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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. I think @PinkElephant has a great suggestion; otherwise using an app which saves locally to edit a copy/ pasted note, then either c/p content back, or just attaching the app output file to a note will update your Evernote.
  2. It may just be that Chrome and Clipper haven't quite caught up with each other yet. Make sure that you have the latest version of each, and see what Chrome say! Good luck...
  3. Hi. Seems like your two-step logon is clearly working. You can check whether any unauthorised devices have ever connected here: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action and you can verify what apps have access here: https://www.evernote.com/AuthorizedServices.action. It is possible that your user details have been hacked from another website and this is evidence that the black hats are checking around to see what else of yours they might be able to access. If Evernote is given the right credentials for access it doesn't have any way to trace that a user is not elsewhere in the world. There are several ways to protect your account - check for breaches here: https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/?lang=en or https://haveibeenpwned.com/ or https://cybernews.com/personal-data-leak-check/ and https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account https://evernote.com/security See also https://evernote.com/privacy/policy
  4. HI. That version of Evernote is no longer supported, but I'd guess your version of the Android operating system isn't 10+, so can't support the new Evernote. The only 'fix' available would be to uninstall and reinstall the app. Throw a device restart in there after uninstalling too, to clear any caches. Don't know whether it's an option, but if you can get to Evernote.com in a browser and sign in there, you may be able to use the web version. Also unknown: whether either of those will help. Good luck though - please report back either way!
  5. Much better, thank you. I had a few 'unknown error' issues recently, but mine seem to have cleared up. I'm not a Mac person, but I'm sure you'll get a more knowledgeable user along soon. Odd though that Clipper no longer works in either Chrome or Firefox - they're effectively two different operating systems, so not the same code...
  6. Hi. I'm going to put this post here and refer to it from a number of posts in the past 24 hours on the same subject. If you have an issue to discuss in the Forums, PLEASE CHECK TO SEE IF IT HAS ALREADY BEEN RAISED before creating a new thread. I have several posts on the same topic to deal with. I'll see whether we can merge them all together... if you're getting this duplication issue, please report it to Support - via email if you're a subscriber, or Twitter/ feedback link if you're not. email: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Twitter: https://twitter.com/evernotehelps in general: because of the way in which Evernote syncs to a central point from all connected devices, there are limits on what Evernote can do to avoid duplications. Having the app open on more than one device / network connection issues / working for long periods on a long note all have a part to play, and the only way to minimise disruption is to take as many local steps as possible - and then raise the matter with Evernote support if you still find that things are out of hand. It's not like Evernote are ignoring the issue, but they need input from individual activity logs to analyse the causes and -maybe- work towards a better solution... Send an Evernote activity log
  7. Hi. There is no grammar checker in Evernote legacy. Do you have Grammarly or some other utility installed?
  8. Hi. How did you move Evernote over? Via backup/ restore, or by installing a new download and logging in again. If it was by restore, please uninstall it and restart your Mac, and do the download version. Log in with your normal details and the database will be rebuilt.
  9. Hi. Since we're (mostly) all users here, you could do us all a favour by deleting the impressively large block of hieroglyphics you jammed up this page with. Clipper may or may not be at fault, but it would be more useful to know whether you can grab this -whatever it was- using a different browser the URL of the page in question whether you were clipping an image / selection / article / simplified article etc -and any other details of what you were trying to achieve that may seem relevant...
  10. OK OK - it's rude to gloat... we're only users around here. You were right and we might have been a little teeny bit wrong... It happens. It's funny though that some users don't seem to have this issue and others do. Maybe it depends on which version of the OS you're running...
  11. Hi. Thanks for a coherent report with full detail. If anyone else is having the same happy experience I'd recommend that you report it to Support (which we're not..) so they can get some feel for the volume and severity of any issues. In your own case I suggest you continue as normal but keep a slightly more careful check of if and when Evernote crashes without obvious cause. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use any Feedback button)
  12. Like someone said - where's the fire? I get stats from Kindle on how many days continuous reading I've been doing, similar from Workflowy on what additions and edits have been made to my account, Microsoft phones home regularly to tell ET what services I use, my Browser tells me how many ads it killed for me, my AV pops up and tells me how many million viruses it saved me from... EVERY online service collects anonymised stats on what resources its users consume and (sigh) some Marketing genius thinks that users will be impressed if they see individually how much they've used the features. Evernote have previously commented that things like the mapping service got cancelled because "only a small number of customers ever used it". Evernote claimed a while ago to be the single largest repository of stored data (maybe that was 'personal data?) and are probably Google's biggest client. As part of maintaining their services in and in sheer commercial self-protection they're going to want to know whether the number of users / volume of uploads etc changes*. If you don't want the information, just unsubscribe - from the emails. Pointless to move to another provider because they'll be doing exactly the same, whether they spell it out to you or not.
  13. So I merged these two discussions since they're on the same subject. I understand that Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V doesn't work, but several work-arounds have been posted in this long thread, so I see no point in arguing discussing further. @agsteele already made the point that if this is affecting you adversely, feed it back to Evernote or raise a Support ticket and they'll have more incentive to fix it - plus additional information on where and how it occurs, which might assist them. [Generally - if there's a thread dealing with your issue, please add to that thread (unless it's very, VERY old!) rather than starting a new one.]
  14. Random thought: could you use the web version on your Chromebook? IE access through a browser rather than the Android app?
  15. What @PinkElephant said - just as a side note Legacy is good for enabling you to create a local and complete backup copy of your note database, which comes in handy if you're getting to a 'hold my beer' moment when something major will be happening to your notes (or your computer) which could all end in tears. I do have my own views on notebooks, which I decided to celebrate in a bit more detail here... https://cliffeactual.postach.io/post/notebooks-vs-tags-and-more
  16. Hi again - can you give the URL for that discussion? It's possible I guess that if you clipped or copied from some websites that protect their content rather well it will be difficult to use that content anywhere else. But if you have an image in a note you should have a choice of copy/ paste, drag & drop, 'save attachments' (which puts your images on the desktop) or print to file (which gets your image[s] into a document you can edit further). In some cases, due to the wonders of Windows clipboard, it's necessary to copy / paste to desktop first, then copy from there, but there should always be a way...
  17. Hi. It's not the only way. What are you actually trying to achieve? Evernote is a note taking app, not a page layout service; it's aimed at saving information for future reference. There's nothing to 'fix' since being some sort of photo store was never on offer and Feature Requests are just that - suggestions that Evernote might follow up if they -and other users- see merit in the idea.
  18. Hi. Have you set up a new notebook and synced it with the server, then tried to define it as the default? Change your default notebook
  19. Hi. Gave you saved and synced the notebooks to the server? See my other comments about signing in to Evernote.com...
  20. It takes a little while for edits to make their way up to the server, and then back down to another device. If you're a subscriber have you checked that the notes make it to the server by signing in to Evernote.com in a browser?
  21. Hmmn. Could it be that you exceed the note size limit, or a monthly upload limit? Assuming that you're annotating in Evernote, have you tried another app to edit the PDF? When you have this situation, have you been able to go back later and annotate the PDF successfully?
  22. Something that works on one device running iOS but not another, might not be that easy to pin down. And the time taken to fix a bug is usually split 98% finding 2% coding!
  23. Sadly, I believe that this is a known bug that has not yet been fixed. Best advice is to move the notes to a specific notebook and put them out of the way somehow, whilst also reporting this to Support so you'll find out when they fix it...
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