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Everything posted by TonyLim

  1. For me, the reminder is still showing the same sort order as 10.4 (as my screenshot above). The earliest on top, the latest below. Somehow, it works for me, but not for @david grant and @Joe Pairman.
  2. There is no sort option. I create the same reminder as yours. It is exactly reverse order as yours. see attached image.
  3. Hi, my iOS (both iPhone and iPad) devices show earliest date at the top. The iOS Evernote is 10.4.
  4. The current reminders time format is 24 hours. Is there any setting I can change it to AM/PM? Instead of 13:00, I would prefer 1:00 PM.
  5. My current approach is simply revert back to v6.25.1.9091 (the last version before they change to v10), if you still have a copy. If I use the v10, my workflow is destroyed, like you. I have lots of lots of frustration very now and then, bad for health, bad for productivity/efficiency. I am happy with v6.25.1.9091 for now, till my subscription ends Jun 2021. If the v10 can catch up with all (or most) of the features in v6 that my workflow can restored. Then I will renew he subscription. Else I will stop. In the mean time, start looking for alternatives. If you don't have the old copy v6.25.1.901, you can use the legacy copy (refer here : https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314). I think it is v6.25.2.????. It is about the same, I think. Just the ugly grey elephant.
  6. No, for a HTTP link, it should open up the link directly. Not many other sites do that. When I paste a HTTP link in Google Calendar, if I click on it, it open the HTTP link. A floating diaglog/box that the new Web Client shows is really not required.
  7. In the Web Client, if you click on a HTTP link, it didn't open up the link directly. Instead, it shows you the HTTP link in a floating diaglog/box. You click the HTTP link, it open up a tab/windows that shows "You are leaving Evernote". Then you click "Continue", it finally brings you to the link you wanted. 3 clicks for every link! I rarely used the Web Client previously, until Desktop v10 is introduced. Was this the behavior previously? Is this the new v10 Web Client hehavior?
  8. Thanks. Will adapt to this feature (it is not a bug 😅).
  9. Or just use the legacy version and Web version. The Web version is almost identical to the desktop v10.
  10. I have a slight different problem with checklist. I used to be able to have a number list with checklist in v6.25.1.9091. Now, I can only have numbered list or checklist. I cannot have both numbered list and checklist together. If you add the next line/item, both the number and the checkbox will appear together. Does that mean that I have to use numbered list with checkbox in v10? If I use checkbox with numbered list, adding next line will have next number, but no checkbox.
  11. Do you still have the problem with the second issue? That is to use the web link (https link) in other app, such as google calendar, it open up the browser and then redirect to the desktop (Mac or Windows) Evernote app since it recognized that Evernote is installed. This used to be working. I test by putting a web link in my google calendar. I open it on my iPad google calendar, it open Evernote App, even though it is a web link. I open it on my Windows desktop chrome google calendar, it open Evernote Web. It didn’t open the Evernote Windows App.
  12. Thanks. I did a quick export to ENEX and HTML format. I can find Note Link (thus the Note-ID) in both exports. Did I miss something here? Even with that, I think it is still not easy to import/re-create the link in joplin (or any other notes app). The Note-ID seems to be a random/hashed id created by the notes app (evernote, or joplin) during noes creation. Thus the id if the linked note after imported will be different.
  13. With regard to Evernote recreate the internal note links, I think I will face this problem too, though I don't have many linked notes. But I think this is a tricky one. I will need to look at the code. Currently, I believe the import is simply a converting of Evernote format to Joplin markdown format. To recreate the internal note links will be a bit complex. What if the linked note is not imported? Anyhow, you can post this request in joplin forum. More can be discussed there. See how it evolve. @DTLow Care to elaborate how you solve this problem?
  14. Agreed. An editor should be wysiwyg for us to quickly enter/edit notes without worry about the markdown code. I think that is the reason they are working actively on a wysisyg editor. At the moment, I simply use Typoria as the external editor, until the Joplin wysiwyg editor is stable. Typoria is a wysiwyg editor, so you need not do any markdown code.
  15. Besides people who are able code, I see other advantages for non-developer too. You see, we spend so much in this forum trying to tell Evernote our frustration, our views. They all fall on deaf ears. Joplin provide a roadmap that you can see, ask questions, feedback and even influence. Evernote don't. There are many discussion, feedback, bug reports in the forum by non-developers. Most developers take pride of their work. If the bug is due to their work, they want to correct/fix them. And you can see the bugs being addressed, discussed and fixed. Unlike Evernote, we have no idea if they taking our feedback and our bug report seriously. Users (non-developers esp) can request features that they would like to see (like what we did here in Evernote). They will be discussed, debated and subsequently put into roadmap. But here in Evernote.....? I rather spend time now in Joplin forum to help than to spend time in Evernote voicing our frustration in v10. I continue to use the old (not even want to use their Legacy version) waiting for my subscription to end. I don't have high hope that they will take our feedback seriously and correct v10. But I can see our bug report and feedback being addressed actively in Joplin.
  16. I just started to test out Joplin. It has many similarities as Evernote. The most important thing is: it is open source. I can see the source code. I can contribute to the change to correct a bug or to add a feature. If it goes different direction (like Evernote) one day, I can continue to use it and change it to whatever way I like.
  17. Yes, Notion seems to have lots of functionality that Evernote does not have (some we have been asking for). Besides local notebooks (or encryption), the major feature I need is the global tagging. Although there is an alternate solution provided in Notion, but it is not truly global. The next one is Nimbus notes, with global tagging (yet to test out). But no local notebooks (or encryption). Joplin could be another choice, with end-to-end encryption. Open source.
  18. no local notebooks, but with offline access. for encryption, evernote also does not have encryption (or very bare selected text encryption)
  19. I toggle between this Top List and Side List very often. When I have the full screen, I will use Side List. But, if I have Evernote on one side and Browser on the other side, I will use Top List. Can we have this View Option back?
  20. It is not. It is in cache format. The files are in C:/users/youraccount/appdata/roaming/evernote/resource-cache/User1234567. I think each of us is assigned a 7-digit user id.
  21. I am also looking to migrate to Notion. For offline, this is what is available now. Hopefully, a better offline solution is provided soon. No OCR now, but it is on the roadmap. I can live with it. And probably explore other add-on option. What are important but lacking in Notion are: Tags and Web Clipper. The Tags are local to the Page or Database. There is a Global Tags Database workaround which I am still exploring and testing. The Web Clipper is really not as good as Evernote. Need to find a solution to this before I switch.
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