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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. That's what is confusing me - my pastes into Excel are just the URL; no extra spaces... Excel on Win 11 also seems to work a little differently from Win 10 - posting a link seemed to include both the evernote:/// version and the www. version depending on where you were posting. I can get either type though from pasting a link to a note first. If someone has a coherent explanation for what is happening vs what should happen, maybe a support ticket? What I have works well enough for my needs...
  2. That's not what the OP asked, but since you inquire... try pasting the weblink into it's own note. evernote:///view/120918/s2/09ec1378-30a3-4e5f-b457-71c5d2992279/fa9de20f-8992-4fda-bb6d-a79eb5fdxxxx forinstance when pasted back into Evernote, comes up as 5.15% savings, £5 Sim, £200 energy help, old £20 notes when pasted locally, then here... (That note is not shared, so I'd imagine the title link won't work either...)
  3. Hi. This is a mainly user-supported web forum. For technical issues please raise a support ticket if you are a subscriber or use the feedback option in most apps.
  4. How many of the suggested fixes have you tried from this thread?
  5. Hi. Try the forgot password link on the Evernote.com page.
  6. Web browsers are increasingly cautious about allowing web applications to have access to local resources. If you can find another web-based app that plays or displays local files it might be worth raising this as a feature request, but I suspect it is impossible. The MP3 format is not played by the web client anyway - if you can get access to 'activate' the file it would be picked up by your installed MP3 software.
  7. Hi. ?? When I paste weblinks I get weblinks. Can you provide a screenshot or at least an example link to a test note?
  8. ..I'm not sure that all of them do thumbnails! I do know Evernote don't comment in areas like this, so if choosing your thumbnail is important to you, you should follow the work-arounds that have been mentioned many many times before, or find a competitor that provides this functionality - Evernote may include this is their next update - or leave it for another year or two while they work on something they give a higher priority.
  9. Hi. The current Windows version is 10.57.6 but I'd recommend you wait on updating until you've resolved this issue. You clearly have received a reply to your support request since you know that ticket number - a real human tends to follow up within a day or two. If you're in a hurry (and the right time-zone) you could try the chat support which is also available. As a subscriber you will have access to Note History which should show you all versions of your note as synced with Evernote. It's possible that -if you created your changes on another device- those changes weren't given a chance to sync to the network, so it's worth checking any connected devices for possible content. It's also possible if you made changes in Evernote Web and closed the page down immediately afterward, some content was still stuck in a browser buffer and therefore lost. Support will be able to take you through some checks to find your content. They have more access than anyone here because we're mostly other users rather than staff.
  10. Evernote releases its updates over a period of weeks since they have millions of users. To jump the queue, just download and install the latest version directly from Evernote.com
  11. I don't think high speed internet can often be described as 'cheap'... but I do sympathise with those who for whatever reason don't have access to it.
  12. I don't think anyone knows anything about when, so it's probably not going to be possible to be transparent about it. 'Spoons are continuing to develop v10, and as we've seen recently, dealing with v10 user requests and bugfixes like RTE may start to overlap and interfere with Legacy features. Everyone's friendly neighborhood browsers are developing day by day and may start affecting the web client - although that's almost the full v10 package these days so I think that's the most secure connection no matter what sort of client you have installed. MacOS recently rattled cages with their missing PDF utility, and Windows / Android and the rest are all working toward their next major iterations as we speak. It's one of those "not going to happen tomorrow" things - that might come home to roost in a week or a month, or might struggle on into next year. I was seriously underwhelmed by v10 when it first came out, and I think it possibly 'escaped' rather than being released after the Old Guard worked out how much they were spending on not only the several separate operating systems they were supporting then, but also on the development work with Electron. The New Guys seem rather more focussed and have proved themselves somewhat with their own products, and they've inherited a 'mature' version of the app which is pretty usable for me. My only big asks are 1) a 'proper' backup system for that 1 in a zillion chance of things going very wrong, an 2) and end to that pesky 100 limit on everything. Anyone who's still using Legacy because v10 is "unsuitable" is, with all due respect but IMNSHO, just clinging to the past. Sure it's a pain to have to change muscle memory, but the same issue applies to any new provider. New things are different to old things. Deal with it! I'd far rather have a bit of inconvenience (and the occasional rant) over v10 than trust my data to a system that is tweaking my spider-sense each time I use it...
  13. Wow - thanks for the question, because I just found a way to make my life easier too... In my version of Windows 11, hitting Fn+PrtScn pops up a little information windows that says screenshots are automatically saved to OneDrive in a folder called (sensibly) "screenshots". If I add that as an Import Folder for Evernote, one quick tap of the key automatically saves the result directly to my account. Only main drawback is there's no option to select part if the screen. This is a 100% view only. I also see that I have nearly 200 prior screenshots I didn't previously know about... The reason I got there was that for some reason W11 broke a lot of screenshot 'standards' including Evernote's own built-in capture screen which defaults to Alt+Ctrl+S. It is possible to edit that to a none-Windows combination, but I can't find one that works on my Dell. If you're running W10 you may have better luck. The shortcut referred to above Shift+Win+S allows free choice and puts the clip on the clipboard. Ctrl+N will open a new note / settings will let you default to starting it in the body rather than the title, so pasting the clip should be immediate. A text expander like Phrase Express would let you assign all of that to a parent keystroke (not sure about a mouse). More research may be necessary to find a combo that works the way you need it to, but meantime if you feed your needs back to Evernote via a support ticket they may be able to add it in future...
  14. Hi. This is a public forum and the staff very rarely get involved with individual issues. subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the in-app feedback option where it is available). Good luck with the reinstall!
  15. Hi. The only process I know in Legacy that creates a note as part of the process is the browser Clipper action to clip all or part of web pages. Did you miss the options described above? It is still possible to screen shot all or part of your display.
  16. If things aren't working as they should, then sign out / back in | restart device | uninstall / restart / re-install as necessary to get it working again. Also: device / OS / Evernote version helps.
  17. Hi. I seem to remember that Evernote uses Google contacts as its source directory - have you checked there to see if these addresses are listed?
  18. ...with unsubstantiated claims, yes. So far you've quoted one 3-year old thread and the fact that access to your account was attempted. Had you mentioned that here, someone would have listed the options available and provided the standard help as @s2sailor has done. My request for your ticket number was not some sort of 'trap' - we have the means in the forums to escalate unresolved ticket issues to Evernote staff if required. This help page may also assist you: What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account
  19. Most companies (I think) have some form of user request system, and occasionally they'll come across a gem of an idea, or one that lots of users support, and implement it stratight away. Mostly they won't. Users have no rights here - the only final say anyone has is to walk away from the product because it doesn't have a necessary feature. When enought of those happen the company will pay attention. But a software company will spend most of its time keeping its code up to date and fixing faults as and when they arise. They'll have a schedule to go around all the important systems - editor / sync / storage / sharing / etc in order during the year. Someone in Marketing will be keeping an eye on the competition in case they come out with something new that might attract customers away, and there will be a list somewhere of new features that the company can add in to keep everyone happy and maybe attract some new business. New coding is inherently expensive - lots of blue sky coding, trials and testing to be done - so it's most cost effective to make changes to the editing code (forinstance) when you'd normally be doing maintenance on it anyway. If someone comes up with a good idea at the wrong time, it'll have to wait until the cycle goes around again - maybe in a year or so - before it can be implemented. Few companies will comment on work in progress - why give your current customers the expectation that a swishy new feature will be available soon when testing might throw up some major issues, or a crisis comes up that you need to address, and the launch date goes back and back... and your users get more and more unhappy and shout at you a lot. And why give your competitors the chance to start their own development on that feature even before you launch your own? Sorry for going on so long - but I'm just trying to make the point that behind the scenes, adding new features involves lots of scheduling, budgeting and some politics. From what little I've seen though the developments are still coming, and I'm sure Bending Spoons didn't go through all that effort just to run the company into the ground!
  20. Don't know of any Postach.io links other than my (sadly neglected) own, but if you check out the confusingly named https://cliffeactual.postach.io you're looking at a notebook in my Evernote account.
  21. Sadly, some of the user community were already saying "what about AI then?" And since the new owners seem to have a bit of knowledge and some connections in that direction, it was probably relatively quick and easy to tack in on to the API. I don't have any inside knowledge, but I'd guess that since another user favourite is live collaboration (RTE) and and that's something they're working on now, it's a bit difficult to deal with any other architecture changes until the syncing process is finally resolved. Hence other bells and whistles being temporarily back-burnered. As to it's usage, I have to admit that though in former lives I've been a writer, and putting together a logical and coherent stream of text is what I (used to) get paid for... it's been useful to use ChatGPT to remind myself about obscure words, suggest ways to start a new topic, and give me summaries of web pages, videos and podcasts so I can pick out the interesting bits. It's a useful tool, but I would not trust it far enough to send out anything it produced with a careful read through and some tinkering of my own. It's all (apparently) in the 'prompts' that you give it - and fortunately I see "ChatGPT for Dummies" has been published - I'll be reading that soon!
  22. Hmmn - the words "inexperienced", "insecure" and "fragile" occur to me here regardimg such products...
  23. I prefer to deal with my problems if and when they actually occur, rather than agonise about them in advance. ...There is the thought though that the more expensive Evernote gets, the more scope there is for the 'other' providers in the note-taking market to increase their charges. The whole market could price itself into the 'luxury' class. I'm investing in a stock of pencils and notebooks now in advance of the note-ocalypse...
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