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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. ??? If it will be implemented completely (see above), it will get a very usefull tool to search for things around and inside attached files. I'm often sure that something is inside an attachment. If the Files search will be able to scan text in images and sound files - bingo! Until now there's no search keyword to find text only inside attached files...
  2. Yep - preview works only for images and PDF. Other files (.XLSx, .DOCx and all others) throw only a message to open or download it 😞. Search does not search within the files. 😞 If you are looking for a specific word within an Excel oder Word document, the normal search (within notes) will lead to the file - but not the search within Files 😀 But all-in-all the Feature itself is a very good idea
  3. ??? If you placed a tag (by Drag&Drop) on the desktop, EN-Legacy placed an ENEX-export. Don't know why because it would be a better choice to habe only something like an URL that causes EN to show what's requested in a search phrase embedded in the URL's address πŸ˜‰. But this functionality (storing and re-executing search phrases) was and is given by defined Favorite in EN10... You may place the tags in Favorites and sort Favorites by your own. Even if you rename tags, the order within the Favorites will not change.
  4. added to 058 - Suggestions for TOC, anchored links and collapsed sections handling
  5. added to 058 - Suggestions for TOC, anchored links and collapsed sections handling
  6. ... added to 058 - Suggestions for TOC, anchored links and collapsed sections handling
  7. ... added to 058 - Suggestions for TOC, anchored links and collapsed sections handling
  8. EN10.85.2 started to support of anchored links and creation of TOC (Table Of Content) sections. EN10.80.3 added support to collapse/uncollapse sections below headlines and list items. Together these are great features but need (and I'm sure will get) some enhancement to get really usable. Here are some of my ideas: Anchored link should display headline text automatically (including color) If you create and paste an anchored link, it shows the title of the note This might be OK if you paste link to an other note But normal case will be to paste the link inside the current to allow a reader to jump around note sections If an headline text changes, text of anchored links should change also (automatically) Within notes an anchored link text should be displayed in the same color of the headline it points to If the destination of an achored link is collapsed, the section should be un-collapsed automatically For the moment the user has no glue what's happening because the cursor is lost ☹ If note is displayed in a separate window, clicking on an anchored link displays the note in EN's main window Annoying - a user surely does not want to leave the current window 😀 Jumping to an anchored link from outside EN should open a new note window This was possible in former EN versions and should be implemented in EN10 also to avoid disturbing the current EN display There are no keystrokes available to collapse and uncollapse sections Writers would like to use their keyboard without mouse as long as possible For the moment you can collapse and uncollapse sections only by clicking [>] and [v] icons with the mouse... I'd like to get Alt-Right-Arrow and Alt-Left-Arrow to uncollapse and collapse a section below a headline or list item Some would like to use Shift-Right-Arrow or Shift-Left-Arrow like Windows Explorer uses to open/close subfolder - but these keystrokes are used to select text within note editing windows. This behaviour should not be changed. Ctrl-Right-Arrow and Ctrl-Left Arrow are also not a good choice because they're used to move the cursor to the next or previous word. /-Command to insert a TOC should create TOCs only from current position to end of the note Often a document (note) starts with a headline like "Content" just at the beginning - followed by the table itself. For the moment all inserted TOC start with "Content" as a first line - can be removed easily but might be inhibited by EN itselfπŸ˜‰ Internal links should be displayed in green color ... as it was the case until anytime within the last patchesπŸ˜‰ Anchored links (as base of the TsOC) are used for navigation inside EN which should be clearly separated from links to outside Anchored links (and TsOC) should work in publicly shared note view, HTML and PDF exports also If you click on an internal link within a share note (like https://tinyurl.com/missing-in-EN10), an EN account will be opened instead of simply jumping around inside the web page. At least with HTML and PDF exports, the problem might be easy to solve: EN has to change internal link addresses to point relative to the document (do not use evernote:///... syntax in address) In case of publicly shared note views, solution is the same - but conversion has to take place with every download of the page from server because the note view should show the actual state of a note... ... (will be extended as more ideas come up...)
  9. Tried to add a line "<back to Content>" at end of each section to be able to jump back to the TOC... add a H1 "Content" to the top of the note copy anchor link to clipboard by clicking on icon right of the headline paste this link to new line at end of a section unfortunately the title of the note is used as link text - should be "Content" change link text to "<back to Content>" copy this line to each end of a section go <back to Content> insert TOC with /-command just after H1 "Content" delete first line of TOC (because it points needless to "Content" πŸ˜‰) Works great πŸ‘:
  10. That's not possible within EN and|or by reading its local data. But you may use foreign tools like Make (formerly called "Integromat"). Most of them allow to specifiy EN search phrases to collect notes and process them according to rules you have to specify. I've created a small example to search for notes in a notebook "EN-1-Issues" that carry a tag called ">8-waiting". The list is sorted descending by CreationDate and formatted to a HTML-table with each row representing a note and showing its Creation-, Updated-, ReminderDate, Title (as a clickable link) and the list of currently assigned tags. At the this is eMailed to me... Here's the result: Unfortunately, tools like this are often restricted in some areas (#API-Calls/time, #returnedNotes, specific field values...) because of EN limitations. In case of Make, you cannot read the Author-property of a note or set a ReminderDone date 😞. If you'll find an other tool that covers your specific needs, please let us know about.
  11. Seems you have splitted the lines by a <RETURN> which makes every line a seperate section of text. If you type <SHIFT><RETURN> at the end of a line, the section is not broken so that the lines will be shown with lesser space. This is by intend in many text formatting programs - but should be configurable (which is not so far in EN ...) πŸ˜‰
  12. Coming from outside should always open a new window Text editing cursor should be placed in front of the anchored headline and/or note window should be scrolled to place the anchored headline at the top edge Pasting a link to an anchor should display the headline text as URL text (not the note title) for the moment it is very hard to create a local TOC on top of a note because all links carry the same stupid note title πŸ˜‰ Finally (so far): anchored links should be "life" at the end ... and display a headline text even if that is changed - like we like from Title-styled internal links to notes.
  13. Oups - my fail - You're right πŸ™‚ Yep - that the reason for me to use Title-style most often for the moment. If Text-links would behave in this way (to show the name of the target - and in future the name of the title within the note), I would go back to Text-links because they're inline with my text and do not need that ugly gray box on a new line... THX - or simply Ctrl-Click in all cases πŸ™
  14. Great πŸ‘- didn't see the #-sign so far - but indeed even my EN10.84.3 creates it! Huh - it works here: I copied such an address to an Excel cell, made it a real hyperlink, clicked on it and was transferred to EN-note-headline, from which I copied the link πŸ‘
  15. Problem Description OK: With EN10 it is possible to display internal links as Text, Title or Preview <I preferre Titles in the meanwhile ;-)> OK: When displayed as Text, it's possible to Modify link address (i.e. after Right-Mouse-Click) Open link in a new window (i.e. by Ctrl-Click) Fail: When displayed as Title or Preview you cannot do this Neither after clicking on "..." nor with Right-Mouse-Click on the link... Expected behaviour Offer complete and same functionality in all cases Note (updated): To change the text of a Title- or Preview-link you have to change the title of the note they're pointing to this is OK and by intend of these automaticalls updated links Workaround To change a link address change it to Text mode ... which is a poor workaround because it needs to change the note text To open a link in a new window Open link in main window, then click on "..." in upper right corner to re-open it in a new window ... which is a really bad workaround because it replaces the current note in the current note window See also Ticket #3871813
  16. So they should not call it "AI" 😞. EN's "AI" seems to be only a marketing buzzword.
  17. Intelligence is based on training. How should it get better if not by learning about my habits? I know it's very hard to implement a learning strategy that's valid only for the user who's asking for. Such a machine should take public knowledge and merge it with my strategy to tag, name and fill notes. This is what I expect to be done before answering to me.
  18. OK, ticketing system has been improved (better formatting possibilites, overview, ...). But it would be fine to get an information (by eMail) with a short reason if it is closed. And "tickets can be reopened" is not true - you've only a chance to open a new (follow-up ) ticket. This makes it hard to track down longer discussions (I've topic that has been solved after 12 months with 4 ticket numbers... πŸ˜‰
  19. Yep - he's credible in this area. But my "do we can assume that all this will be implemented soon?" was meant as "... all this ..." (complete URL with #anchor to title to paste in foreign apps...) πŸ˜‰
  20. See also: New coming: Table of contents on Evernote - do we can assume that all this will be implemented soon?
  21. Whow - and they call it the "clipboard". I hope this means really "Windows clipboard" with text and address πŸ™. It would be a killing feature to be able to insert such an URL to other programs like Outlook, Excel and Word and see it there as a link to a section in an EN-note... See also: 049 - Paste internal links as complete HTLM link (with title and URL) into foreign applications
  22. Yes and no (after diving deeper...). If a string that starts with evernote:///view/... is ... ... a valid internal link to a note in the currently open account, it is converted to an URL showing the note title as text and the address as the link behind πŸ‘ ... a valid internal link to a note in an other account, it seems to be converted to an URL - but cannot show the note title. A never ending loading-indicator shows up ... until the other account shares the note with the currently open account πŸ‘ ... an (syntactically) invalid internal link the string is inserted without any modification to an URL (OK) So all-in-all handling of evernote:///view/-links is OK. OK - with one exception: See 049 - Paste internal links as complete HTLM link (with title and URL) into foreign applications πŸ˜‰
  23. OK, after some back and forth I was forwared to Convert local notebooks - so it was a "Handbook-not-read-error" in case of retaining content of local notebook πŸ˜‰. Great - but also a great desaster: It's possible to open a local Legacy database with these registry hacks (it's so simple that I'm annoyed I didn't find it myself) But: After some minutes the complete EvernotePath is deleted from disk - all locally stored EN (Legacy) data is lost 😞 😑 So is no more an option... Even EN10 (re-)installs never removed Legacy's data. Now EN-Legacy itself kills its data (but keeps running - for what?) 😀 πŸ‘Ž(IIRC EN promised "your data is yours..." πŸ˜’ - now our local data was ours)
  24. Sorry, not for me (and my screen is really wide πŸ˜‰ ). Could you please supply a screen shot?
  25. Sometimes I wish you were an EN employee. I'm sure you would be much friendlier with others here...
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