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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You could always go back to Legacy where the restriction does not apply. If you're looking to select all notes in one notebook, try the Notebooks page on desktop - if you right-click a notebook, you can select all the notes.
  2. Every note has a 'parent' notebook. Often called the Default Notebook, unless you create new ones.
  3. What you have, you keep. You can't edit and re-save the note within Evernote, but you could export it to edit and save in sections, or elsewhere. Anything you then do is subject to the free limits.
  4. Hi. This is a public forum, so emails are subject to spam; please delete it (you'll have an edit option somewhere on the original post). Evernote in itself can't open Excel sheets - it relies on the software being installed on the local device. If you download the note attachment to your device you should then be able to open it directly. NB Evernote won't be suitable for doctors - the medical profession requires a lot more security for patient details.
  5. Here in the UK "sketchy" isn't a term you use for drawings.... just sayin'
  6. Hi. Legacy may be your best option if you truly need all your files offline and have another drive to move them to. The 'unofficial' option may or may not be viable, but the 'move database' option in Legacy is - or was - an approved option. Evernote, by the way, do not answer queries in this User Forum - it's just us chickens here... for individual comment please contact Evernote Support directly.
  7. I assume that's because it tends to work fairly reliably, but yes I use redirects from my Gmail account into Evernote for some newsletters and important regular emails, the Outlook clipper for the ones that get through but I still want a copy of the emails, and the Gmail clipper for working away. Sending emails I BCC a copy to myself and autoforward those mails to Evernote so I have a running history of any long email threads. One or more of the above will be in use daily.
  8. ...Just to add to the comments above: if your note is simple text, and you happen to be a subscriber, you could always send the content via email to your Evernote email address... Save emails into Evernote
  9. Hi. After a few quick web searches I'm not sure there is an easy way. Which begs the question: do you really need to move your whole account? You could simply leave your existing notes in Simplenote and start using Evernote for new content. If you find a topic that already has some history in SN, then manually copy and paste it into EN. That does mean you're always searching in two places, but it saves a ton of conversion work. Evernote - as you probably know by now - can Import ENEX (Evernote export files) and has various ways to acquire web pages and documents; so if you can export your notes from the original app to any form of web page or document file, you could do that - and then use a web browser to convert the page to a PDF (document) file and set up one or more Import Folders* on a desktop - which are 'watched' folder that will import any file moved there into an Evernote note. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004967
  10. Have a winge at Support, although if you're using free software, nagging is one of the features that Evernote are really really good at...
  11. They must not've been reading the history then, because for 10 of those years there were posts about Evernote not being technically able to even to consider the request. And who writes to Microsoft or Google asking for changes in their software, and expects to see them implemented? This ain't a special request live disco...
  12. I can't see any company being willing to say "never ever", because they may find a need or a way to do something - indeed this feature may be planned for next month or next year, or it may be in reserve in case a competitor comes out with a different killer feature and they need a way to compete. Evernote are under no obligation to reassure users that their favourite feature is in development, and indeed it would be dumb for a user to subscribe to a product on the basis that a new feature is coming, if that feature is as essential as many here make it out to be. If you can't work without nested folders, then I totally agree with you: find another product that does the job. If you like Evernote's other features, then it makes sense to try out the 'titles and tags' approach, but continuing to work that way unwillingly and under protest is just inefficient and unproductive.
  13. I queried the chat link on the home page and got this back...
  14. Looks like you might be trying that with Evernote web.. you need a desktop version to download notes - go to the Notebooks tab and right click a name there. You should be able to export the notes to ENEX (as an Evernote backup) or HTML that you can read outside of Evernote if you prefer.
  15. Hi. Hopefully you'll think to check back here for responses... these two pages may help Reactivate your Evernote account Change your account login email address
  16. Hi. Sorry, Evernote don't do call backs You don't need to download a new version - your subscription will 'switch on' the extra functions iTunes is not Evernote. There can be a delay on information about a payment there reaching Evernote Logging out and back in (or powering your device off and back on) may be needed to activate the new version To report an issue to Evernote please contact the Support team (which is not us)
  17. Hi. Sounds like you issue may be more to do with using the latest Fujitsu software with a 'legacy' ScanSnap S1500. I use the same model with Evernote Legacy and it's doing fine with ScanSnap Manager 5.5. There doesn't seem to have been a relevant update for this model since then - though I know that there is more recent software. I'd suggest you have a chat with Fujitsu Support.
  18. Hi. Please confirm your device / OS / Evernote version. Also what happened? Did you get an account without notebooks or notes? And error message?
  19. Hi. When you say 'not responding' do you mean the web page is down or they're not replying to emails / chat? There was a 36-hour outage a few days ago, but things were up and running again - and now I see they're not. I have a blog there too. I did start to look at Google Sites (as recommended by another ex-Postach.io user). Looks like it may be time to go back and look again... This is a mainly user-supported Forum, and Postach.io aren't connected with Evernote other than providing their added value bit, so all we can do is wait - but you might want to start to look for at alternatives...
  20. One way to handle it seems to be to click 'upgrade' and then close the next window that comes up...
  21. Hi. If you're a free use, there may be a problem with the number of devices connected to your account see Understanding the device limit for more on that. If you're a subscriber I recommend that you reach out to Support (which is not us) so that they can assist.
  22. Sorry, but like many apps Evernote comes as a package. What you see is all you get. It's possible to request extra features, but unless they're an issue for lots of users, you'll likely be unlucky...
  23. Hmmph. What do you mean 'ahead'? Apart from a broken health service, rampant inflation, in-fighting over everything from race to gender plus rejoining or 'enjoying our new independent freedoms'... oh, and a national pandemic we're now "learning to live with" (I think they forgot the dying bit..) and potential WW3, what else could go wrong? Uh-oh...
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