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Posts posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. On 10/2/2022 at 8:39 AM, _bws said:

    I have an eye problem and I prefer to use the dark scheme which was available until yesterday. Now I have to deal with this white display with very thin, low contrast characters. I cannot change the fonts nor can I change back to a dark scheme anymore. Thus makes Evernote (browser version) utterly useless for me, because I barely can read my notes anymore.

    WRT the browser version specifically, I just reloaded mine and it updated to v 10.46.7 (web 324; Editor: v158.2.19526; Service: v1.58.7). This now has some options on a gear icon near the top left, and one of these is to choose among system settings, light mode, or dark mode.

    On 10/2/2022 at 8:39 AM, _bws said:

    Have you guys never heard of inclusion and barrier-free software?

    Us guys (mostly guys) are other users, not Evernote's developers. To contact the latter, fill out a support form: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

  2. In response to my support ticket, they asked that I check to see if it's happening on Evernote Web as well. I should have done that first, because when I checked there the problem does exist, so it's not limited to the Windows app. I also note that it happens on different types of PDFs (receipts, articles) and with different fonts (e.g., serif and sans serif).

    Support also said they can't reproduce it, and it's the first they've heard of it, so please do submit support tickets if you're experiencing it. @jessicaemmett, have you heard back from them?

  3. Using version 10, the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N will start a new note in its own window from anywhere you are on a Windows computer. Whatever you type in the first line of this note will become its title when you use Shift+Tab to move into the title field. I don't know if this would get you what you need, but it might be worth experimenting with.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Mikom said:

    The only way is to reopen the app where you made the change and wait few seconds.

    This. The same thing just happened to me: I edited a note on my laptop, closed it, turned around to my desktop, and the edit never showed up in Evernote there. Realizing my mistake, I opened the laptop back up, forced a refresh with Ctrl+R just to be sure, and then the sync to (the servers and then to) the desktop took place.

    A few seconds. I would guess that the seconds we'd all have to wait to assure perfect syncing of a hundred notes would not equal the time it has taken any of us to type one of the somewhat elaborate posts here. Seconds. Ooh, it's 2022, every fraction of a second counts now. Well, IMHO that is not so much a technical or economic issue as a philosophical (maybe even a spiritual) issue. If in that 3 or 4 seconds to let it sync I would close my eyes and refocus my mind, or look out the window at the autumn leaves and de-focus it, the time would be well spent, and the sync would have happened.

    Honestly, if another app syncs truly instantly and that is the only criterion that matters, then one should use that app. If Evernote does other things better but takes 3 seconds to sync, then use it, and during the sync just contemplate your heart, or your significant other, or your plans for lunch. Unless we know the exact differences in data structure, server capabilities, and Internet latency between your computer and the servers of Evernote vs. Obsidian, I don't see what conversation there is to be had here, since we don't know what is being synced and under what conditions.

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  5. What version of Evernote and what version of Windows do you have? I'm on the latest Windows app, version 10.45.18, under Windows 10, and I also see this happening. I find that changing the view of the PDF will fix it: if I view it as Single Page, and go to p. 2 or 3 then back to p. 1, it is fixed; or on any PDF, if I click on the gray bar at the top of the PDF, click the 3-dots menu, and select View as Attachment, then change the view back to Single Page or All Pages, it is fixed. But the fix is not permanent: if I come back to the same PDF a minute later and view as Single or All Pages, the display is bad.

    I didn't see this happening before, and I suspect it was introduced with the latest update (unless you're seeing it on an earlier version). I'm going to report it to Evernote support, and it would help if you would do so also: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. This is for paid subscribers, though there may be a guest option; if you're on a free account, you can decide whether it's worth it to subscribe for 1 month just to report this, and then drop back to free.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, xfactor said:

     Under what conditions does EN access my plaintext data? 

    Under what conditions does EN access and use my search information?

    I think "access" needs to be carefully understood here. If it means "run automated programs against my data in order to OCR attachments, index, and do searches, etc.," then, yes, it happens under those conditions. If it means "individual Evernote staff reading my notes," then no, that doesn't happen without your permission (such as when you need support to help with a problem with specific notes).

    • Like 1
  7. @MountainMike, these really are almost entirely user-to-user forums. Evernote staff may and do scan over them, but they almost never respond to specific complaints or pants-kicks (or compliments or hugs) here. To get their attention, the best way is a support ticket or the feedback form that's available in the Web client on the drop-down when clicking your account name. For all I know, they may actually be hiring, but that would probably be somewhere on the main evernote.com front page. The public betas forums may offer more direct interaction with developers, and possibly even a chance to DM someone with your feedback.

    As for the suckiness of the UX,  as you say, that's your own judgment. The rest of us may or may not agree on particular points, but dramatic and sweeping denunciations do tend to elevate hackles. Mine, at any rate, and probably because I tend to recognize the tendency in myself.

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  8. 3 hours ago, idoc said:

    Sorry James.  Just saw your question now.  I do not have these things.  I notice that the bad gateway occurs both at the home and work computers that I am using (they are both win 7 pro).  Perhaps it's an isolated issue to that operating system.  So far I am not seeing it as a major problem in my workflow.

    I've used Evernote + Cronofy on a Win7 machine for a long time, and have never run into this. Might be worth contacting Cronofy tech support--I've found them responsive even though they don't make a dime off of me.

  9. On 9/25/2022 at 2:55 PM, gustavoG9 said:

    I still can only see "add to shortcuts" as the option to carry out on tags... all of them wiht 0 linked notes. persisting!!!

    Hi and welcome to the forums. You're replying to a thread that's almost 2 years old, so undoubtedly things have changed. What procedure are you following? When I right-click a tag, either in the sidebar at left or in the tags panel, I get options to create a sub-tag, rename, remove tag from all notes, delete, add to shortcuts, and move tag. All of these except "remove" appear even with tags that have not been used on any notes.

    • Like 1
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums. The most common reason for this sort of thing is accidentally creating a new, empty account by signing in with different username/password than the what was used to create the original account. Check the login carefully and be sure you're using the same credentials as before. If that doesn't do it, you may need to raise a support ticket at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

  11. 20 hours ago, rodlawson said:

    I have the same problem.Is this a push to get us to upgrade out subsctription?

    Can someone please provide a reason or a fix for this error, I've losts weeks worth of notes/tasks

    Hi, and welcome to the forums. We are mostly other users here. Definitely not a push to upgrade--Evernote doesn't operate like that. You can try to recover the tasks through note history, or submit a support request at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

    But @elenaflondor only reported losing tasks. If you have lost notes as well (meaning notes without tasks), please say some more. It might be a different issue.

  12. 2 hours ago, tvslaven said:

    In so severe cases of database malfunction I think Evernote should send its user a notice. Eighter via the app, via webapp or on their own webpage that they are experiencing problems and that this is not a unique problem for each customer! Openness is the best weapon when things like this happen. Use your FB-page for once to inform of some temporary problems. As long as you customers are informed we are much more likely to forgive that problems can happen even Evernote. But the way Evernote is handeling this major problem that hits every customer is amateur hour.  Start pushing honest info to us customers, instead of just trying to downplay  the issue here in forum. Love the service, but be better on information to your daily users.

    I agree completely. But please be aware that no one from Evernote staff is downplaying or doing anything else here in the forums. These are user-to-user forums almost entirely. To make this complete directly to Evernote, raise a support ticket at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

  13. 2 hours ago, therob said:

    Do you know the file path? I only found the database path of the legacy version. A request to support also referred me to backing up the individual notebooks.

    On Windows, look for C:\Users\{YourUsername}\AppData\Roaming\Evernote. The numerous inscrutable subfolders under there contain the notes database, attachments, and various other materials. Or perhaps partially scrutable: in discussions on these forums, this post confirms that AppData\Roaming\Evernote is the overall location; this one shows AppData\Roaming\Evernote\resource-cache\User######## holds the attachments, while AppData\Roaming\Evernote\conduit-storage\https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com has the note data in SQL files. If I were doing this, I would just copy all of C:\Users\{YourUsername}\AppData\Roaming\Evernote to the backup media, and let Evernote figure it out if I ever needed to restore it from a backup.

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  14. 5 hours ago, M31415926 said:

    The Evernote sync troubles were posted often in this community and Evernote is supposed to work hard on solving this problem. However, my personal experience on Evernote Sync is worsening. With the newest version of Evernote on windows, a simple edit of one existing note will produce either a duplicate note, the edits were just silently discarded, or both. This syncing trouble happens even when the Android Evennote is not involved. I wonder what is the experience from others. 

    How can this trouble persist judging from the long threads of user complaints and bug reports? I believe the priority of Evernote is wrongly placed. They should place all their resources to iron out the data loss and sync issue. It is wise for them to stop developing all other features until they fix such an ugly bug. 

    WRT my experience, I'm really not having these problems, perhaps because I'm on a very reliable Internet connection.

    The long threads here are indeed concerning, but they still represent a small fraction of Evernote's users. It's difficult to know how truly widespread the issue is. If you have a paid subscription (or if the problem is serious enough to be worth paying for one month to get support, then reverting to free), opening a support ticket at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new would not only give you a direct line to the people who can do something about it, and get you a knowledgeable response, it would also make sure that Evernote's awareness of the problem is increased.

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  15. @MikePeiman, I'm a big fan of options, and I too would like to see the interface be more customizable. I'm optimistic enough to hope that that may be coming, but at the moment there are places where I sorely miss it (such as customizable styles and selectable global default styles).

    That said, as one person who tends to speak in absolute and dogmatic terms to another:

    1. This particular spot seems ill-chosen to plant one's "what a terrible UX" flag, since (as others have pointed out) all one needs to do is double-click rather than single-click in order to open a new note immediately, or use Ctrl/Cmd+N, which keeps fingers on the keyboard.
    2. As a UX professional, you undoubtedly notice and react to what seem like bad design decisions more readily than most of us ordinary users. The relatively few who post suggestions or complaints here represent only a tiny fraction of Evernote's users, though probably a larger fraction of people who are annoyed, but not enough to spend time here. It may be necessary to realize that what seems broke to a pro may not need fixing for most others.
    3. You've posted in these forums occasionally for 10 years, but still treat them as places to deliver direct rebukes or demands to Evernote, when they are obviously user-to-user almost entirely. Direct feedback can be given in other ways, such as opening a support ticket. The only purpose for such a post is to enjoy the pleasure of delivering a stern public finger-wagging (as I am doing at this moment).
    4. You've been using Evernote for 15 years, yet you find its UI/UX unendurably "wrong, failings, terrible." I can only conclude that you find something else about Evernote reasonably useful, or you wouldn't still be using it. Those of us who spend time here and often "defend" Evernote--such as by pointing out that there are already ways of doing what people want to do--nevertheless do also acknowledge things that we agree need fixing. As a long-time EN user, I would bet that you could offer some helpful advice or positive suggestions once in awhile as well as jumping on bandwagons of beefing.
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  16. 23 hours ago, DJCC27 said:

    I believe it is possible to get the folder also into Evernote. I just don't know how.

    Perhaps the closest you can get is to coordinate an import folder with a notebook. Click the gear icon at top left, select Preferences, then Import folders. Then you can associate a particular notebook with a particular folder, so that all files put into that folder will be put into the designated notebook.

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