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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I believe I've seen another post around here somewhere about discrepancies between the two versions, and before you do anything extreme it may help you -and other users- if you extracted your activity logs and considered reporting this to Evernote with (if you're a subscriber) said logs attached. Send an Evernote activity log (Subscribers raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client.) You can (I believe - I'm not even using the new desktop version yet) use Help > Troubleshooting > Force Reload. (Ctrl-Shift-R) to force a sync, so that might be worth a try before anything else.
  2. I find the OS 'undo' and Note History functions, plus my own local backups more than enough anyway, but if there's no other option, you could always open another notebook and share the 'protected' notes from one to the other as read only.
  3. Hi. Regarding your points: 1. The App looks really ugly What would you consider is more attractive? What other apps do you find more appealing? 2. Folder in Folder (in Folder) Discussed endlessly in the forums - please search for the arguments for and against. 3. Different ways of sorting You can already sort by title, created date and updated date - and title gives you the opportunity to number and otherwise index notes in whatever way you choose. 4. The options in the notes Two separate requests also raised many times before - see other threads for details.
  4. ? According to other posts in this thread the feature is already available...
  5. To be fair, if you already have a ToC you should be able to drag and drop a new note into the correct spot in the list without much trouble (not sure what devices and what OS's that includes, but desktops, definitely...) The only saving grace is that Filterize have given us a year's notice, so you should be good to October 2022. There'll be a few people anxiously looking into alternatives, including me - so keep an eye on this thread! And if you do see anything useful, please post suggestions here too...
  6. Hi. You may be aware that Filterize is closing down in 12 months, and various interested users on here (including me) are looking for a replacement service. There are separate threads on this in the Forums here. On scanners, I'd broadly say that I run a fairly paperless workflow, of which scanning is such an integral part that I don't consider the activity a separate time-sink. My attitude is to scan and save documents unless there is a very good reason not to. In my case, unless an item is too big or too valuable to feed to the scanner, I mainly use an old ScanSnap S1500 - the modern equivalent is the ix1500 - a sheet fed scanner which operates at 30ppm. I'm office based, so it scans to a hard drive folder where I can batch OCR the files (I find it quicker than OCR on a pre-scan basis) and edit files and file names where necessary. If I'm processing user guides or other printed material I'll try to find a version online rather than re-scan something locally. If the item is too big (etc) to scan I'll use my tablet or phone Evernote app to take pictures. Depending on availability (and to some extent whim) my other sources for 'scanned' images are: my Epson scanner/ printer, an Epson photographic scanner, and my DSLR. The ScanSnap will operate without a connected PC, but you're then subject to the time it takes to save possibly large files to the server. It's important to OCR, because indexed files are easier to find; and (IMHO) it's important to name the files with something relevant - some of my early scans have impenetrable code name/ note titles, so it's a little difficult to find the top-secret maps if they're not labelled as such...
  7. Your APK issue is to do with the Android version on the different phones, not an Evernote bug. The older version is out of tech support but in any event the most one can do with a mobile app is uninstall / restart the device / reinstall. If by 'missing features' you're referring to the new version, what do you see as missing / impaired in version 10? -All of this by the way is posted in the wrong tech forum, so I moved the thread to the Android / v10 forums.
  8. There's a lot of automation stuff around - see my list earlier. I haven't had chance to start to look at individual apps yet, but if anyone has some suggestions or can rule anything out, I'm definitely in the market too. I have a lot emails going direct to my account, plus random clips and an ongoing tidy-up that kind've rely on notes being tagged, retitled and redirected to the correct notebook as necessary. Filterize is a fundamental part of my workflow! As Filterize are shutting down, maybe we could persuade Evernote that it's a useful service to buy into...
  9. Social Media app Buffer.com shares text and images from web pages to Instagram. If you view a note in Evernote Web you may be able to use Buffer to share the content with Insta.
  10. Hi again - not many of us use the Teams product`, and I'm unsure of the relative merits of Notebooks vs Spaces. I thought that within one group of users it wasn't so much a question of an Admin assigning access, but of individual members signing up if an when they had the need, I believe there's a dedicated support team (excuse the non-pun) here - CustomerSuccess@evernote.com you might try both them and the usual suspects at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  11. Hi. These Forums are mainly user 2 user and we can't help with password issues; but subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  12. Hi. I doubt you'll get the sort of response you're looking for from any app if you're switching so frequently. You really need to do this on a split screen / two screens / two devices - I often watch videos and presentations on a tablet and take notes on a laptop.
  13. Are you trying to list just the notebooks? Or all the notes they contain? I don't think it's possible to show notebooks, though a simple search should list all your notes, and if you apply a tag to all the notes in your Journal notebook, you can exclude them from one search, and search specifically for them in the other. You'll need to be a subscriber to personalise the home page though, and a Professional user to have two filter widgets.
  14. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001929488
  15. Special price for one year; the normal price (whatever that then is) applies at renewal. It's possible to downgrade to Free at any time during the year, then upgrade again if there's another special offer to attract subscribers. (The downgrade applies from the next anniversary date).
  16. Hi. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  17. Hi. You're quoting a 3-year old post relating to what is now the 'Legacy' product, but presumably Evernote didn't see enough users actively involved with the feature to continue with that partnership. The existing scanning options include OCR of written text, but there are dozens of options with more features. Google Docs and Microsoft Office Lens (amongst other services) do rather a good job of converting handwriting to characters and rotating / cropping images when that is necessary. Plus there's a whole market out there for tablets with handwriting apps that sync to Evernote.
  18. ? So: uninstall / restart / reinstall?
  19. And again... https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  20. "couldn't for the life of me find where to do that" That'd be here I think... https://discussion.evernote.com/settings/ Edited: I originally quoted your email address too! Sorry! (@PinkElephant pointed that out.... Thanks!)
  21. Meantime I use Workflowy. Copy/ paste links to WF content, and include Evernote links back to a note,
  22. Hi. Several levels of 'fix' are available - Log out of the software and sign back in. Log out of the device and restart Uninstall the app / restart / reinstall Uninstall the app and all related settings with Revo Uninstaller, then restart / reinstall...
  23. Hi. I killed your other post, and I'd recommend you edit this one to remove your email addresses - this is a public forum so addresses can be harvested by spammers for future use. I'm not a Mac user, so someone else will probably be along to comment more knowledgably soon, but when you were creating the new web notebook, did I see a leading "." in the name field? Could it be that .Test is not a valid name?
  24. I may have missed the subtle hint that we're talking about the web version here in the original post - sorry both: @Mike P is right - there are no Evernote shortcuts in the web client other than the browser's own. Shortcuts are a desktop-only option.
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