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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Yup. Me too - a one time event only... so far... and dumb, because AFAIK EN10 still requires Android 10 (which I don't got). Maybe they're just trying to round up the A10 stragglers...
  2. Actually it's not necessarily bad - it depends on your use. There are a number of apparently sober and coherent users who find the new app to be at least as good, if not better than sliced bread - it depends on how used you are to the current former UI, and what elements of the Legacy app you found useful vs what's been dropped from EN10. I'm just impatient with learning curves and a strong believer in the "ain't broke - don't fix" school of thought. I am using the new Web version, and it has a lot going for it - though it tends to brick one of the laptops I use because of its size...
  3. Notebook names are not currently part of the export metadata, so the correct way to export is notebook-by-notebook. If you go to the Notebook tab and right-click a notebook name, you can export that entire notebook (even if it is 6,000 notes) to ENEX. If you have Legacy*, an additional subscription app "Backupery" can automate that task for you. I'm currently backing up 55K notes and 300 notebooks daily with that method. EDIT: (That's Windows Legacy!) EDIT: EDIT: And since I just realised this is a Web thread... https://support.cloudhq.net/how-to-backup-evernote-to-google-drive/
  4. Sympathies with your frustrations - I'd imagine a lot of long time Evernote users (including me & @DTLow) are waiting for v10 to get better before we switch. As time goes on there will be more alternatives to Evernote, and the existing options will improve their features; so "looking for other solutions" is an ongoing task of keeping an eye on developments. If you have Desktop Legacy, you have a copy of your database on your device (and hopefully some ongoing backup scheme in case that copy is compromised somehow) and you can bet that most competitors will make it as easy as possible to import notes from Evernote to convert to their system. It looks like Legacy users are good for some months yet - when the updates get less frequent... then they might start more actively pushing everyone towards the latest product.
  5. Hi. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't seem unusual or unreasonable. Evernote needs this access to make the widgets work. There are similar permissions for the browser clipper. If you don't want to authorise the access, you won't be able to use the widget.
  6. Hi. It's not possible to have multiple multiple-choice options in a template. Something like Jotform or Google Docs might help.
  7. Hi. Short answer - no. But there are several other ways to get emails into Evernote... Save emails into Evernote
  8. There are a ton of other apps you could use to make a short note while Evernote is off with the fairies - I use Workflowy for 'instant' access and a good search engine.
  9. Don't know if it still applies, but it always used to be the case that if you opened a new note, moved the window to where you want it to appear and then File > Exited Evernote to 'fix' that location in its mind, when you reopen the app and try new note again, it should appear where you need it.
  10. But surely if you had all your notes and did not require Evernote to see them, you have no need of Evernote in the first place. A set of ENEX files representing your existing notebooks is enough re-create your account in Evernote and -with variable efficiency- migrate it elsewhere. You also have the possibility to download the whole thing again from Evernote's server. I have 55k notes in 300 (or so) notebooks all backed up to ENEX and no worries about it's security.
  11. Hi. This is a mainly user 2 user forum, so probably... no. @Shane D. should (maybe) be your man, but he sometimes takes a little while to respond...
  12. Hi. A few minutes research will inform you which Evernote competitors will import data from an ENEX file - the short answer is: most of them. I'm confused that you think your data is 'not safe' - it's stored remotely in Evernote's servers, locally on any Legacy desktop installation, and can be exported to ENEX which serves both for backing up Evernote in the event of a user accidentally deleting a note, or moving the whole account to a new (Legacy) installation. I don't know what's the deal with HTML export, but the help page on this topic says in part: If exporting as a single-page HTML file, you will receive a single HTML file with all notes and a single folder that contains all note resources (e.g., attachments, files). Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML
  13. Duly noted, but getting a major process change because of one out of the usual bad experience is not likely to happen. No clue why that advice from CS, re-upgrading the account from the website takes minutes at worst.
  14. If you didn't download the Legacy version, try that - you get a local copy of notebooks and can export pretty quickly IME https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. As with others here - don't see the problem. This happened to me a while ago when a payment card expired. Saw the "you're now basic" email, re-upgraded online with new payment details, was going again within 10 minutes. With billing across millions of customers in various countries and time zones, I wouldn't expect Evernote to make changes anytime soon...
  16. As you're a subscriber, you can definitely use the link I posted to get hold of Support - we're mainly other users here. You should find though that if you hold Ctrl and use the "+" key, you can zoom in on your text. Don't know why it might have zoomed out in the first place, but I'm also a 6.25 user with no problems on text size. I moved your post to the correct forum for Windows and 6.25 (hence my confusion earlier...)
  17. Hi. If you're a subscriber you should be able to contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for support - if you have problems with that, use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type, or use the help/ feedback link from one of the mobile apps. If you're a free user see https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  18. Hi. Downgrading does not change your access to existing notes. Your account will be limited on access to features and have much reduced size and upload limits. You'll be able to view existing notes, but not edit or update large ones. You will be able to download attachments and note content and use an external editor. Evernote system limits
  19. Hmmn - is Calendar already set up at the bottom of your home screen? Does any of this help? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500009437482-Evernote-Google-Calendar-Overview (If you're a Free user, you - apparently - get a one-time only free 14-day trial of this feature)
  20. You've presumably sent a reminder to your contact email address at Support - they may take a few days if you've been escalated to 2nd line support, but they will get back to you as soon as they can...
  21. Hi. Have you created the note and synced it before you tried to save it as a template?
  22. Not aware of any restrictions here - but these Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  23. Hi. Evernote Legacy allows you to install or move the database around. So far v10 does not.
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