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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Right click a Notebook name or go to the Notebooks page and click the 3-dots menu. You should be able to export the entire content to HTML or PDF, then print - if you wish - at your leisure...
  2. I've had this happen too - seems a fairly benign bug that can be fully cured by quick re-install.
  3. Hi. Sounds like you're only seeing part of the login screen. Can you zoom out? If you can capture a screen shot, please add one here...
  4. Hi. If you're sharing to users with new accounts, you may find that a few days' use will be required before before the 'share' feature works correctly. You're correct that a public URL cannot be generated for a notebook; that's only possible with single notes. Sharing by email address will generate the invitation email you've mentioned, but what happens after a user accepts the share depends on their local device and OS - and the age of their account. There may be a way around that with Postach.io - here's a description I wrote...
  5. Hi. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please send a request to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here)
  6. ...Also try here: https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action - there are "invoice" options at the bottom of the page.
  7. I hadn't particularly thought about it (other than squinting a lot when I look at the colours) but Evernote are trying to squeeze 6 options into an impossibly small space there - I'd maybe suggest to them that since most users will only need a few of them it would be good to have a listing there where users can re-order the contents how they need, and hide ones they don't use. Bear in mind that unless they're still developing the layout it may be a long time before they schedule work in this area again, so changes are unlikely anytime soon! A more urgent need is definitely a keyboard shortcut for all the options, or some way to connect an AutoHotKey (or another automation) script so that users can create their own. As to what they call the coloured buttons, I have no idea - I'm going with 'garish control panel'. I'm not a fan... EDIT: My brain must have been on a break there - these various functions are all available under the "/" command in a note, so something like AHK could easily provide a keyboard shortcut to whichever ones you like....
  8. Hi. There's no 'official' shortcut yet - you could suggest it as a feature...
  9. Hmmn. Thanks for your comprehensive answer, but I'm sorry I have no more suggestions. Using the same Evernote version I just exported a 19-page note to PDF without any issues at all. It is possible that your installation is faulty in some minor way - when you have the chance I'd suggest you go through a 'clean' reinstall process. The whole thing takes about 30 minutes - Sign out of Evernote / don't save your data locally / use Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to uninstall the app. Power off and back on, then re-download and reinstall from Evernote.com and leave Evernote running to rebuild the local data. The new install is still initially a little slow - things get better after a few days. If that doesn't help you need to contact Support - see the help notes for the export to PDF process here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403616330387-Export-notes-as-a-PDF. "Submit a (support) request" links are on the top right and bottom of the page.
  10. Hi. We're only other users here - help is not guaranteed unless someone has a similar situation and found the cure. Did you try the 'paste as plain text' idea? If that didn;t work for you, the only thing I can suggest would be to use an external word-processor for editing and then copy/ paste the completed redraft into your note. You could attach the WP file to the note for future editing.
  11. Hi. Without knowing more about the note contents it is difficult to guess why Evernote is unable to process it. Has the export to PDF feature worked for you before? - Have you tried copy/ pasting the content into a new note and exporting that to PDF? Or copy/ pasting the content into a new word-processor file and saving that as PDF?
  12. Re-indexing the database may be as simple as signing out of Evernote (not simply quitting) and opting not to keep a copy of the database on your local device. If you then power the device off and back on to clear temporary storage and sign into Evernote again, the local database will get rebuilt along with its support indexes. If that is insufficient, a full clean reinstall may be necessary - Sign out of Evernote / don't save your data locally / use Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to uninstall the app. Power off and back on, then re-download and reinstall from Evernote.com and leave Evernote running to rebuild the local data. The new install is still initially a little slow - things get better after a few days. If that fails, you need Support - check out the "submit a request" links in the knowledge base... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  13. Hi. If all you want is a simple note-taker, there are plenty of options - see https://noteapps.info/ or similar. If you'd like some help with the search issue, can you give us more detail? What device and OS/ Evernote version numbers do you have, what are you searching for (an example search query would be great), and what sort of issue are you finding?
  14. AFAIK Evernote features are the same wherever in the world you are, though they differ slightly between devices. The concern here was. I believe, about getting access to a student discount or maybe just starting a subscription in the first place. If anyone has any queries - please contact Support; we're mainly other users here.
  15. Hmmn. I'm using Evernote desktop 10.94.2 on Win 11 and although Audio notes are allegedly available I just get this error - Also tried 10.93.3 on Thorium (Chrome clone) browser AND Firefox - same result. Tried changing the browser security settings to allow everything - same result. Reported as ticket # 3920648 Anyone seeing the same? Any suggestions for how to configure a browser to 'allow audio recording' ?
  16. Hi. After you run the saved search (method one), at the top of the screen (on desktop) you'll see an 'Edit' link. What is the content of the saved search?
  17. Welcome to the Asylum Studios theory of marketing - these are the people who make 'Mockbusters' of all the best films; copies that are similar in general story, but made with a down-on-their-luck former known actor and a bunch of wannabees, on about 1% of the original budget. I give you, in no particular order: Transmorphers (original film - Transformers) Atlantic Rim (original film - Pacific Rim) Snakes on a Train (original film - Snakes on a Plane) These are all "so bad it's funny" remakes, but if you weren't paying attention when you arranged to watch a film you might wind up spending some cash in the wrong place. At the least it's earned them undying fame, the funds to make endless Sharknado spin-offs and my (slightly hysterical) admiration. Copycat marketing is the same thing. You'll see some well-made advertising for the new feature including 'prefabulated aluminite' and then maybe get an email offering a discount for something sounding similar. You'll at least go to the website, racking up views and search-engine brownie points, and might even sign up for the trial period. You could be happy with the service, even though there's a much better option with the original advertiser. Or you might pay for a few months and storm off in disgust. Either way it's a win/ win/ win for the copycat.
  18. I think all the companies I ever worked for have taken the view that publishing a road map just does the competition's planning work for them. If you're bringing out a new feature at the end of the year - your competition will do the same.. about a week earlier...
  19. Hi. We're going to need a bit more information please - what's your device and OS / Evernote version numbers? (As in: Win 10 or 11 / EN 10.94.2) - And what sort of video are you playing? YouTube? MP4 files? - if individual files, how large is the file?
  20. Yup. Paranoia is my middle name - added to the fact that even good-ol' Legacy had the occasional glitch. At one stage I kept the paper version of scanned documents n a basket near my desk in case for a month or so in case there were issues with the online version, AND I had sheets of pre-printed numbered stickers to apply to each one pre-scan so I could be sure which ones had been processed. I'd had one of those moments when on a couple of occasions I could not find something I was sure I scanned into Evernote - so I made extra sure I could confirm each scan that had happened. Also raised a Support ticket at the time (Ah - the good old days...) but neither Evernote nor I could find any confirmation I was not just imagining things. My current process is me being relaxed and trusting. (But I still keep scanned pages until the pile gets too big, and then have a shredding day every few months...)
  21. LOL - been there, got the t-shirt! Thanks for posting the solution. If you don't mind I'll leave the thread here in case someone else has the same issue. (If the humiliation gets too much, you can always delete it yourself via the 3 dots menu at top right.)
  22. Hi to you too. You're quoting me out of context and over a year ago, and my point was that although there are a number of comments here, we don't know how important the issue is to all users. Whether you bring in other users on other portals or not, the only people who can judge are now based in Milan and they set the priorities and the timetable. Evernote don't ignore users - and they've been quite busy recently - see https://evernote.com/blog/20-improvements-jan-march-2024 for more. Allowing a choice of thumbnail is quite a difficult trick - what happens if someone chooses a huge image? How and when do you shrink it down, and do users then need a way to choose which portion of the image is shown? (Removing the image is called Side List View) The situation is what it is, and Evernote may change it at some future point. Until then all we have are kludgy work-arounds or the list views. No amount of impassioned posting here is going to change that...
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