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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You could read the other entries in this forum which explain how to do it, or you could download the latest version 10.81 from Evernote.com which includes the option.
  2. Hi. You can log into Evernote on any other device to see, edit, print or export your notes, which are saved on Evernote's servers. You won't be able to use your old phone to open the app, but you could still send information to Evernote by 'sharing' it via email to your Evernote address.
  3. Hi. If an upgrade / update doesn't work, try restarting the device and check again. If it is still faulty please re-download the file from Evernote.com and install / upgrade again. This is not something anyone else can fix for you. Also: please remove your email address from the post above. There will be no replies from Evernote but this is a public forum and you may make new friends you don't want...
  4. How about we say that the 'winging about other contributors' portion of this exercise is over and just stop stirring? No-one here is perfect (especially including me). Please feel free to discuss and compare Evernote and other apps, but lay off the personals (justified or not).
  5. Hi. I get this in other apps too - seems like an extra "are you sure?" prompt to make it clear you're leaving the safe confines of Evernote and going out into the big wide Interweb... and no; there' no way around it. Sorry.
  6. Evernote has new owners who have (if you read the post immediately above yours) more or less rebuilt the back-end from the ground up in the past year. No-one yet knows their future detailed plans, but specialised tools for coders are probably not high on the list. We're mostly users here - contact Evernote direct if you want to make your case...
  7. Hi. We might be able to help if you can share your device, OS and Evernote versions, plus a screen shot?
  8. Hi. Looks like Zotero uses different codes from Evernote for spaces. Have you tried removing formatting or pasting as plain text?
  9. Hi. It would be useful to know what versions of MacOS and Evernote are in use here. I don't understand what you mean by 'automated backups' - there's no such system within Evernote. Plus you say notes after 27 February are missing, and then "we tried the web client - same story there, everything is gone". The usual story for 'lost' notes is that a user makes a small mistake when logging in, which generates a new, empty account. The answer there is simply to log out and then - carefully - back in.. Support have been vey slow of late - if you made contact via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new then you will hear from them, but it won't be a quick response.
  10. Hi. If there are only two of you (or generally less than 6) I'd say - don't use Teams. You'll have the complications of a business account and two separate personal accounts, which all require constant admin to allow individuals access to the parts of the account they need... Plus you can't 'upgrade' to Teams - you need to be a new subscriber at that account level and invite others to join you. Easier just to subscribe to another personal account and share notebooks between you.
  11. Try downloading the latest version from Evernote.com - it's (currently) 10.81.4 and updates don't show up via the app very quickly.
  12. Thanks for the screenshot - which leads to the question: how was ai 'applied' to the images? (and how are there multiple images - this just looks like one image) Oh and... ?
  13. There seem to be a lot of queries about slow / no loading. Would have been nice if everyone had used the same thread. Best advice - contact Support. (Yes I know.) If everything worked two days ago, it may all work again tomorrow. Evernote are working server side as we speak. If it doesn't fix itself they may get back to you later. I see you're a free user - look for 'guest' access to the support page https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  14. Mostly other users here - contact Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new to -eventually- get individual attention. Thumbnails have been a lottery for some time, and AFAIK are chosen by some formula from all images available. Larger files may be slow / problematic because there are a lot of options. If it's important to you that the right thumbnail exists, maybe create your own with a screenshot. I asked Claude.ai whether there were standard sizes for thumbnails and it came up with: Yes, there are some general industry standards and preferred formats for thumbnail images: Size: The most commonly used thumbnail size is 160x160 pixels square. Other popular sizes include 100x100 pixels and 200x200 pixels square. For video thumbnails, a common size is 120x90 pixels (4:3 aspect ratio). Formats: JPEG (.jpg) is the most widely used and preferred format for thumbnail images. PNG (.png) is also commonly used, especially for thumbnails with transparent backgrounds. Some additional best practices: Keep file sizes as small as possible, ideally under 50KB for faster loading. Use compressed images optimized for web delivery. For JPEGs, use an image quality of 60-80%. Consider using the WebP format for even better compression if widely supported. Maintain aspect ratio when resizing to avoid stretched/distorted thumbnails. By following these guidelines, you'll create thumbnail images that meet industry norms, display well across devices, and load quickly - providing a good user experience. However, keep in mind that specific platforms like social media, ecommerce sites etc. may have their own recommended thumbnail dimensions that could vary slightly. I took a screenshot of a PDF cover that did not have a visible thumbnail, reduced to a 150x150 JPG at 60% compression and added the image to the file - 30 seconds later - thumbnail! (Of course it might already have been loading in the background regardless of what I did...) Yes it's added work and extra keystrokes, but entirely your choice whether or not you want to bother...
  15. Hi again - basically all your notes are saved to the server and available anywhere you can connect to your account - except for those that have been created on one device and have not yet been uploaded. You're currently running 8.13, which is the Legacy app where compatibility is being dropped from the servers in literally a few hours. You really don't have any time left I'm afraid - it's likely that whatever you do now any notes that were unable to be uploaded will be lost.
  16. Since we're now up to 10.81.4 I'd suggest you download the latest setup file and give it another shot...
  17. Export your note(s) to ENEX files and re-import them / export to HTML files to see the attachments as separate files in a nested folder.
  18. I'm assuming you're not actually a Teams (business) user, so how about sharing your device, OS and Evernote version, and providing an example screenshot. I can easily add new images to my notes and delete old ones, so I really don't yet understand your issue...
  19. It's a good job that Pink Elephant can't see this sort of byplay*, otherwise they might be inclined to fire back with even more enthusiasm, and then you could argue that's unreasonable and should be banned and then you win... something. Everyone gets a lot of leeway here, but how about everyone gets back to complaining about how bad the software is and stops reacting to personal attacks? And not provoking them would be a good start... *Oh, wait...
  20. Sorry to restate the obvious, but you have a situation. If you update your phone (if that's what you're intending) any then unsynced notes will likely be lost. There's a remote outside chance that Evernote have by now built in something to find and add orphaned notes, but I doubt it. (A recent update on one of my desktops flashed up - "hey you have local notes. We'll save them for you...") You could check the total number of notes by Pixel and by Desktop to get a feel for the size of the problem, but I don't have any way to find a random 100 notes (for example) in a 24,000 note notebook, or to export / print / backup the whole content or any unsynced part of it. Since the synced notes will be available to you in any other device that runs the v10 app, you could take your Pixel offline and raise a query with Evernote Support (we're mainly other users here). That will take time and may not give you any answers, but at least it means your notes stored on the phone will be preserved for a while. Best of luck if you find an out somehow - please tell us if you do!
  21. Evernote is working for me in Windows 11 - try using Revo Uninstaller to remove the existing app, and download / install the latest version from Evernote.com. Leave Evernote running for a while to catch up.
  22. Hi. Usual explanation for 'all content gone' is that you made a small error with your detail and accidentally created a new (empty) account. Best advice is log out and -carefully- log back in. But on Android 8 your Evernote app might be version 18 which is Legacy and no longer supported - try your login with Evernote.com in a desktop browser...
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