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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. My bad, I did fail to notice it marked solved. We seem to be talking past each other on other matters, so I'm stopping now.
  2. So, back to this original problem: could you use the Web client to create a link, and if so does that link work? Still the UI you don't like, but you wouldn't have to install v. 10 just to get links.
  3. OK, here are both statements in full context. I repeat, which is it: the issue is a rare one found among some power users, or it affects power users who are the main source of Evernote's income? It can't be both, unless you really are contending that the limited number of people with two accounts who need to view both at once and drag notes between them are the mains source of Evernote's income. And please stop insulting everyone who doesn't use Evernote the way you do as being just people making shopping lists.
  4. OK, but it is always possible to manually sync: in the Windows desktop app, Ctrl+R (something similar in the Mac desktop, I think); in the Web client, refresh the browser; in the Android app, pull down on a list of notes, or go to Settings > Sync > Sync now. Some of these are more cumbersome than others, but they all work. It may not hurt to do this, then grab your car keys and adjust the thermostat, or whatever, before turning the computer off. I can't say it's always true, but I would guess that most failures to sync happen when a device is shut down, not in the intervening hour or so.
  5. Well, but isn't that exactly the point made on that other thread, and referred to in this one? Whatever. As I understand the state of the discussion: share links created in the legacy app don't work anymore; that's a problem for people who have a lot of such links to deal with; but Evernote is not going to update the legacy app to produce the currently usable links.
  6. We are other users here, not Evernote technical staff, so we can't readily interpret the error code. You should report this to Evernote technical support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. But there is an existing thread on this problem (or something similar), and the users there might be interested in your information:
  7. Clearly a number of people are having this problem, but it's not universal. Evernote 10.46 on my Samsung S22 takes pictures to add as attachments without problems. Because the problem is not universal (I do not know whether it is very widespread), Evernote will have a harder time fixing it. It would be best for everyone who experiences it to report it directly to Evernote support, so they can get an idea what's going on: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  8. Or you could use something other than Ctrl+Q. George Bernard Shaw said, "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man seeks to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." This is probably true. However, it is also true of all resistance to progress (or at least to change).
  9. Please look carefully at my suggestion: I'm not talking about scrolling the list of notebooks in the left panel, but about ... I'm talking about opening out the separate Notebooks list panel, which leaves the left panel, including the Shortcuts list, visible as is. I can scroll to the bottom of my notebooks and still see my shortcuts.
  10. As you must surely know by now, there is no Evernote "Sir" here that you can address, only other users. To make a suggestion for features, you can go to one of the feedback and request forums: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/449-product-feedbackfeature-requests/.
  11. Hello and welcome to the forums. Are you talking about the thumbnail image that appears in some note list views if a note has an attachment? This question has been asked many times, and unfortunately with no success--it seems to be random and uncontrollable by users. Search the forums for "thumbnail" and you'll find some other threads.
  12. With as much respect as I can muster, which is it: Do you represent an edge case, or Evernote's main source of income? Or is their main source of income the few users who need to do this rare thing? It really can't be both. I pay for a Professional subscription to Evernote, so I contribute to their income too. I do not use if for shopping lists but for research and for shaping and crafting ideas (and some personal purposes as well). I consider myself a power user within the mainstream of Evernote's purposes. Yet I have no need to have two accounts, let alone have two accounts open at the same time. If Evernote decided to pivot and throw all its resources into making edge-case users happy, I would find that very annoying.
  13. What to do: try v. 10 again and see if it's still exactly the same as it was when it first appeared.
  14. Hello, and welcome to the forums. These are basically user-to-user; Evernote staff are not here on a regular enough basis to assist with this. You can go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and (since Evernote thinks you are on a free account) select "Continue as guest." There you can select Billing and Payments and continue on till you get the topic "Subscription is not updating." That should allow you to send in a support ticket.
  15. Back to the point of the thread ... I'm inclined to agree. It's hard to imagine what is going on in the merger of two such different companies with different product lines. I have not kept detailed track of the layoffs, but letting go of experienced engineers who hold a lot of the common knowledge of goals and processes would not seem like a good idea to me. If that's what happened; I don't know. Letting go of marketers is rough on them, but less potentially damaging to the product. Actually, the difference in the two companies' previous product lines is encouraging to me: it means that Bending Spoons didn't acquire Evernote just in order to shut down a competitor, as has happened so many times. If Google or Microsoft had bought Evernote, that would have been the end. Not a death spiral but a death trapdoor. As it is, I assume that BeSp wants Evernote to succeed and improve, otherwise they've spent large $$ for nothing.
  16. This part I think I understand: you want to have individual notes open in windows that are very small, like sticky notes or widgets, so you can quickly access them but they don't take up a lot of room on the screen until you need them. Correct? Actually, I'd love that too. I find that the smallest size I can shrink a window to is about 11.5 cm x 9 cm; that's on a laptop monitor; I don't know what it would look like on a full-size screen.
  17. I have no experience with this, but what happens if you open some notes from one account in separate windows and then switch to the other account? Do the windows from the first account close? I don't have a very large number of either notes or shortcuts/favorites, but I find that if I click on Notebooks in the left panel to open the Notebooks list, it remains collapsed in the left panel itself, where I can click on the arrow by Shortcuts to open up that list in the panel, thus gaining access to both lists at once. Not as elegant as the shortcuts at the top, perhaps, but then only a limited number of shortcuts could appear in that space anyway, unless they had very short names.
  18. Would be handy Don't need it Don't need (or want) it A couple of months ago there were no backlinks; now that they're here maybe they'll get better; but they seem pretty easy already IOW, what seem like main features to one person may seem unnecessary side-tracks to another. IMHO--which (IMHO) ought to be prefixed to every statement about what Evernote "needs" to do to get it right.
  19. Not knowing how many people use Evernote for notes long enough to need a TOC, it's hard to know how high a priority it should be for development. Evernote, to me, seems basically to be a note-taking service that allows attachments. It isn't designed for long-form, or even medium-form, writing, and longer notes often develop problems. It isn't designed to be an enhanced cloud storage service either, IMHO, though lots of people use it for that. (In another forum I just saw a couple of posts decrying the limit of 200 MB per note.) Lengthy notes are pushing the limits of Evernote's designed purpose, again IMHO, and hence the apparently successful strategy that the OP of this thread developed for creating a TOC note for multiple topic-specific notes, which is how EN is designed to operate. I do have some longish notes, and I expect that sooner or later it will be advantageous to break them up. Just my perspective.
  20. Just FYI, there are existing threads on this issue in the Windows desktop app forum, such as this one: It might be more helpful to post all this detail there, since the issues may have different causes there than in the Web client (which is this forum).
  21. In my understanding, v. 6 hasn't died, it just doesn't produce usable shareable links. There's always the Web version if such links are needed. Have you taken a look at v. 10 recently? I held out for over a year, but important features I needed did get added back in, and I upgraded and haven't looked back. As for the interface, well, that's a matter of opinion and preference. I happen to like the new one better.
  22. I'm in this general camp. I can't imagine why they'd communicate with customers about layoffs. But I do think that, bearing in mind that lack of information produces more anxiety than almost any actual information, it would be helpful to say something. Sometimes I think companies get lost in crunching numbers and lose track of the human psychology of their customers. As for the poor Evernote marketers, though ... do a quick search on these forums for how people feel about Evernote's marketing, specifically in the form of the constant upsell for more expensive subscriptions that some people see. Also for "death spiral," a block we have run around many times before, lots of spiral but no actual death.
  23. Just WRT this sub-issue, I don't use 2FA with Evernote (yet), but in my experience "remember me for 30 days" in the login process means "for 30 days, or until I restart the device." A new start might be a different user, I suppose.
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