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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. OK I'll concede - I can't argue JM's technical points, and I do agree that the editor is very overdue for attention. However when stuff doesn't work exactly as I'd like it to, I tend to look for workarounds as with the 'embed a file' suggestion. It hasn't turned my life into a constant trial, and I'm a jobbing writer so I tend to churn the stuff out - as you may have noticed. As to Times New Roman 12 becoming TNR13.5 I'll have to plead (even more) ignorance.
  2. We may have to disagree here - I think Evernote does its job when translating faithfully(ish) from dozens of different display formats to its own note structure, and shouldn't be responsible for translating that format back across the same dozens of different formats into another faithful representation. It's possible to read and translate the code coming in, but you can't provide a catchall output if you don't know what output will be required. There is an obvious exception to the above - if we are talking typed text only, then yes I totally agree Evernote bold 18pt should translate to Word or anything else bold 18pt - but again full word processor suites tend to have a few more bells and whistles than the current editor, so may show the page wider, insert random margins and randomize picture sizes. There's an easy way round this - do your layed-out note in your WP of choice and attach it to the note. Include the content in the note (if it's not searched and indexed by Evernote) so you can find the content. Doesn't seem to me to be the fundamental defect that it's being painted. Do I want better editing? Definitely. Doesn't stop me doing presentation work using Evernote - I just don't do my layouts here.
  3. Hi. User forum here? I think you're addressing the wrong crowd. Also Evernote doesn't say it's a layout / design or anything else tool, and it does show clips accurately. Your problem seems to be when you try to paste into other applications - shouldn't you be complaining to them? I agree it could be better, but you really know not of what you speak when you glibly imagine that there are "substantial technical challenges" - in some cases it just ain't possible. And "If this happened I'd upgrade to Premium? Really?"
  4. Hi - many people would be complaining if the line wasn't turned into a link, so I think you may find there's no easy way to avoid that. Is there a major reason why you couldn't just leave it as is? You could try pasting into Notepad or another text-only editor and from there into Evernote.. come to that you could paste directly into Notepad and attach that file to Evernote. Don't think there's a way to disable formatting though...
  5. It's not random unless you take two photos of exactly the same size - if you crop one even slightly, you should be able to force Evernote to choose your preferred picture.
  6. Wiki fan here too. Lots of Wiki features would go well in Evernote including your suggestion and transclusion and [wiki scripting]...
  7. +1 here - if there's an option for 'last Tuesday' or 'first Monday' that would be great!
  8. Evernote started out with a (very) basic editor and have worked their way up to a basic editor with a few bells and whistles. I'm sure more improvements are on the way, but as has already been said - there are thousands of suggestions here for "basic features" that Evernote has to schedule over all the platforms it supports and without displeasing its increasingly large user-base by taking the wrong step. They'll get around to it.
  9. Or you could go to the My Account page online and change the address?
  10. Hi - welcome to the forums. I raised this ages ago - I've been a long-time advocate of mind -mapping and use it for anything new or complicated. Evernote's database and search functions are two aspects of a potentially killer MM app - all you need is the GUI. However while the Powers that Be have discussed the topic we don't know if there's any planned development. And Evernote typically don't share or discuss future plans. Thanks for raising it again though. You can of course attach your mindmap files to notes in their native format, and as OCR-able pictures to help with the management of a large library of files. But beware that maps which have sub-maps don't like being stored anywhere but on your hard drive. You'd lose the link. Single files just open in the app when clicked and save back to the note when closed, like any other files created with proprietary software.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Suggestions hereabouts do get read by the developers, so they'll take what you say on board. There may be some practical considerations though if access to your account is shared so easily with many people - your upload allowance might be exhausted more quickly, Evernote could run more slowly - and inevitably someone has to do all the coding to make this happen. Would someone be that much more likely to buy Evernote because they can share more easily?
  12. It may be possible that to add some features would be "extremely easy" - but if you have a detailed action plan for the next few days weeks or months which consists of other 'easy' features, this one is going to have to wait its turn. You never know - it might be part of the next planned release... but I wouldn't hold your breath.
  13. Nope - there's a zen concept called "the largest smallest dimension" which is gone into somewhere in the forums. You can adjust the size of one picture so it will be the snippet.
  14. In Windows (Vista & 7) there's a shortcut to get the full path of a file. Hold SHIFT and right-click, then choose "copy as a path" for the full C:\etc path to the file. Tie that in with AHK or a text expander and you could automate the whole process pretty smoothly... a hotkey could allow you to highlight a word in a note and replace it with file:// plus the content of clipboard.
  15. Strictly speaking there are no "folders" or Master Notebooks - there are just notebooks, which can contain notes, and for your convenience can be grouped in 'stacks' to make the notebooks easier to navigate around if you have several. It should be possible to collapse stacks to hide notebooks, but it's not possible (yet) to colour code them or change the font or style. It would be a good option to have in due course...
  16. Sounds like a lot of effort for no great return - especially on a lot of files. Surely you'd do better keeping your notes in one place only - so when transferring from OneNote to EN, delete the ON originals and rely on EN. For lots of duplicates, just sort List View into title order and scroll. If you want to get that list somewhere else, highlight the titles and copy/ paste into a spreadsheet or WP. There's no great urgency though - all you're doing is making your database slimmer and more efficient. I find more dups by searching now than any other method. When my search turns up a few hits, some of them obvious duplicates, I clean up then. You've already suffered the hit on your upload limit by adding the duplicate in the first place. Better to avoid doing that in the first place...
  17. Hi - welcome to the forums. What hardware do you have? Do you use the web version of Evernote or an installed client?
  18. I'm sure an improvement is on a list somewhere, but with Evernote there's a lot of scope for additional (or more elegant) features. Considering what this product looked like even 24 months ago, I'm sure they'll get around to improving this.
  19. Why is what so complicated? JMichael gave a four-line guide higher up this thread which includes embedding a hyperlink behind any text of your choice. If you explain what you're interested in doing maybe we can be more specific.
  20. Once again, I am reminded - read the question with the grey cells switched on. Burgers is (of course) absolutely right - birds nest, but stacks don't!
  21. Hi Duane, welcome to the forums. Stacks are already 'enabled' in that all you have to do is drag one notebook on top of another in the left panel. Create a new notebook to be the stack parent if necessary and either drag and drop other notebooks into it, or right-click the notebook name and use 'add to stack'.
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