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Offline notebooks, new iOS version.

Go to solution Solved by laurence.glazier,

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Since this week's updates, my offline notebooks were cleared, and the process of restoring them is glacial, I don't think a single notebook is available offline anymore, despite several hours leaving it running with the display always-on. As far as I can see offline notebooks - a key feature - no longer work, which also makes the app a little slower, as everything has to be fetched from the web. 

Have others been noticing this? I have seen nothing in the forums...is there some trick to make the process of saving notebooks offline work better?

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EN has been deleting offline content on iOS during updates for a long time. I think I first noticed problems with mobile offline in Q2/Q3 of 2023 and I haven't seen any improvements since then. I no longer flag notebooks for offline use (or use EN on mobile with any frequency at all due to this issue) so I don't know if or how download speeds might have changed. Hopefully someone who has continued to use that feature on iOS can weigh in on their recent experiences.

EN acknowledged problems with offline several months ago--maybe March or April? That's the last I heard from them about it. If there have been more recent updates from the EN team about their plan to fix mobile offline, I would love to know about them as I used to access EN on mobile quite a lot.

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It happens from time to time that offline content is wiped during an iOS update. Usually what happens is that the offline switch in settings is toggled to OFF after an update.

I think I had it 3 times in total up to now. Support tickets went unanswered. So I can’t decide between „coding error“ and „need to rebuild the local database due to changes“.

No matter which reason, it sucks when it happens.

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I've had similar problems, and other problems with Evernote on my iPhone. Today I uninstalled and reinstalled Evernote. I designated just two notebooks for offline, loading totaling just under 200 notes. Now the performance is zippy and doing significantly better.

I took the same action with my iPad with comparable results, although it is not quite as zippy. 

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The offline download has improved significantly in the last months. But it’s still a PITA if you want a full download.

One of the reasons I want a full offline download on iOS is that offline use on the Mac is broken, since at least half a year. I often get a message that a note is unavailable while offline.

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Hmm, offline notes generally seems not to be working reliably. If I set the slider to keep a notebook offline, it nudges the slider back again. There is a large note I need available for a meeting on Sunday, and it has just taken a few minutes to load on my iPhone. I am trying to make it available offline. If necessary I will move this note to another app but I'd rather keep everything in Evernote.

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With the latest ios client, all notes become Inaccessible if I've selected any notebook to be available offline.

I have a problem with the latest version of Evernote. I had trouble opening some notes so I decided it was a good time to remove the app and reinstall it. I have enabled the option to download all notebooks, and the setting is what I had enabled prior to yesterday.

now that the app has been reinstalled, no matter what I do I cannot get any note to display: there’s just a spinning circle, and the note never displays.

When I reinstalled Evernote last night from the App Store, which got the app and data to a size of 1.14 GB. After running all night, I noticed this morning that the size of the app data remains exactly the same and only one or two notebooks have become available off-line and no matter what I do I cannot get any notes at all to open, so I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this, and if so, how did you resolve it? I plan to open a support ticket with Evernote as well unless someone has had this problem and come up with a solution already.


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Thanks for opening this topic, as I am having the same problem.

I also did a fresh install of EN on my iPad, but experienced the same as TIA. I even connected Ethernet to my iPad, but Offline Status of the Notebooks remains unchanged at a certain point   : ( 

Even small Notebooks with say 7 notes in it, stuck at with a progress in the circle of let‘s say 5%   : ((

Progress circles of other notebooks are turning and turning, with no progress at all.

What I also noted is, when you turn on and off the toggle multiple switches (to turn on/off the notebook to be offline accessible), it starts to funny jumping on and off.

What also didn‘t help was to press the synchronisation button.

It would really help, if that gets fixed, as I really rely on offline accessibility. Also it would be helpful to have a best practice, how to sync (offline) notebooks most efficiently/fastest when so many notes (in my case just around 10K) after a re-install/upgrade.

Fingers crossed that this gets sorted quickly


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Hopefully this will improve. In fact I moved a notebook I need for a meeting tomorrow to another app, which worked fine offline and online, but later the note I need became available on my Evernote. All the notes seem to load, but slowly. Virtually none are shown as available offline.

I am sure they are working on this bug, I think it is worth hanging in there. But at present I would say that offline access cannot be relied upon. I am not sure that the green circle displays in the Settings, Offline, Notebooks are indicative of anything. I have given up on offline storage in Evernote iOS for the time being.

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FWIW - I opened support ticket #3972224.


it is eventually like this that make me very hesitant to move my task management from OmniFocus to Evernote. It seems like tasks and their notes / details are always available OmniFocus, with pretty much zero downtime.  Were I to be relying on Evernote right now for task management, I would be screwed.  And yet, it doesn't have to be this way.

Edited by southernforge
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On 8/23/2024 at 1:43 AM, PinkElephant said:

It happens from time to time that offline content is wiped during an iOS update. Usually what happens is that the offline switch in settings is toggled to OFF after an update.

I think I had it 3 times in total up to now. Support tickets went unanswered. So I can’t decide between „coding error“ and „need to rebuild the local database due to changes“.

No matter which reason, it sucks when it happens.

This time it is really different, because it is not possible to download everything again. You can leave Evernote open for days and nothing will be downloaded.

The forced "optimization" for the new metadata model should remove all offline notes for everyone and this time there is no way to download them again. Do you really still have the offline notes AFTER the optimization on all your iOS/iPadOS devices?

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The update to iOS 10.101.4 broke a lot of things for me: Notes take an eternity to show, offline download is plain impossible.

Actually it started nicely, the announced optimization took only a few minutes.

But from then onwards everything went down the gutter.

Logging out/in and a full reinstall didn’t change anything. I have uninstalled the EN client on my iPhone 15 Pro Max with 300+ GB of empty storage (= slow hardware is no issue here). I will wait until a next release hopefully fixes things.

EN management urgently needs to get their ***** together. Their inability to assure reliable releases kills the core value of any productivity app.

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Just now, JustMatt said:

Just checked the Offline Sync status and noticed, that in fact there seems to be some traction in progress status, but it‘s veeeery slooooooowly …

It seems to be but it is not. I had the Offline Sync status opened for 24 hours and there was no progress at all. Not just slow, none.

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I know what you mean. I had the same perception. After a few days, I checked this morning and e.g. my main notebook containing >10K of notes, didn‘t show any progress, but now it is

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2 minutes ago, JustMatt said:

I know what you mean. I had the same perception. After a few days, I checked this morning and e.g. my main notebook containing >10K of notes, didn‘t show any progress, but now it is

For me the status bar changes seem random. I re-installed the app several times on my two devices (iPhone and iPad) and every time the offline status bars of the notebooks are different - immediately after the installation! And then they stay like this forever.

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1 minute ago, gewappnet said:

For me the status bar changes seem random. I re-installed the app several times on my two devices (iPhone and iPad) and every time the offline status bars of the notebooks are different - immediately after the installation! And then they stay like this forever.

I did also a fresh install, but after a while it showed exactly the last* progress status for each notebook


*) the same progress status like before re-install

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On 8/23/2024 at 9:06 AM, laurence.glazier said:

Since this week's updates, my offline notebooks were cleared, and the process of restoring them is glacial, I don't think a single notebook is available offline anymore, despite several hours leaving it running with the display always-on. As far as I can see offline notebooks - a key feature - no longer work, which also makes the app a little slower, as everything has to be fetched from the web. 

Have others been noticing this? I have seen nothing in the forums...is there some trick to make the process of saving notebooks offline work better?

I am also experiencing the same issue. Please correct as soon as possible.

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21 hours ago, JustMatt said:

I know what you mean. I had the same perception. After a few days, I checked this morning and e.g. my main notebook containing >10K of notes, didn‘t show any progress, but now it is

unfortunately, the progress bar next to my main notebook disappeared now all of the sudden   😏

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Well indeed…

Seeing l that version 10.103.00 was available for download today, and sensing that I had nothing to lose, installed it.

Before doing so, however, I verified there was no offline content (else how could I have viewed my notes at all with this broken version of the spp?) then deleted Evernote, and restarted the phone.

I was very cynical, thanks to Evernote's skills for adding more new features quickly, while a corresponding lack of competency in the QA of update releases, and their effect on existing software installs - and paying customers.

Surprisingly, I was able to download 3 (small) notebooks - albeit at a snail's pace - shut down the app, and could see all my notes.

What is your experience?



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8 hours ago, southernforge said:

What is your experience?

Nope, nothing has changed for me with 10.103.00. Still broken, no download of notes although device gets very, very hot.

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Interesting, same here. My IOS device geta also very hot (Iphone 11) and I did not make the mental connection to Evernote before your post...

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1 minute ago, ghon said:

Interesting, same here. My IOS device geta also very hot (Iphone 11) and I did not make the mental connection to Evernote before your post...

But it is only related to Evernote if Evernote runs in the foreground and the screen is on. Otherwise it has nothing to do with it.

I was talking about the standard procedure of downloading all notes: Turn off automatic screen locking, connect the device to a power source, open Evernote and go to the offline notebooks overview. Normally over the next hours it will download all notes and you can see this in the status bar circles behind the notebooks. But currently there is no change at all in the status bar circles even after 24 hours, but the device is constantly very hot in that time.

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Same with me. I have, of course, tried removing and reinstalling the app. I leave the power on, screen locking turned off. It gets very hot. But no notes are downloading. It was always far too slow to save offline anyway, but at least over several hours it worked. I don't understand the problem here. Apple Notes and UpNote, and no doubt other products, do this as a matter of course, without the user noticing normally.

Hopefully this will not be one of those bugs that goes unaddressed for months.

I am rarely offline, and not planning to be off the grid in the near future. But it makes using Evernote less of a pleasure. Large notes which used to load instantly, because of local storage, now take a while to open, and even small notes can have a noticeable lag, where they used to open instantly.


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Well... I was hopeful for a couple of hours.  Except like you, there is way less than 1 GB of data downloaded after Evernote being on, having focus, and auto-lock bring turned off.  So very disappointing...

and the funny thing is, I WANT to use Evernote as my task manager, but with this kind of sloppy and irresponsible behavior, I just can’t see making the switch to an inferior product.

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4 minutes ago, JustMatt said:

Perhaps their servers are overloaded because the update forces every user (with offline notes) to download all their data again (almost simultaneously) …

That doesn’t make sense. You can access all notes immediately online and it also works on Web and Desktop. No, that is a bug of the iOS version that needs to be fixed asap.

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Jepp, but as far as I understand Web and Desktop doesn‘t store offline. Despite both of them surely use some sort of local cache. As I am currently not at my desk, I can’t check this myself, but I believe that in the Desktop version you can‘t turn on offline notebooks, can you?! Not sure on that …

For sure this needs to be fixed asap.

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What I mean is that when you access certain notes on a online basis doesn‘t stress the system/servers as much, as all users are forced to download and sync all of their entire notes at almost the same time

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One more thing, my battery has been draining lately, and today 66% was due to Evernote, which I have not been using much (because it is too slow at the moment). My time-out has been at 5m. I suspect Evernote is doing something in the background, but the offline backup has not progressed. I will have to watch my battery level till this is fixed. My iPhone rarely runs low on power.

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my data consist of approximately 18,000 notes, taking up about 37 gig of disc space. Until two weeks ago, I was able to download the entire off-line database the space of one night and the following morning. Since downloading and installing the most recent update released yesterday, I have, been downloading all night long, and all day I’ve had to put the charger back on the phone about six times because the battery run solo as a result of Evernote an online copy of my database all that time since yesterday, just under 2 GB have downloaded. I did some simple math and at this rate it will take about 36 days to finish downloading my entire database. this is insane, baffling, idiotic, maddening, and just plain fucked up. Sorry for the French. I’m truly perplexed that bending spoons can have such a disconnected perspective of the user experience regarding updates..

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Offline download is positively broken - just lost the full download on my iPad as well, after loosing the one on my iPhone, all through updates. Attempting to restore my data only led to overheating devices, depleted batteries and no success in downloading even a fraction of my notes.

I fully agree to your observation that the EN team behaves like people obsessed of pushing out new, unproven code, without caring a ***** about the consequences. Quality usually is the result of a high level of quality in all process steps. QA is usually only a last stopgap. Here we don’t experience either in-process quality nor even the slightest hint of a QA function.

If anybody asked, THIS is the way to break a productivity app.

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Despite statements in this forum from people who say they submitted multiple support tickets related to the ongoing problems with offline, it appears all of this is news to EN. They posted this to Reddit this morning after a user asked if they really needed to be connected to the 'net to use the software:



Based on the usernames, it appears likely this is the same person who posted the below comment on Twitter in late March indicating they were aware of problems with offline:



Was offline working correctly at some point between March and today, causing EN to think the problems referenced earlier were fixed? I didn't see it working correctly, but perhaps others did. Did offline ever appear on the bug tracker as either in progress or fixed?



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After posting tickets, everything that is returned are AI bot answers. First the usual canned stuff, then after providing more information a more targeted, but still AI generated answer.

I doubt that any human has reviewed any of this over the weekend.

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It isn't just over a weekend, is it? I thought you've had tickets open for offline issues for at least the past month. Am I remembering that correctly or am I mistaken? Other users report they have also initiated support requests for this same problem. There seems to be a disconnect between the statements from EN. Interested to see if they are OK with the current state of offline or if they think it needs fixing. 

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Offline content on iOS derailed with 10.101.4.

Before sending tickets I usually try to fix things myself. So drop in a full reinstall, and a second with a forced device restart, plus some trials with different download strategies.

Which all led to the conclusion that this time it is so broken that there is no workaround available.

If I would just drop a ticket every time something goes wrong I wouldn’t do anything else for a while.

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Hi, I had the same problem with offline notebooks after the iOS update. I managed to solve it by disabling and reactivating the notebook synchronization option in the application settings. Also, make sure that the app has permission to use the data in the background. It worked for me!"

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On 8/23/2024 at 9:06 AM, laurence.glazier said:

Since this week's updates, my offline notebooks were cleared, and the process of restoring them is glacial, I don't think a single notebook is available offline anymore, despite several hours leaving it running with the display always-on. As far as I can see offline notebooks - a key feature - no longer work, which also makes the app a little slower, as everything has to be fetched from the web. 

Have others been noticing this? I have seen nothing in the forums...is there some trick to make the process of saving notebooks offline work better?

Yes major issues, has taken 5 days to download approx. 1/4 of one notebook and has now just reset again. 

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9 minutes ago, laurence.glazier said:

This now appears to be fixed. Just one large notebook on my iPhone left to finish moving to offline storage. Many thanks to @Federico Simionato and the coder who made it work..

Yeah, I noticed this - after 10-20 hours of lost work, lost time and lost patience. AT LEAST they could reply or post that it was a known issue that they were working on, so we didn't have to spend hours wondering, discussing, rebooting, re-installing, re-downloading...

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That’s a restriction of iOS. It won’t allow massive (we are talking gigabyte of information) background activity from apps.

This means keeping the app in the foreground as active app, and turning off the autolockscreen. Because this would drain the battery, the iOS device should be put on a charger while in this mode.

Downloading my hoard the last time it worked out took several hours, but less than a night. Which I assume as OK given the amount of data to be moved. After the recent update, it didn’t even load 100 notes during the same time span, which is ridiculous if you watch at the amount of data behind it.

I will give it a try maybe tonight.

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I uninstalled the app, force - restarted the phone, reinstalled Evernote, signed in and after 30 minutes am still seeing this screen - see attached - is this the "new normal?"


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Maybe I was too optimistic, too soon… I chose a notebook to make available off-line, it has 44 notes and takes up no more than 250 MB of disk space. Evernote has been trying to make this notebook “off-line“ for over an hour. I’m going to assume the problem is still not resolved.

Edited by southernforge
Grammar and spelling
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I'm on V10.104.1

While I am not worrying about this, two of my large notebooks don't seem to download completely (an apparently full green circle shows), though I cannot find any notes that are not safely offline.

And even though the offline storage broadly works, it seems extremely slow to me, those hours should be minutes.

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From my observation, sometimes the download indicator seems to be stuck.

My largest notebook seemed stalled. when I had left for another app, did some stuff and came back, all of a sudden it was thousands of notes ahead.

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11 hours ago, laurence.glazier said:

I'm on V10.104.1

While I am not worrying about this, two of my large notebooks don't seem to download completely (an apparently full green circle shows), though I cannot find any notes that are not safely offline.

And even though the offline storage broadly works, it seems extremely slow to me, those hours should be minutes.

I am also using ver 10.104.1.

Encountering the same thing: a bright green circle but no completion of the download.


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Uninstall the app, dump all data when asked. Make a FORCED restart of the iOS device.

Reinstall, log in, let it open a little for the initial steps.

Later when convenient turn autolockscreen off, connect to a charger, make EN the active app. Now switch offline download on, and let it run for example during the night. The device needs to stay unlocked, and EN the active app.

This is necessary because iOS prevents massive downloads of apps in the background.

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The Evernote bugfix tracker entry of 9/5/24 states this would be fixed in version 10.104.2, which I am on.  Both my iPhone and iPad still have three of my largest notebooks sitting there where complete green circles (all other notebooks have been downloaded).   Doesn't seem this version fixed the problem.  Anyone have some insight to this?

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