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Federico on The Vergecast

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This was really interesting, especially the part about pricing which I think many of us have been assuming all along.

I actually was talking to someone who bounced around a lot of big tech firms, Apple, Google etc and worked at Evernote back in 2014. They said there was a lot of mismanagement and nepotism back then and he was surprised they didn't fold or sell back then.

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I’m feeling really optimistic about Evernote’s future after hearing Federico’s comments. It sounds like they’re on the right path. While I would have loved to hear more about improvements to Evernote Support and more thorough testing of new features, overall, I truly believe Evernote is getting back on track. Excited to see where they go from here!

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While I admit that it was a painful transition after the acquisition by Bending Spoons, I have to admit that the program has gotten remarkably better in almost every way that I can think of. It's faster and more reliable than I ever remember, some but not all of the new features might be useful, and I have a positive feeling about the future of the application. My only criticism at this point is that their communication with customers truly sucks.

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3 minutes ago, Wilburguy said:

communication with customers truly sucks.

It's improving, they are active on r/Evernote now replying directly to users. They also respond to users directly on Twitter/X. They also have a bugfix tracker now that gets regular updates: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/32816633979667-Evernote-bugfix-tracker

I still want to see support response times improve more but they are getting better at communication.

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

It's improving, they are active on r/Evernote now replying directly to users. They also respond to users directly on Twitter/X

Yet they don’t engage with users on their own forum…

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  • Level 5*
1 minute ago, VincentC said:

Yes, but there's almost nobody here, relatively speaking - here the echo?  😀

Well, if they engaged here, then maybe there would be more participation.  Reddit and X are two of the last places I want to spent my time 😀.

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I was disappointed about his answers about speed and performance on mobile. He mainly explained why they killed the widget homescreen as a startup option - because it was to slow. The initial question was why it is so difficult to create a fast note taking app. I hoped to get any hints they would really work on this end on mobile (especially the lagging Android client). But instead Federico enthused about startup times of around a second on "good" devices. Wow, I wait five seconds on a 300 € device for EN to start up. And then every other tap in the app takes 2 seconds to the next screen. Opening up even a blank note, needs at least 2-3 seconds. That is ridiculous. There has to be a fundamental root cause for the performance problems, they still did not address on EN10. As Federico says by himself: Evernote should always be the best on note taking first. But then it should be as fast a taking out a notepad and a pencil and start writing. Sadly the little performance improvement they achieved since the acquisiton (in my UX from "dead slow" to "really slow") seem to be already good enough for Bending Spoons. 😔

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Well it is, never claimed anything else. But it is a real world device. Would be nice to speak about real world benchmarks. I wonder when or if EN10 will ever gain the speed of former EN7 (legacy) on Android for simple tasks as just opening a text note. Is this rocket sience?

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36 minutes ago, Alxa said:

Would be nice to speak about real world benchmarks

Was at a conference thing last year and someone said average global price paid for a phone was $100.

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