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Evernote Expert
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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Totally agree 100%. Far too much aggressive language flying around. Some folks need to keep it civil.
  2. It looks like it's real time sync now where everything, every character is synced instantly. Down the bottom right of the note it will say All Changes Saved.
  3. After I've clipped something or forwarded an email it appears as HTML content with a little magic wand at the top to simplify the formatting. There's also remove formatting under More in the formatting menu.
  4. I'm just astonished that someone from Yorkshire is paying for premium 🤣🤣 My desktop & studio PC updated automatically from 10.1 to 10.6 or whatever it is but my laptop didn't.... had to download and do a manual install. Maybe a bug floating around.
  5. Totally agree with all of that. I think they have done a tremendous job getting to where they are with this new app and my own view is that it's much better than the older version already. I've been involved in very small SAAS companies myself, mainly as a hated project manager and I know how hard this would of been to do. Some features will be left out. Decisions will have been made if they can afford developer time on features used by 1-3% of users. Tough call. Thinking about the future and giving just one hypothetical example. Look at all the calls on the forums for free writing on notes with these wonderful pen devices we have. I know this would be very useful to me. Implementing this on the Windows app would've been a nightmare, then you add MACs into the mix then you need for this to be compatible with each other... virtually impossible to do. With Electron they will have access to web technologies like the PointerEvent API that lets them detect even pen pressure on the screen. Cross platform as well. The future looks great to me. Can't wait to see what they have cooking!
  6. Yes, it's very cool. Was surprised when it happened. Would be nice to see this feature extended to other content based URLs like dropbox links, tweet links, Vimeo etc. Being able to watch the video within the note is very useful.
  7. I was asked why I moved back to Evernote after 3 years of using OneNote and I answered. I have no idea what dev teams think. You may think my view is narrow but I have a very simple note taking system that works for me so I can get my work done quickly and efficiently.
  8. I think the fact EN have 200 million+ users means the noise from taking these features away is much louder than with other apps. I had about 150 kicking off on a forum and even that made the whole product sounds like an utter disaster lol... they were another 60,000+ who thought everything was still great The main reasons for coming back for me were MUCH better and simpler formatting options so that notes look the same on all devices. Paragraph headers, I never understood why a note taking app didn't have paragraph headers and you had to select and resize a font to make one! I also love the dark mode which works great in my studio which has low light levels so a white background burns out your eyes when recording!! I also like the real time sync which I didn't realise was there until earlier, down the bottom right-hand corner its syncing every key press. I imagine they have some sort of real time collaboration feature to come soon which would utilise this just like Google Docs. The app also seems more modern which is nice. It matches the feel of other software I use, softer fonts, smoother scrolling etc. Cosmetically it's nicer to use. Main reason though is formatting... like 100 times better than before. The table functionality is a dream to work with!
  9. I've really been enjoying using the new app and signed back up to premium at the weekend because of the improvements so there's always another side to a story. It always amuses me about the phrase 'power user'... this is a phrase that people tend to call themselves I've worked with a few SAAS companies over the years, all be it much smaller than Evernote, and none of them ever used this phrase. What they did do was understand what percentage of the user base used which feature so that if only 1% used a certain piece of functionality they had to decide if it was worth dedicating expensive engineering time to 1%. Hard decision but needs to be done especially if a 1% feature is holding back development of features that 80% use! Just my 2p.
  10. Yeah, this is what I see and works a treat. I've been using the right click to move stuff as it's a bit quicker than moving down to the bottom bar.
  11. Hold CTRL and select the notes you want then right click and move them or delete them. You can also use the blue bar at the bottom of the screen to do this as well. Maybe you missed it whilst insulting the developers?
  12. You can do this in Electron.... best way would be to design an interface and when saved it stores prefs in a JSON file locally on the hard drive. When the app is loaded prefs can be called from this file. You could also sync this as well if you want so all devices have the same settings. EG select Dark Mode on Windows and it appears on all other apps as the setting is synced. You could also set prefs directly in the cloud as well... lots and lots of options available just depends how the devs want to do it.
  13. I had no idea Just returned to premium EN from 4 years on OneNote because of the new app and editor.
  14. Just double clicked on a note and it opened up in a new window OK... I could edit fine. Took about 2 seconds for the full note to appear. I didn't realise you could do that so very useful feature to discover I'm using the new windows app.
  15. I think the new version is great. I left EN around 4 years ago and moved to OneNote mainly because the formatting of notes in EN was so basic and it felt like I was using a giant piece of software from Windows 95 days lol.... not a modern lightweight and fast app like today. I mean.... no consistent headers until the other day, in a modern note taking app!! Every single app I know of offers headers, even Simplenote. I resubbed to premium the other day and spent yesterday moving notes from OneNote. I don't have any performance issues, nice and quick and this is on all 4 windows PCs I've installed on. In fact the one PC in my studio is a 2012 i3 with 4GB RAM and the new EN flies! @DTLow is right about the masses not worrying about specific niche features. They just want a note taking app that works, offers modern features and is available on all devices in a consistent way. Only thing I'd disagree on is that I think the majority of paid users will think the same as well. So, new app and new subscriber to premium here.
  16. There's an Import in the file menu and it looks like it wants EN export files or text files.
  17. I used the template functionality a few minutes ago and it worked fine.... using Windows. I created a note and top right 3 dots selected save as template and it's there in my template's section. Worked a treat! Maybe switch off and on again? Just tried again making a test template and worked... maybe a temporary glitch?
  18. I looked at this years ago and its a bit of a faff and you'll either use multiple apps or do it manually. I split tasks and notes so use Todoist for tasks and EN for notes. Nobody has come up with a system that really nails tasks & notes in one app yet..... would be nice
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