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V10: Unresolved Major Issues Two Months After Legacy

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Let's hear your 'Major Issues' with V10 two months after they forced us to abandon Legacy.  Unresolved Inconveniences & Inconsistencies will be a separate thread.  I'd like to keep this list high-level (minimal detail) so that we can all see a summary of these problems & I'm numbering the issues so that others can reference those numbers or add their own issues to the list.

As a long-term, deeply-invested, paying user I continue to struggle with these inadequacies while providing BS as much detailed feedback as possible in hopes they will resolve them & keep their promise to make V10 better than Legacy.  Unfortunately, so far, they have not resolved these & I'm forced to endure a seemingly endless array of bugs which has cost me dozens of hours & years of lost organization (and possibly even data), all while they continue to offer near-useless or no support.

I've just submitted this list to BS as a support ticket that also said "Read through them carefully along with the attachments & pass them on to senior management & owners.  If I do not receive adequate & professional resolutions to these issues I will present these facts (along with much more detailed supporting documentation) to every social media platform in the world before proceeding with legal action regarding the loss of access, by your company, to my data."

PS: Did you notice they removed the ability for users to reply to support tickets or mark them as resolved or not (online in their 'Evernote Help & Learning / Requests' section)?  This is where I had previously found tickets that were marked as resolved even though they were not.

1) Unable to complete a successful backup of all my data to an Enex file from both Legacy & V10.
  • Three support tickets submitted
2) Missing attachments (endlessly-spinning circles & ‘Untitled Attachment’).
  • Six support tickets submitted
3) Unreasonably high computer resource usage while at idle.
  • One support ticket submitted
4) Loss of ability to discern between internal & external links by eliminating their colour difference & inconsistent internal link colours.
  • Two support tickets submitted
linkcolours_aWindows2024-05-28.jpg.8f87374b541bae108efcd8cd3d304b47.jpg  internallinkcolours2024-05-28.jpg.69734dbfdcbe4a089a6c4709ff5f9ee1.jpg
5) All existing PDF attachments default to ‘Preview’ state.  This forces users who have thousands of PDF attachments & do not want to see them as a Preview to manually change each one individually to ‘Title’ as they are encountered (unreasonable).
  • Three support tickets submitted


6) Note contents converted to HTML attachments.
  • One support ticket submitted
7) Unwanted formatting changes & loss of formatting abilities when Legacy converted to V10
  • Four support tickets submitted
😎 No way to disable auto updates & no way to revert back to a previous version.  This has proven to be problematic when BS adds broken features that cost me time & data.
  • One support ticket submitted
9) Missing/displaced notes.
  • Two support tickets submitted
  • When a note is not listed under a tag even though it has that tag (when viewed on different devices), ex:
    • This note titled '^ Cabinet Install Checklist' when viewed on my Android phone under all notes shows it has the tag 'Spratt'


  • Selecting the tag 'Spratt' on my Android shows 7 notes, but not the '^ Cabinet Install Checklist' note.


  • Selecting the tag 'Spratt' on my Windows version shows 8 notes, including the '^ Cabinet Install Checklist' note.



10) Attachment titles need to include file's date & time (existed in Legacy, removed in V10).
  • Two support tickets submitted
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24 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:

Let's hear your 'Major Issues' with V10 two months after they forced us to abandon Legacy. 

Let's not, at least in this thread.  There are existing threads and it is best to follow up each problem individually there.  Grouping them like this is counterproductive and harder for others to follow up.  Best to have a single issue in each thread.

27 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:

If I do not receive adequate & professional resolutions to these issues I will present these facts (along with much more detailed supporting documentation) to every social media platform in the world before proceeding with legal action regarding the loss of access, by your company, to my data."

Sure, go with the scorched earth approach, that always works.  I'm sure Evernote will be happy to take your complaints seriously.

We have been through this before.  You have two options: either work through the Evernote support system, as lousy as it currently is, or move to another app that works better for you.  Starting another Legacy gripe session hoping it will win the day is not a third option.

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I've just deleted your other thread which was essentially a continuation of the above list, and for the reasons I gave above.

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37 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:
1) Unable to complete a successful backup of all my data to an Enex file from both Legacy & V10.
  • Three support tickets submitted

This is a you problem, sorry!

37 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:
2) Missing attachments (endlessly-spinning circles & ‘Untitled Attachment’).
  • Six support tickets submitted

You know for a fact they are working on this.

38 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:
3) Unreasonably high computer resource usage while at idle.
  • One support ticket submitted

You have no clue what your are talking about, that is typical memory usage for an Electron based app.

38 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:
6) Note contents converted to HTML attachments.
  • One support ticket submitted

Another you problem, maybe clean up your note.

39 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:
5) All existing PDF attachments default to ‘Preview’ state.  This forces users who have thousands of PDF attachments & do not want to see them as a Preview to manually change each one individually to ‘Title’ as they are encountered (unreasonable).
  • Three support tickets submitted

This is expected behavior, they aren't going to change it to suit your preferences. They have millions of users, not just you.

40 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:
7) Unwanted formatting changes & loss of formatting abilities when Legacy converted to V10
  • Four support tickets submitted

Converted is the key word here, v10 is a different app.

40 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:
😎 No way to disable auto updates & no way to revert back to a previous version.  This has proven to be problematic when BS adds broken features that cost me time & data.
  • One support ticket submitted

Good. Updates should be automatic to patch the chromium runtime.

41 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:

I've just submitted this list to BS as a support ticket that also said "Read through them carefully along with the attachments & pass them on to senior management & owners.  If I do not receive adequate & professional resolutions to these issues I will present these facts (along with much more detailed supporting documentation) to every social media platform in the world before proceeding with legal action regarding the loss of access, by your company, to my data."

Legal action? You have no case. Just leave already or live with it and stop whining.

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I see that this kind of thread that lists a summary of the most serious failures of V10 to continue where Legacy left off has threatened those of you that can't face reality!

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Just now, enfan-01 said:

I see that this kind of thread that lists a summary of the most serious failures of V10 to continue where Legacy left off has threatened those of you that can't face reality!

We aren't the ones detached from reality... maybe take that anger you have and put it into something productive instead of senselessly ranting on an online forum.

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11 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

I've just deleted your other thread which was essentially a continuation of the above list, and for the reasons I gave above.

Not at all, they were valid issues that I felt didn't belong on this list of high-priority F-ups! 

Tell me, how do I ignore someone on this forum?

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1 minute ago, s2sailor said:

Summary's have been collected in the past.  Another is not needed.

Really, please point me to them!  I think BS could probably use a good to do list to follow about now.

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1 minute ago, enfan-01 said:

Tell me, how do I ignore someone on this forum?

Hover over a user's name and you will see the Ignore button.

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The last couple of posts have been deleted.  As mentioned earlier, find the related, existing threads and follow up there with any new information you have. 

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@enfan-01 You mention the number of tickets issued (to a dysfunctional support, but that's another story).

Have you checked on the help pages what is the ticket status ?

If they handle it as they usually do, I would think the tickets have been closed, and show this status. This means the tickets content was added to the support database. If they saw an option they may have send things to the devs, but this does not mean there will be any action taken. It just means the devs management will see it on a (long) backlog list and decide whether and if what to do about it. Sometimes you will see a remark pop up in a release note, best case.

Because most of what you post is simply as it is, like it or not. Since 2020 v10 was the only officially supported client, all legacy clients were deprecated and officially unsupported. Which means whenever you renewed your subscription since, you agreed to v10 "as it is" as being the only valid service you were subscribing. And I assure you: The v10 we have today is the best we ever had, even when there are some bugs that should better be squeezed sooner than later. You signed up to worse, in the years before, even if you didn't notice inside of your self created legacy bubble.

In the result it doesn't matter if something is specific to you and your use cases, or a more general issue. If I watch at your list of problems, most of them are like that "by design", and you should NOT expect ANY change, ever. It is take it or leave it. A few others are known bugs, and work to fix them is in progress.

Find out for yourself if you want to stay with EN, or switch to another service. This decision you can take, basically where to put your data, and your money.

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7 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

The last couple of posts have been deleted.  As mentioned earlier, find the related, existing threads and follow up there with any new information you have. 

I've tried that & been told that I should report bugs to BS using a support ticket (which you can see I've done) & nothing seems to be getting it through to this company that Evernote was based on 'never forgetting' our info.  What do we have to do to get these features working as they are professed to?

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From your list the topics where I would expect any action is point 2) Missing attachments and maybe point 9) Displaced Notes (can't tell for sure, I don't use the Android client).

Everything (!) else on that list is perfectly v10 as it is, is like that by design and I would't expect ANY changes. You may not like it, but that's your problem that will not be changed by now frantically take action to please your feelings.

As I said: Decide to take it, or leave it.

Disclaimer: This is my personal evaluation, based on quite a backpack of experience. I might be wrong ...

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2 minutes ago, enfan-01 said:

What do we have to do to get these features working as they are professed to?

Support is all we have.  You are in the same boat as the rest of us.  You need to give up on the Legacy comparison arguments.  That is over and Evernote is focused on v10.  If something you want is missing, send your comments to feedback@evernote.com and explain why it is a good idea and how it will be useful to others and not just you.  If worthy, it will get prioritized on a list and you may see it someday.  If you don't have the patience for that, then it is time to move to another app.

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2. Missing attachments (endlessly-spinning circles & ‘Untitled Attachment’)

I don't have Missing Attachments [PDF in this case] if I Click and Drag the Attachment [PDF] then go to the next note then back to that note again. Pain in the butt I know. [Mac OS X 14]

"Untitled Attachment" Using Preview [PDF viewer] I noticed that the I no Longer get "Untitled Attachment" if I save it first, then drag that document into the Note. Another extra step for now.

I read through the support in Evernote and also get the feeling that the Developers in BSpoon has deleted too many lines of code [7k someone mentioned] which some might be dependent? Hopefully they will put some Q&A into their next release.

I know BSpoon mentioned that they use it inhouse so they will surely see the issues and are trying to fix it.

Like you say, I wish we can roll back the updates.... Oh well. Lets see what their next iteration is. I've got a lot of data which are depended on v10 working.

I noticed you didn't highlight anything regarding TAGs [Searching] but there are also issues there.

Obviously everyone wants the bugs to be squashed ASAP but I guess reality might be that they need time.

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13 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

>> ...Unreasonably high computer resource usage while at idle...

You have no clue what your are talking about, that is typical memory usage for an Electron based app.

I always agree with you, but in this case imho the poster has a point.

Sure, today's web developers consider this normal because they know nothing but huge, incomprehensible stacks of bad abstractions, which undermine the performance of the underlying machine. They aren't even aware that they kill the machine because they grew up with this bloated way of programming. Then to fake good performance, 'accidental complexity' is added such as extreme caching and other complicated tricks, resulting in unpredictable behavior like missing attachments etc

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I think on memory usage it depends on what you've got. On my 8GB laptop Evernote tend to consume around 500 - 900MB. On my desktop which has 32GB of RAM it tends to sit at around 1.5GB - 2.5GB.

I think (?) Chrome(ium) which Electron is based on will release the RAM if its needed elsewhere. If not needed it will use it. Right now on my desktop machine its just over 1.5GB.

Personally, I'd prefer my RAM to be used so that stuff works well.

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No idea about the sense of this discussion (we had it before). RAM is there to be used, and a modern OS will manage it autonomously.

It will keep AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE stored in RAM, exchanging it against fresh content when necessary. So usually the RAM will permanently be filled by data for open apps.

One may argue that for older hardware it would be better to have less demanding software. But is this really a sound development goal, enable anything to run on 10+ year old budget hardware ?

If somebody is concerned about it, using the web client inside of a lean browser (which is NOT Chrom(e)ium) is an alternative.

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23 horas atrás, enfan-01 disse:

As a long-term, deeply-invested, paying user I continue to struggle with these inadequacies while providing BS as much detailed feedback as possible in hopes they will resolve them & keep their promise to make V10 better than Legacy.  Unfortunately, so far, they have not resolved these & I'm forced to endure a seemingly endless array of bugs which has cost me dozens of hours & years of lost organization (and possibly even data), all while they continue to offer near-useless or no support.

I've just submitted this list to BS as a support ticket that also said "Read through them carefully along with the attachments & pass them on to senior management & owners.  If I do not receive adequate & professional resolutions to these issues I will present these facts (along with much more detailed supporting documentation) to every social media platform in the world before proceeding with legal action regarding the loss of access, by your company, to my data."


If you are suffering as much damage as you say you are, I think the best option would be to abandon Evernote once and for all. Threatening seems silly and ineffective.

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8 minutes ago, Cristiano478 said:

If you are suffering as much damage as you say you are, I think the best option would be to abandon Evernote once and for all. Threatening seems silly and ineffective.

I respectfully disagree. He is documenting the issues he's having which shows he cares about the product and would like to see some of the issues addressed.

Some of the solutions are also suggested in this thread which might be valid. Some I haven't experienced.

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Anybody can ask for everything, and I assume it makes sense for the person who requests it.

In this case the thread is titled "... after legacy" by the OP, and what he wants it to get the new software modeled "after legacy" (I know the citation is incorrect, but that's what the posting following on the title tells). Which is partly nostalgic, partly in ignorance that the new app has its own solutions and partly technically impossible.

These backward pointing threads doesn't take us anywhere, especially when coming as a "list" with the declared intention the devs should work it down, and then everything will get good again. It was bad back then (nearly killed the company), and it wouldn't get any better trying it again.

So yes, anybody can wish for anything, but anybody can as well comment on it, with all respect.

Since the wish list will most likely be ignored anyhow, it is sound advise to tell the OP to go looking elsewhere.

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11 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Anybody can ask for everything, and I assume it makes sense for the person who requests it.

These backward pointing threads doesn't take us anywhere, especially when coming as a "list" with the declared intention the devs should work it down, and then everything will get good again. It was bad back then (nearly killed the company), and it wouldn't get any better trying it again.


Respectfully, despite what some users are asking for, I think we need to also maintain compatibility in what was stored = the old notes.


One instance is the External and Internal Link which was working in previous note or search for TAGs [from old notes] will only work after forcing a re-indexation in v10 by doing the TAG search twice.


Some of them would be great if addressed. "little Life improvements" as Evernote calls it.

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10 horas atrás, iceman melb disse:

I respectfully disagree. He is documenting the issues he's having which shows he cares about the product and would like to see some of the issues addressed.

Some of the solutions are also suggested in this thread which might be valid. Some I haven't experienced.

The point is not to list the problems, which I think is valid. The problems mentioned are real and really get in the way. There is no doubt about that. What I find ineffective is threatening to expose this or even take legal action as was said.

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The "exposing" threat is hollow - for some time this forum (and Reddit, just to name another source) was full of "exposure". Just "the elephant" didn't care.

And the "legal action" is a running gag, having re-subscribed for at least 3 times, without anybody threatening to shoot the dog. Every repeat subscription since October 2020 was to v10, since from that point legacy was deprecated.

It would be like suing Microsoft for stopping to release cool fresh Vista updates, and force the bunch into Win 11 instead.

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