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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. Another basic user finding this issue...
  2. Cheers - another users raised a query about that and no-one here seems to know exactly what's going on! (I'd stress we're mostly users around here, not company staff)
  3. Hi. Have you seen that anywhere other than in these Forums? Because even our Admin doesn't seem to know whether it's policy or not. As to the general question, I'm not aware of any way to show Evernote that these are the same device. If you do get locked out while only using two devices we can escalate a support request here for you, but my advice at present would be to disconnect that device and see what happens...
  4. Sadly, no. The Widgets allow you to create a new note without opening the app, or to edit an existing note; and the three dots menu offers "duplicate" as an option so you could save a blank template and just duplicate it to add new ones - but all of that takes about as long as opening a new note and choosing the template.
  5. Hi. We're a (mainly) user-supported forum. If you want to report a possible fault / conflict the only option for non-subscribers is Twitter and @EvernoteHelps. If your customers are subscribers, maybe they can forward your comments on to https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  6. Hi. How exatly are you sending these notes? What link are you clicking to generate the email, and is this the installed version of Evernote or the web client?
  7. Hi. Short answer (and AFAIK) "No". Unless you can use split screen to show both windows, or there's some other OS tweak (I'm not a Mac user). There's nothing in Evernote to help you though. Sorry..
  8. Hi. Your camera should already have a manual option - try the little square icon in the top right of your screen. You can focus and take a single picture as required. If you weren't already aware of it, you might want to take a closer look into some publicity which CamScanner attracted earlier this year - Kaspersky Antivirus labs found malware in some installations. A search for "camscanner kaspersky" (without the quotes) should give you the background...
  9. Seems a tad harsh to fault Evernote for not yet finding a way around another developer's code changes when Evernote do give you access to the service on multiple devices, more or less unlimited storage and a very good filing and finding service. And other browser clippers work, just not Safari - although:
  10. Hmmn. I'm not a Mac user, so can't compare experiences - if you're a subscriber I'd suggest raising a support ticket. Please comment back here with Support's reaction...
  11. That was 12 months @ 60MB maximum upload per month. Should have qualified that as an annual amount too i.e. it's 720MB per year. And - as long as Evernote stay in business - it's permanent storage. You could leave it for 10 years and still find the original data... provided you still have the correct log in details by then!
  12. Guess it could be a new(ish) restriction then - haven't seen any other posts on this (yet). Evernote cracking down on what they may see as over-use of their free service. You do still get 720MB of free permanent online storage and all the other bells and whistles of clipping / searching / retrieval...
  13. Hmmn. You sure that's Evernote? Seems very garishly red for a company that specialises in green everything...
  14. My bad - if there is a restriction that you can only change devices two times in a month that would be new... there's no mention of it here though - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068
  15. Hi. You're using a free service. One of the limitations is that you can only connect to it with two devices at a time. That's been a restriction for a year or several.
  16. Hi. Try going to the Start menu and type "Evern..." - you should get a choice menu with the app highlighted - it may start from there. If everything is OK you can right click that version of the icon and add it to your Startup menu. If you need a desktop icon, just try right clicking the shortcut again and 'remove from Startup'. If all else fails, go to C:\Users\<username>\Evernote\ and copy your Databases folder to your desktop as a backup. Then uninstall / restart your computer / reinstall.
  17. If we're talking about the web app vs other devices, the web versions are pretty much all betas that were never developed to the point they offered a comparable service to the installed clients. The current beta is still being developed, and hopefully will be a viable option with something approaching a native app's functionality. There's a ways to go for the web app yet - and in my (largely non-expert) opinion, wrapper apps always suffer from the issue that all activities are subject to browser restrictions on access to files & processes. Browser tech is designed not to let third-party websites have so much access to the host system that they could do mischief if so inclined. Installed software has a much more 'trusted' situation. If we want Evernote to be able to set reminders, copy desktop files, and generally act as freely as possible to save and retrieve data and provide reminders and other services as required, I don't know that would be possible. And I do use a couple of apps that run local instances through Chrome, but they're more specialised and more self-contained; if I happen to be offline, data can be saved locally until it can be passed up to the web - what would that do to a shared note situation though? If I shared content with anyone else, they couldn't be sure that the version of the note they see is the latest version - I might be offline and unable to upload updates. ... and don't get me started on the limits of operating through a web based service without a reliable network connection...
  18. https://evernote.com/download
  19. Hi. I moved this to the Mac forums. Have you tried syncing the account and restarting your device?
  20. I appreciate we're straying away from the actual question, but Import Folders could be an option in Windows. It's possible to have multiple import folders linked to different notebooks. I don't know if there is a limit (other than the total number of available notebooks) but at one stage I had about 6 linked folders. I also scan to a single folder so I can edit the content and titles of scans appropriately and batch OCR the folder on completion. When I have finished that process at one stage I moved the files to another 'watched' folder that was processed by the appropriately named DropIt! (https://sourceforge.net/projects/dropit/) which could take my mixed bag of files and drop them into the right Import Folder to be added to my correct notebook. These days I use the much simpler Filterize which recognises notes by tag, title or content and can move them to other notebooks and re-title / re-tag as required.
  21. Hi. There's a lot of talk about ScanSnap because Fujitsu/ Evernote partnered on an integration. I don't know if HP have anything similar, but you could ask them. Every scanner can scan to file however, so the trick would be to just connect your scanner to the MB pro and then look into scripting options for moving files in to Evernote notes. Some of my colleagues here may be able to help you with that.
  22. Hi. Whatever integration you use, you'll always need the latest public version of Evernote for your OS via Evernote.com As to 'working well', Asana is one of the leading apps in a market where there are literally hundreds of competitors available. They all presumably work well for someone - and the judgement is so subjective that I can't vouch for how easy you'll find the process. Best advice is always - try for yourself - preferably a free trial if you can get one, or go with a recommendation from someone with the same interests. It's all about what best suits you and your needs.
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