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Posts posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. On 3/23/2022 at 9:20 AM, Volantys said:


    The shortcut Ctrl + Minus (-) to zoom out doesn't work, while Ctrl + Plus (+) works perfectly. What could be the issue here?



    @FourFather, that's a different issue on a different program.

    But thanks for reactivating this thread, because I've noticed recently (in version 10.47.7) that using Ctrl with the numeric keypad - and + does nothing, while using Ctrl with the top-row numerics _/- and +/= does properly zoom out and in. Weird. And can't be configured.

  2. On 10/15/2022 at 12:52 PM, agsteele said:

    Another thing to avoid is having the same note active in two places within the one application.  It is easy have the note open in its own window AND also have it open in the main device note view. If you switch from the individual window to the main note application and that is the same note then you will, in effect, be working on the same note in both views and that is likely to create a conflicted note.

    Interesting. I know I have done that more than once in the old Evernote v. 6, and never gotten a duplication. I don't think I've done it yet in v. 10, but I'll watch out for the problem.

  3. Hello, and welcome to the forums. We are other users here, not Evernote staff, but we can offer some suggestions.

    There have been many reports here of notes being unexpectedly duplicated, and that may be what happened in your case. Deleting two copies was good, emptying the trash was a little premature, unfortunately. If the one note that remained, and is now blank, was in fact the original note, it's history will still be available. Note history is maintained for all notes, but is only accessible for paid subscribers. If you are not a subscriber, you could pay for just one month, and then check the note history to see if your information is there. If it is, you can recover whatever was the most recent complete version.

    However, if the original note was one of the ones that were emptied from the trash, then it is probably gone for good. Each note has its own unique identifying number, and note histories are associated with those numbers. A note that suddenly appeared as a duplicate would have no history earlier than that point, and if it became blank, the note history might also contain only the blank note.

    In any case, checking the note history would be your best chance to recover the information. I hope that this is some help.

  4. I just tested in Evernote 10.46.7 under Windows 10. An existing shortcut on my desktop with an app link opened the correct note within the program, even after I had completely quit Evernote (File > Quit). Same with a different, freshly copied app link from the Windows Run dialog, and a different link from within a Word document. So it's working for me. What version of Windows are you using?

  5. Since both you are your wife are experiencing something that is not expected (I assume you actually clicked on the link that @Boot17 posted, which is more than a homesick cow), it's likely that you both have more than 2 devices going. From the Web app, try going to https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action and seeing how many devices are listed. If more than 2, very carefully (since you can only do this twice in 30 days) pick which excess device you want to revoke.

    But none of this explains why your wife can't see any notes added since March 2021. What happened when you disabled the share and re-enabled it, as @agsteele suggested?

  6. @NewHero, this is a great, well-thought-out set of suggestions. Some may already be possible, as @Mike P suggests, but overall I love it as a conception of what Evernote is capable of. I'm not sure that simply posting here is enough to bring them to Evernote developers' attention, though, since the forums are user-to-user and we can't really predict when Evernote staff will pass through or what they'll notice. There are feedback options within the apps (including the Web app), and that might be the way to go, though I don't know whether they would accommodate something this comprehensive.

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  7. 22 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    But I think Teams is a sound offer for companies between 3 and 30, maybe even a little above.

    That's an interesting point. I'm not in the business world myself. We outsiders often hear a lot of news about the giants, but we also know that there are far more smaller businesses, and they are often the most important both for their customers and for local economies. It does seem like Evernote would be most useful at that level, and it's not an insignificant level.

  8. 13 hours ago, Paul A. said:

    FYI Dave, Google doesn't monetize your content on Docs, Drive, Photos, Gmail, or similar, so there's no privacy implication in storing information there instead of on Evernote. See, for example:



    Thanks. Nevertheless, Google's overall intrusiveness just leaves me wanting to use them as little as possible.

  9. It would help to have more information, especially about the structure of your search terms. Search does operate differently in the newer version of Evernote from how it does in the older version. The new version is discussed here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040282613. The older version has fewer options, and an identical search term may return different results in the two versions.

  10. There have been a lot of threads in these forums about zombie shared notes/notebooks. What happens, apparently, is that once something has been shared, only the person that shared it can remove the share completely. The person who received the share can delete notes, but ghost features, apparently including tags, can remain. The best solution at present may be to contact the person who shared the notebook to you in 2015 and ask them to unshare it.

  11. Do you mean pin a note to the Home page? You can do that by clicking the 3-dots More Actions menu next to the green Share button in the note, or by using the Pinned Note widget in the Customize Home dialog.

    If you want to pin that list of notes, I believe you'd do that by saving the search, then using the Filtered Notes widget on the Home page, which includes saved searches. If this is just a list of notes that have the tag Knowledge, you could also pin that tag to the Home page using the Tags widget. Hope that helps.

  12. 1 hour ago, monkeygrip said:

    good idea, thank you. i was starting to heated. and that's not my goal.

    i actually over estimated. i have 8,300 notes dating back to 2008. for backup purposes i started tagging notes by year, 2008, 2009, etc. then export notes this notes by year. when i export my enex it's about 30gb. (i wish there was a way to scan for duplicates, but that's for another day.)

    i apologize to you

    All good. That does seem like the kind of scenario where large-quantity tagging would be useful. But clearly (as I understand it) it's for purposes of retrospective reorganizing/archiving, which is not something that is done on a daily basis.

    I have no idea what the command line kung fu is that is involved in tagging >50 notes, but perhaps for infrequently done specialized use cases it's not wildly unreasonable.

    OTOH, it is hard to understand why there needs to be any limitation on the number of notes that can be selected at once. If it's something internal to how Evernote operates, perhaps as v. 10 matures they will fix it. If it's a matter of keeping users from making a mistake on a large number of notes ... well, there are lots of ways to do that anyhow, and I dislike having my hand held. But that's only vacant speculation on my part.

    It would be interesting to know the reason for the limitation. As far as I can see, Help & Learning never mentions the limitation. The page on exporting to ENEX mentions that "Evernote currently supports exporting up to 50 notes at a time," and perhaps the two limits are related. I note the word "currently" and hope that indicates that the limit will be lifted at some point.

    At any rate, I doubt that they're really just being obnoxious so we'll leave. I mean, I've been married for 50 years. I'm not that easy to get rid of. 😁

  13. 4 hours ago, monkeygrip said:

    i have 10,000 notes and i can't tag more than 50 at a time? i mean come on.

    Assuming, in the midst of some inconsistency and misinformation, that this is what we're actually here to talk about....

    Can you say some more about how many notes you would like to be able to tag at once? Is this part of a reorganization, or the acquisition of a large amount of new information? I can imagine scenarios where it would be desirable to give that many notes the same tag at one time, but to my mind they would be fairly rare.

  14. 4 hours ago, monkeygrip said:

    while we are at it, notion released in 2016. evernote released in 2000. evernote had a 6 year jump on notion and nothing has really changed when i think about it in evernote.

    "Nothing has changed in Evernote since 2000" ... Then why are there so many threads bee-hitching about all the changes in version 10? Sheesh. Apparently you and I both have too much time on our hands.

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