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Everything posted by CalS

  1. Is that Bladerunner music in the background? Might work for keyworders, no tags in sight as far as I could tell.
  2. Good point Frank. For me, GTD or task type items pose that "Well, I might need to remember this some day..." question. And you know the one you delete is the one you will need, Murphy has to rear his head. Removing notes is even less clear for non-GTD items for me. So rather than go through the brain damage, tags and search are my friends. I will do the occasional pruning when something truly dead shows up in a search, mostly a result of bad habits early on in my journey with EN, but I don't go out of my way to purge or archive. Don't think time saved exceeds the time invested. My use case anyway.
  3. Adam, Don't know that there is a best practice. It depends upon what you want to do with EN. There are other threads in the forum that addressing archiving, if that is the way you decide to go. Quick summary of options I have seen: Leave notes in place when done Delete notes when done Move notes to "Done" Notebook(s) when done Tag notes with "Archive" or the like when donePersonally I leave them where they are. Maybe I will clean up but don't think it's worth the effort for me at this point (27k notes). Options 3 and 4 enable exclusion of the archived notes when searching. If I wanted to archive, I would use option 3. Easier to have a stack of current notebooks and not worry about a -tag:archive search. Though if you have a lot of notebooks, which I don't, option 4 might be better. FWIW.
  4. Could try creating a dummy note and seeing if you can merge the two and then delete it. Could try shutting down and restarting EN. The other end of the spectrum would be to reload your data base from the servers.
  5. Please, share them with us. I could use some levity. Typical example. http://www.jokes.net/heavenandhell.htm
  6. Shame EN doesn't invest the energy as per all the above recent posts.... ;-)
  7. @dangledude, Not sure it makes any difference at this point, but are the times the same on your devices?
  8. Amen. IMO, there seems to be too much emphasis on sizzle and coolness, and not enough on function and results. Ouch.
  9. History gets fuzzy sometimes, but IMO EN got "froggier" about the time Business was introduced and the sharing that entailed. Doesn't sound like less business....
  10. Sentinel, Don't be so hard on yourself. Annoyances have a cumulative effect. Your data issue plus the myriad reports of software errors and a vacuum of communications take their toll. Now that we know our data is protected how's about fixing some of the issues with getting to it. Avid user here, not interested in transitioning to some other platform in any way. Would just like EN to perform per specifications, nothing to do with my preferences. Those trouble tickets I have submitted which have been confirmed as errors that have gone into the black hole of development priorities. Those would be good to hear about. Just saying...
  11. @GM Both would not only be fine, but maybe required, IMO. Theoretically, what do you do when you take a note out of an encrypted notebook? Wouldn't that note have been encrypted while in the encrypted notebook? I'm just saying if it is easier to implement note level encryption (relative term and I would guess it is) then a Ctrl-A and a right click menu as a part of the process gets you there, with note level integrity. FWIW. Full disclosure - I don't use a lot of notebooks which influences my view of the universe.
  12. With you 100%. To go off topic, if it were me, I'd ask for note level encryption. Better personal use case and I can only imagine the hair on notebook level encryption when you start moving and sharing notes.
  13. Perhaps @mapjr could clear the air as to the intent of his statement? Problem with the written word is that" I would like to see..." and "It should be as easy as..." don't mean the same thing to all people. Might be best to question the intent before jumping as well, I suppose.
  14. I am 100% on board with the issues detailed in this thread relative to EN's lack of support, poor communications, and quality control issues. EN is not a well run company at the moment. On the other hand, my use case has not been impacted that much by all of the above. In fact, the most recent Windows releases brought back instantaneous searches and response times. I don't get the not responding message anymore. The IOS versions are as quick. Not as big a data base as most on here I suppose, 15GB, 26k notes, 60% synced/40% local, but hopefully enough to test the beast.. I guess I am not motivated to toss in the towel at this point. The pain of changing my practices and learning something new outweighs the pain of dealing with EN. It just isn't hurting bad enough yet. Maybe they will fix themselves, maybe they won't. For sure I am doing automated ENEX backups until that is determined. I may be just fully missing something (wouldn't be the first time), am being totally myopic, or just have my head firmly in the sand, or someplace else. So best alternative to En for me at the moment is EN. FWIW.
  15. @gazumped, Thinking more in terms of the sessions where strategy of product and delivery occur. The sessions where what we as consumers see and feel is begot. The practical side of implementing the purpose, vision, mission, whatever you want to call it. Kind of where the heart of the beast is built. The agenda appears to be more a set of practicum sessions. Still never bad to mix with the folks. Though not being near SF is a constraint.
  16. Very good point! But wouldn't you like to sit in on a meeting and share a thought or two?! Although I don't dare place myself in their category, I did however, learn from the "Greatest Generation" in many aspects of life. Business was one. EN needs a bit more growth in...(well, I am left without the proper words)...Anyone? I think I would enjoy sitting in a meeting or two, if for no other reason that to get a sense of how the world is viewed in ENland. Tough enough picking the proper words for myself. but quality comes to mind for me.
  17. rhet·o·ric (noun) the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. = ALL CAPS. I agree 100% that this thread is about significant issues that EN as a company is facing. And it is good to know that there are power users who are passionate about the product. It's the level of drama that I don't get. Problem with interpreting the written word versus all of the nice visual cues we get when we actually converse with someone I suppose. Consumers vote with their feet. As is obvious by this thread, some are working their way up to a jog. I guess it's just not as dire for me at this point. That being said, these forums and trouble tickets are the best outlet we have for reporting the stuff that just does not work per spec, transparency and service included. Taller order to modify a company's culture from here though.
  18. Alan. Agree, maybe not to the depth of the rhetoric above. Problems definitely exist. Do I imagine you pounding the pulpit in the INSTANCES above? ;-)
  19. @kevind3207, FWIW, presented with what I think you are trying to accomplish and EN as the tool: I would create a tag for the name of the book Assuming a chapter per note I would title each note "Chapter xx - Whatever the title of the chapter is to be" Tag each chapter note with the book title tag Create a TOC note from a search and bulk select on the title tag, as neededOne tag, note titles, and the TOC function.
  20. Inconsolata, please. Or Consolas. Even so, Evernote just inserts 5 spaces in the current font, so there are no actual tabstops. But yes, you can make things line up with them. It is not pretty, I agree. But if one is compelled to align things....
  21. I use this work around, less for the anchoring more for the ease of getting back to the main note. Since I'm a two monitor user, the primary note is just sitting there and I can flit through the other notes without the "where exactly did I put that......" issues.
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