, he says that the release of v10 into the public sphere was necessary as they had to see how the widest number of users would work with the apps. Before release, the EN team said that version 6.25 would remain for sometime and would be useable alongside v10 and this has been possible. My view is that the v10 release has been mishandled and poorly communicated. It is a foundation product which will allow the EN tech team to rebuild and go beyond the existing application. They didn't promise a complete product but many of us expected, assumed or otherwise thought that's what v10 would be from launch. As it is v10.2.4 is significantly improved over some of the Beta and Preview releases but it continues to lack lots of stuff. It isn't clear what is scheduled to return apart from a few notified items. For those that want to stay with the existing features then the legacy version is the way to go. Avoid moving to v10. If you enjoy rollercoaster rides then switch to v10. Otherwise, running both versions on a desktop does work well.
  14. THis may the occasionally reported issue where the notes 'freeze' and content disappears. The usual fix is to Quit the program and restart. That always works for me.
  15. I can't reproduce this. Neither with the note open in a window of its own nor in the note pane. In both instances I can remove a tag by clicking the tag in the bottom left of the window/pane and choosing Remove Tag. Similarly adding a tag in the bottom left tag dialogue works just fine with the mouse. So there is something amiss but not universally so.
  16. I have two links appearing in the Shared With Me 'folder' in version 10.2.4. These notes relate to items I once had but no longer have. I chose to unlink from them. They don't appear in the 'Shared With Me' space in the legacy app. They do not appear in the current release version for Android. They DO appear in the new Web version. THere is something going on in the newer software that is retaining stuff I'm choosing to get rid of.
  17. In the EN helper in the Sytem Tray right-click shows a menu which offers Ctrl+N to start a New Note. This does not work from the sys tray or when the desktop has the focus. Ctrl+N only works when EN 10.x is open and has focus. The Ctrl+N notation in the helper is misleading.
  18. When I create internal notelinks using the right click mouse, select the option, paste into a new note OR Ctrl+Alt+L, paste into a new note, the resulting links open inside the Windows application. Interestingly, if I click the link, then select open using the mouse the note opens inside the application - ie the linked note takes the focus. If I Ctrl+Left Click the link then the note opens in a new window. Ctrl+Right Click opens a different menu but open then opens the note in the application with focus in the linked note. I confess that I'm on the continuing Beta trial so my experience may vary from the current 10.1.7 release
  19. WE can presume but I'm not sure that we can be confident I hope you are correct...
  20. I have this issue often - not daily but often enough. The solution is to QUIT Evernote (either File | Quit Evernote) or right click on the system tray icon and choose Quit Evernote. Then restart the program and the missing content will be displayed again. I wish I had the power to merge the few threads that raise this to combine the evidence of the problem. It dates back to previous Beta releases. Frustratingly I cannot find a consistent trigger to offer steps to reproduce. As for reverting to the previous version... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314?fbclid=IwAR2TNqp-eGRH3Ds8Vfu-CiKPjYolJzZ_keR9eWQaDahJ2GN-7hwn595zI8w&__s=bsetfdgzirbvqtopurph
  21. No. First of all install version 10.x then run the installer for the old legacy version. You get desktop icons for both versions. I rename these to make sure I can clearly see which version is which. If you download the newly created legacy version 6.25.2 then I blieve that the only difference is that the desktop icon is coloured grey rather than green which makes it easier to see which one you are running. Once the desktop legacy version is installed you may need to recustomize the toolbar to have what you had previously.
  22. Sure, you can and should use the legacy version of the application if version 10 hasn't developed well enough for you. Both work, both can be installed at the same time. I don't have the download link to hand but a search in the forums should find one of the many posts which answers this question.
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