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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. No. What you mention is what you get. There may be a way to import one or other of those formats to Excel, but that's an Excel tech query, not an Evernote one.
  2. Unless it's 9 or above, it won't support Evernote. If you do have the Evernote v10 app installed, try uninstalling the app, power cycling the phone and re-downloading from the Play store
  3. Sorry - forgot the background. Worst case, you can request a full refund from Evernote if the payment goes through, though it may take a while. Meantime I suggest you contact Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new / use "Account" as the issue type and ask them to change your subscription level for you / arrange a refund if they don't get to it before the date. Plus if you can - talk to your bank or card company and try to stop the payment that way! Good luck...
  4. Never heard of the product - what are you hoping to do with it?
  5. Hi. Depending on how many times you tried, you may now be locked out; but go online to https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action and revoke access to everything that you see there. If you are successful you can try to connect with one of the iPhones. If not you will need to wait out a month's suspension or subscribe for at least a month to get around the restriction.
  6. Hi. Two options: Create a new empty note and copy the contents from this note in to it. Allow it to sync. Then try your changes. Or - Export your original note to an ENEX file. Delete the original. Reimport the copy & retry the changes.
  7. Hi. What do you see on screen and what happens when you try?
  8. Hmmn. Do you use Evernote on your phone? It should be possible to upgrade via the app...
  9. Now where did I put those pins... OK - this is (I hope) easy-peasy. Simply sign out of Evernote (v10) and choose NOT to save your notes on the server. Then re-download the latest update from Evernote.com and re-install. It's take a while to re-create your existing database from the server so leave it running for a couple of hours to catch up. When you're next deleting, try creating a new notebook (archive?) and search for your tagged notes. Select 100, move to the archive / remove the tag. Rince and repeat. Once they're there at your mercy you can delete the whole notebook all at once. Beware that major changes take time to copy across your devices, so use one device for all changes and be patient until you see the changes have been applied! If there's anything else you need please let us know!
  10. Hi. That's something I can't answer. I can only suggest you contact Support to raise this query and are patient for their reply!
  11. Hi. Have you tried closing the page and quitting the browser, then trying again? Or even powering your device off and on again?
  12. With the new version I will no longer have access to geographic coordinates, I will need an Evernote Professional account which is more expensive. I believe you should find that the Personal plan will also allow you to search for geographic locations If I switch from a Personal account to a Professional account will I keep my geographic coordinates? Geographic locations should be carried over to your new account With the new versions where is the database installed on the disk? There's a hidden folder called Appdata Can I ask you for more details about your use of co-ordinates and need for the folder location? Can you share the process you use? There's some more information here... Save note location information
  13. Hi. What country are you connecting from? There are occasional issues with national or local firewalls. It may help if you download the Evernote update again from Evernote.com and reinstall it. Any unsynced notes that were saved to your local database should be safe - copy the existing databases folder to another location to make sure you have a backup in case something goes wrong.
  14. I think it's a horrible idea. Heaven knows how many members of the Forums there are - since past staff members pop up from time to time there are at least thousands of members, and a new Teams account would have to have access for them all (unless someone's going to go through all the registrations and check them against usage...) That then gives access to a Teams account which could possible be abused (remember free accounts...) and probably needs development to disconnect the related personal account that normally goes with membership. I do totally agree with you that the Forums should be far easier to negotiate, and that it would be nice if new enquiries could be added to the correct thread. But. Have you met our users? A significant percentage co-incidentally tend to begin their posts in the Teams forum, regardless of what actual account type they have. And most need to be asked for their OS and Evernote versions, plus more details of their particular issue - which is often the 10th such post we've had on the topic that week. I did start putting together a 'standard fixes' list that was suddenly in need of a total rewrite when the Legacy / Price / Feature changes went through. What we have is not great, but my strategy is to sign up to all the categories so I get an email for each new post (they go to a separate folder in my email client so I can get some work done occasionally). I'll use that to find the post, and either follow it, respond to it or delete the mail if someone's already responded to an old issue. As each fix is confirmed, I add that detail to a database (guess where) so I can find it again quickly if there's another post on the same theme. It's a process I've honed over the years (old CS tech here, remember...) so it works well for me - and for most other posters with tech issues. Unfortunately as I've whinged elsewhere, the converts from Legacy and Price rises are going to keep us plenty busy for the near future! Maybe things will be quieter for Christmas '24. PS - A certain COO(?) is going to stop reading his links soon I would imagine. Federico must feel like the captain of a cruise ship who walks out on deck and gets greeted by... "Did you know the hot water doesn't work in my stateroom?" "Why was the pool closed last night?" "The motor is very noisy - I can't sleep" "Can we have a boat drill tomorrow? Today's not very convenient..." "I want red curtains in my cabin" "Why is the weather so bad?!" - There are over a thousand different issues up in the air at the moment, and each user wants theirs dealt with first, and preferably tomorrow. The proper route is through Support (and yes I know...) - the captain should have a lot more important things to make decisions on!
  15. You seem unable to make the step from Legacy to v10. As has already been said several times by myself and others - we're able to do whatever we require with v10. I dubt your needs are so demanding that you're an exception. There is no 'hot mess' apart from the one you keep referencing. If you wish to avoid more deletions please see my note above, and try helping rather than heckling.
  16. I'm a little confused because I did a quick dive into my local data storage (as set in Tools>Preferences>Application -and scroll to the bottom). Against the 39(ish)GB that my Backupery files are saved to (I get 400+ files, one per notebook) the Evernote folder has nearly 500,000 files in 36GB. Not sure if that's compression or what. The files are arranged in pretty anonymous folders like this - which was 150GB If you copied this stuff, the only way to restore it would be to create a 'new' Evernote account and overwrite whatever's in appdata with your saved stuff. I don't like any part of that. It's a single point of total failure, which generally tend to be bad. And messing with that area might crash any and all accounts you have - I found my test account details in the same place. My Backupery still works (rather slowly...) but I'm rather proud of it recovering after my summary disconnection and password change yesterday and simply continuing with the current back. That's good software! I do know that Backupery uses Mongo DB and I want to learn more about that. Likewise there's the Github project and @mackid1993's scripting which are completely independent of Evernote and a moderate reassurance, though both do suffer from that single developer 'hit by a bus' risk that outside factors might cause them, to disappear. And there's CloudHQ who can backup 17 different ways from Sunday, but charge a LOT for their service. I really would like Evernote to offer an ENEX export that can be scripted (sorry Denis) - and someone suggested that standard automation tools like Make (Integromat) might be able to cope. Haven't had the patience to sit down and try yet - I did ask in the Make forums whether anyone is using it with Evernote so I'll report back if I get comments. There's a lot of protection in Note History, and Evernote's daily server backups, but push comes to shove I like to have my data somewhere I can touch it - so an extra download is a good protection. It does put more of a strain on the servers, so maybe the plan should be to develop software that uses the local files to build an original snapshot - though that then doubles the local storage and there are already complaints that it's too much!
  17. I sympathise - I also use an Android 8 phone and my Evernote got deleted a couple of weeks ago. I don't use the phone for much, but it was a good device to use for photos and add web clips. I'm doing both now via email (Gmail in my case) direct to the email address of my account, which works pretty well. I'm actually not missing the app yet... Find your Evernote email address - Save emails into Evernote
  18. I deleted an unhelpful post here... please be aware I can also delete users if necessary...
  19. Hi. If support isn't helping you, please tell them that. I don't understand the issue with Gmail - that's the service I use and I've had no issues contacting them when necessary... and as to cancelling - how did this happen? I've never seen someone's account be closed without their direct intervention - or a card going out of date...
  20. Hi. This is very much a user supported space - to have a dialogue with Evernote please start here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  21. ...Or use one of the list views and if you don't see a 'created' column, right-click the titles and add it from the options... (I have some weird dates...)
  22. ...for the next 25 days. EDIT: I deleted one post here for name-calling... If anyone wants to contribute here, asking questions / giving advice / expressing opinions is allowed - from (sadly) anyone. Constantly harping on about one topic and calling other people trolls - not a good idea.
  23. Evernote may have been working on one of their servers, so it's quite possible that access will come back.
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