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Feature Request - Hand Annotate PDF's

Doug Harrison


I'm sure for Evernote to woo many of us over from other pen-driven, note-taking apps, we're all going to start asking for our "favorite feature" from the completing apps.


For me, my request is for the ability to hand annotate PDFs. Annotating in Evernote is fine, but some of us are less keyboard-driven than others.


With thanks for all you do.

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19 replies to this idea

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On 16.4.2014 at 6:26 PM, Kirby Krieger said:

You can open any PDF in a Note on your iPad, tap the Annotate icon, and draw on the PDF to your heart's content, as well as use the other annotation tools (Stickers, Shapes, Arrows, Text).


Does that not provide the functionality you seek?

that doesn‘t work because we want to annotate PDFs without exporting/importing them to a different tool just to be able to annotate it. Since EN has its own PDF viewer the iOS built-in feature isn‘t available. The EN PDF annotation tool is very limited, so Penultimate would be a nice partner for this topic (Penultimate syncs to EN, so no import/export to EN needed).


I recommend Noteshelf - it‘s close to Noteability/Goodnotes and has full EN integration.

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I vote for this too.  I'm using Apple Pencil with iPad Pro to annotate pdfs and have to use Notability to do it.  Also, Penultimate should be updated to work with Apple Pencil without giving stray marks, etc. 

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On 2014-04-16 at 07:54, ScottLougheed said:

Yes I have to agree that being able to load a PDF into Penultimate for annotating would be great. It has been discussed elsewhere so I imagine Evernote staff are aware of the desire among users. 

I suppose for me, while Penultimate seems like the most logical location for this feature, I'd be happy no matter where the feature was implemented. 


9 minutes ago, dpw-ct said:

Any update on feature to import pdf directly into penultimate so that they can be annotated with apple pencil?

I'm not a Penultimate user - Not enough features, and the Evernote integration was never completed

Evernote does offer some basic annotation, but my favorite app is Notability (Mac/IOS)
When finished, I export as a pdf stored in Evernote

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Although I really like Penultimate to create and maintain notes using my Apple Pencil on my iPad Pro, I am now realizing with disappointment that the managers and developers of Evernote are not progressing quickly to improve their company's Penultimate product.  Many people download content as a PDF with a space to write notes or have extra lines or blanks to write answers to questions contained on their PDF forms.  In addition, many users already have Apple Pencils to write comments, notes, etc. to enhance or supplement the content on their PDFs.  The problem is they have to do this separately from the PDF (i.e., workbooks, worksheets, memos, etc.) they've downloaded.  Penultimate does not allow users to efficiently import PDFs directly into this app.  The Evernote management, I am certain, knows this.  Since Evernote acquired Penultimate way back in 2012, I am unhappy and frustrated with the fact that they have not taken steps in a timely fashion to address this need (that I am aware of).  The Evernote management has, however, recently informed all of us of a fee increase for Evernote which only adds to this frustration.  :-|  Can you give us a timetable or a hint that there is some hope of having an efficient import feature coming very, very soon for Penultimate?   And maybe, the Evernote management team could increase our monthly allocations at no additional cost to accommodate the PDF imports?  I'm just asking...

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Wow!  I thought I was the only person who encountered this limitation with Penultimate.  Instead of using paper to take handwritten notes for my financial services business, I have started using my iPad Pro and Penultimate.  My office had created some forms to fill in with basic information when meeting with someone for the first time AND due to more and more regulatory expectations, we also have been wanting to use forms for meetings that are organized in the way our regulators like.  Yes, you can insert an image file as a background to annotate, but whenever I have tried this they show up as all fuzzy.  Also, it is difficult to insert a different form/background when adding a new page.  

Penultimate gives the best user experience out of any note-taking app I have experienced, however, I have started looking at other apps, which stinks because it means buying each app to try it out. Please improve the functionality of creating custom backgrounds for notes and being able to easily choose different backgrounds for different pages of your notes.

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Yes I would like to annotate in penultimate because the app notability which I use don't have a sync and exporting is kind a stupid, if I want to update my PDFs file. If not a better handwriting experience with palm rejection with the Apple Pencil would be great, but that's an another matter.

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"You can open any PDF in a Note on your iPad, tap the Annotate icon, and draw on the PDF to your heart's content, as well as use the other annotation tools (Stickers, Shapes, Arrows, Text).

Does that not provide the functionality you seek?"

Definitely not! But thanks for raising the issue. The drawing functionality of the native Evernote annotation is primitive, clumsy, and inexact. With all due respect, anybody who has spent five minutes trying to handwrite anything using the Evernote native annotation functionality would not seriously suggest that it is comparable to Penultimate (or to other annotation apps that allow for handwriting). Evernote annotation is particularly awful among annotation apps. The only thing I like about the annotation feature within Evernote itself is the "annotation summary" feature, which is the best summary feature among similar apps. But it doesn't make up for the awfulness and limitations of the other annotation features. Integrating with penultimate would help solve these problems.

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I love penultimate's feature to zoom in and write with your finger in a large area while it prints it in the zoomed in small area.  My handwriting looks better and is easy to write.  What I hate is that I can't upload a PDF and take notes on top of it.  Handouts in class can be 20 pages long.  Other students take out pens and take notes on the form.  I want to upload it to evernote and then write on it with my finger like a pen with the features of penultimate.  Penultimate needs to include a PDF feature soon.

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Still not implemented, please!! I want to use Penultimate ink to annotate PDFs and have them synced to Evernote automatically.

Currently I've to use Good Notes, then export to Evernote - bad, if there is another annotation necessary, the whole process has to be done again (export / open-in).

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Yes I have to agree that being able to load a PDF into Penultimate for annotating would be great. It has been discussed elsewhere so I imagine Evernote staff are aware of the desire among users. 


I suppose for me, while Penultimate seems like the most logical location for this feature, I'd be happy no matter where the feature was implemented. 

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