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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Please post a screenshot of the message you are seeing so that we can confirm we understand your question correctly. It is not possible for a note to encrypt itself. If you create a test note and encrypt its text content, you will see warnings that there is no way to recover the password. You could try using Note History to find an earlier version of the note before it was encrypted, but if you do not have the password the note will stay locked. Information about : encryption - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005547 note history - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858
  2. ..And recently someone reported something similar that involved IFTTT having processed some notes that incorrectly showed as 'shared'. Do you use IFTTT or any other third party services?
  3. I'm vastly cynical about the flood of new products and services trying to upgrade their image (and prices) with the magic initials. I'll admit to having found AI useful in one area - I always complain that reading the average technical manual is like reading the inventory from a big food market. You get a flood of new information, but unless you also know a lot of background - like how to fry an egg, or make a flapjack - just importing facts is almost useless. AI's have now read all the inventories - and they also read the cookbooks. Ask one how to find and fry an egg and you'll probably get a helpful answer. -Or in my case I wanted to achieve something in Microsoft's Power Automate. I spent three days trying to work it out from the published how-to's, Youtubers and technical material but I wasn't even sure what commands I needed to use. I asked ChatGPT nicely and it listed the code for me - and based off of the commands it suggested I could then find the right help page and confirm whether or not GPT was correct. It actually wasn't - but I did get a big push in the right direction. If you want to know the source of a quotation, but don't know the exact wording - again AI is your friend because it already read ALL the possible misquotations so it knows what you need. But I hate 'black box' systems - where I don't know what's happening behind the scenes, I can only see what I'm told. If AI is going to make my notes for me - how do I know it captured everything I need? If it files my stuff away - how do I know I'm seeing everything I captured? -And if I don't practise some level of control, what happens to my knowledge? (In a past life I ran something like a trading desk with lots of internal and external numbers to call - I had a push-button desk phone and I must have had 100 numbers in my head that I called regularly. With the advent of more modern phones I no longer dial an actual number, and have trouble remembering my partner's number - she's on speed dial so I don't need it.) And of course you can get killer text out of an AI - as long as you don't feel you should break the rules to make a point, as I have several times in this response. AI text is bland, unemotional and unimaginative. If AI can learn my habits and common steps so that using Evernote becomes more intuitive - tags and notebooks are suggested for me, clipping and screen shots automatically adjusted to size, and I'm able to talk to the app and get help to find the notes I want... I'll be in favour. For anything else - I hope there's an 'off' switch!
  4. Filterize is a service I use on my 65,000 notes which can tag, move and retitle notes (amongst other things). I'm doing something similar to you, in terms of organising my notes, but mine are going into notebooks rather than being retitled. With an external service like this you also run into the limitation that Evernote won't process more than a certain number of third party inputs per hour - I tested the service, then put a LOT of notes through the process and spent the next three days receiving 'temporarily blocked' notices while the queue got sorted out. I believe the maximum number of processes you can schedule is still quite high - but if you try it out, you might want to start with 100 notes at a time and go up from there! The process is: you set up your filter (much like an email rule) and flag the notes to be processed with a tag. In your case I guess that would be "if the note has tag <target> / change title to <keywords> / remove tag <target>. Add the necessary tag to the notes, and wait for sync. As each note is processed by the server Filterize will make the changes. I'm suggesting a tag, but if there's anything other common factor you can use to identify this group of notes - keywords / dates / current titles / source - then you can use that. The note has to be changed in some way though so that it will sync to the server. I use the process to curate new notes into the account and use a combination of email addresses, keywords etc to direct notes to the correct notebook. I'm not employed by the company, I just use the service... https://filterize.net
  5. I'd suggest you contact Support to find out what happened. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps In either case your scope for any action will be very limited - check Evernote's terms and conditions for details.
  6. Hi. Evernote do offer a free - but pretty limited - service for potential users to try out, but by definition there's no funding to support much of a backup network. There are groups on Facebook (including one set up by the company), there's (always) Reddit, and for feedback there are options in most (some?) of the clients. The only direct contact (that I'm aware of) for free users is https://twitter.com/evernotehelps. That said, you could (if you have the option) subscribe on a monthly basis and stay a subscriber long enough to sort out this phantom iPhone issue. It sounds like it's something to do with your connection - I use VPN forinstance and I see my IP address connecting from (apparently) around the world. It's an issue - but Evernote don't want to provide effective full access to their free product, and this is the method they chose. If you find the process inconvenient then you really need to subscribe or move on. -Please note I'm not some sort of mindless Evernote fanboy or an employee (it has been suggested). If anyone has any other practical solutions for this situation I'd be happy to hear them.
  7. See also https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004967
  8. Moved content to Mac forums as requested. On the tech issue I agree contacting Support is probably best in this situation, though I don't hold out much hope...
  9. Hi. Are you saying that this has happened from one version of ENv10 to another? Or are you remembering what used to be possible with Legacy? I was under the impression that - since a mobile device has no stored data to fall back on - you signed out of one account to sign in to another, which process was not exactly quick because the app has to download the new account details before content is available. If there has been a significant change I suggest you raise it with Support to get their help (mainly other users here...)
  10. Well, you can bet that if you currently have a grandfathered Premium account, your Personal or Professional account will be more expensive - so the relevant question may be; are you happy with the account features you already have, or do you want to move up to Tasks and Calendars and the rest? And what Support are saying (I think) is that you don't have a direct upgrade option from Premium - for internal technical reasons (ie your account type doesn't exist on their system any more) you'd have to wait until your current subscription expires and brings you back to Basic, which does exist. Support won't know when you might choose to let that happen, so they're not prepared to give you a blanket price in case you hold them to it in a year's time.
  11. Hi. We're not support - mostly users here, and not too many of us are Teams users. I'd suggest you reach out to Evernote Support for help with this...
  12. Hmmn. Or they're trying some sort of price-point research so they know what levels to charge at in the future... Odd.
  13. Hi again - why? Some harassed tech support newbie is fielding queries as fast as they can and churns out a bit of holding text to get rid of their workload. If you didn't get the answer you want, you may need to try a little harder...
  14. Hmmn. That could be a problem. You mentioned the app is constantly syncing - do you still have access to the account and the Settings options (top left of the screen)? If so, and you can see "keep a copy of my notes on this device at sign-out" is ticked in the Settings window, you should be able to exit the app from the File menu. If you do that and power the desktop off and back on again, then re-open Evernote, things might work normally. Even if you don't have access to Settings, it's possible the same thing will work - but bear in mind I'm another user; you'd be better getting hold of the Support team for their advice.
  15. I would have thought exporting all notes to HTML and giving the AI access to the pages would have been the start - but that's on your AI provider; nothing here involves Evernote.
  16. Hi. Seems to me you got a rote reply from a drone agent (or maybe an AI) that did not address your query at all - did you point out most of that was nonsense? The bit about not being able to give you a Teams price was kind've understandable - you pay depending on the number of employees, and -like I said originally- the location and local taxes of your country. Again a straight request asking for a quotation for a Teams account "covering x people based in y" should get something more useful.
  17. Hi. This is a public user forum, so please delete your email address (and some extra spaces!) from your post to avoid spam. We're mainly users here, so you do need to find a way to contact Support - though you might like to sign into your account via a desktop browser at Evernote.com and check that all your notes are available. If you are up to date there, just endtask your current Windows operation, uninstall Evernote and reinstall. The constant syncing is not expected behaviour.
  18. Hi. You're aware that Evernote is a server-based service - all additions and changes are recorded on the server, and any device connected to your account with send and receive changes each time Evernote is opened and while it is in use. Using the app from behind any kind of corporate protection though could easily prevent the server from receiving your data, and it is nothing to do with Evernote where and why the break in the connection exists. If sync is not possible, then your only fall-back may be to work on documents with an installed word-processor and to import those documents to Evernote on a desktop or when you are outside corporate premises. Evernote could then support you as a passive backup for documentation.
  19. Hi. It's important to scan in a very good light to get OCR-able (and in-focus) scans, but I guess if you're relying on an app for a lot of scanning you want the minimum of set-up time. I use scanning apps from both Adobe and Microsoft if I have any problems with Evernote's scanner.
  20. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  21. There's a very long running thread on which you can add your vote here... EDIT: Oh joy. And you managed to post the same request THREE times. I deleted one, since multiple posting is against Forum policy and just annoys the other users who are the principle respondents in the Forums. If you wish to feed back to Evernote, please contact Support.
  22. Ever tried the Home page? You can pin notes there... that's been around for what - 2 of those 10 years now..
  23. Hi. If you copy a URL you should get a 'live' URL when pasting, but pasting plain text does produce plain text unless you specifically apply the link. If you have a lot of URLs and need to do the conversion you could paste the text into a word-processor first, and then into Evernote - but AFAIK there's no way to set the conversion as an option.
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