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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. A great light dawns... That AI edit option pops up when you have selected enough content that the AI could - if you wished - suggest a different layout. I'm still 99.9% sure that it would have no effect on you manually editing the selected area in any way that you wish, including changing images. But you'd need to contact Support (who are currently "a little busy") - and be very patient - to get more on this. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  2. Hi. Please try to uninstall and reinstall your app - you may have been using an older version of Evernote for which support ended last night. If you are unable to download an update you may only have access to your notes via the web or another device. Support is a little overwhelmed, but here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new please be patient for a response.
  3. If you're doing both it will slow things down. ENEX is best unless you want human-readable files.
  4. Actually, none of them. That's your old installation which is no longer used and will not be kept up to date. Check Tools and Settings for the location of your current files and Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML for manual backups. There's a separate topic in the Forums on this...
  5. Hi. Sorry, no clue what message you're seeing - can you provide a screenshot?
  6. Hi. AI features are not applied to all notes at any time - if there's an issue with an image it's not AI-related.
  7. Hi. Do you not get the constantly changing list of options below the search box as you type?
  8. To actually get some feedback.. eventually .. use https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - and it's worth pointing out to them that you're concerned about non-encrypted content making it to the server in this way. It is actually possible that they (being government contractors and all) have already included a way around that. Meantime there's also the other option that most software these days has an encryption option, so using a password-protected PDF (forinstance) attached to a note will ensure that only the protected version gets saved back to the server. Support seems pretty broken at the moment, but the one thing they should still be doing is collecting stats on what issues are being reported - and the ones that get most votes will tend to get fixed first.
  9. Wow. Thanks for the demo - it's amazing in a really really bad way... No clues as to why it should be so slow for you - I don't see anything similar in Win11 (My win10 laptop is currently in intensive care having accidentally nuked itself). Evernote v10 does a lot in the background during the first week or two of installation, so if you're in that window, you may have processes running that aren't apparent. I'd leave Evernote open for as long as possible for the meantime and see if things improve. If not, only suggestions are - try a clean reinstall: sign out of the app / don't save data on the device / uninstall using Revo Uninstaller Free (which finds scraps that Windows ignores) / power your device off and back on again, and re-download/ reinstall. Leave Evernote running as much as possible for reasons above. If you can live with the performance for the time being... contact Support on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and -patiently- follow through with them. It'll take a while but at least they can monitor processes from their end. (In case you didn't already know we're mostly other users here...) Good luck! (And please let us know the outcome.)
  10. Working very well for me in research as well - I'm going through lots of sources and I'm able to create a sorted list of categories using Evernote headings. I stash all the related links / URLs / notes I find under one title. Instead of scrolling through a humongously long note to find where to save stuff, I just see one page with a list - open one up, add a new item, and close it down again.
  11. I think it's a bug. Haven't saved any templates lately and I have 14, but there seems no way to create another one. Please contact Support to report it (I know, but the more feedback they get the sooner this will be fixed). Meantime to create a template, either add a new notebook and save notes there to be copied or duplicated, or export to ENEX and keep the file on your desktop - double clicking the file creates a new note.
  12. Note History is always good. Also backups!
  13. There is no way to do it without export/ import, but if you need to duplicate a note and there's a work-around to achieve that aim, it seems sensible to be aware of the option. You could also complain that Evernote don't offer a more direct approach, but that won't get the job done now which may be the priority. OP's choice what, if anything to do.
  14. Someone who'd like to duplicate notes and didn't realise there actually is a way to do it?
  15. Hi. Use Chrome to access your account and follow the instructions on screen very carefully. You may be asked to revoke other access - make sure that you revoke everything except the Chrome client. Note that you can only do this twice each month...
  16. Giving Evernote lots of 'please look at this' reminders is just going to slow the queue down even more, and generate more requests for ticket flagging... Unless you have some extreme need for the cash right now, please just be patient. You have a ticket number, and you will get a response as soon as they can get through the list.
  17. I believe you need Win10 to run Evernote 10. The browser version (which has most of the same features) should run OK - sign in to Evernote.com
  18. Hi. Would it help to export those several notes to an ENEX file, then re-import the same notes to create duplicates? If you need to duplicate the same note(s) frequently you could save them as templates...
  19. Hi. What are your device, OS and Evernote version details? Were you using the pre-v10 'legacy' apps?
  20. Hi. All Evernote's current pricing is online at Evernote.com - anything else is just out of date. You'll get confirmation of your subscription a month before it comes due, but direct request is unlikely to get a reply at this stage. If you decide not to renew because of the cost you may be offered a good discount for the first year, and whether or not you take that will be entirely under your control online. You're welcome to try and contact Evernote at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  21. Hi. You have a response - albeit automated - and a reference. If you continue with 'no I need help' the support team will get back to you - but this has been an exceptionally busy period for them and I know they're currently overwhelmed.
  22. Hi. If your smartphone can't be updated, then you would have to use a different device to see your notes, which are still saved on Evernote's servers.
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