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How to change double spacing to single spacing

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  • Level 5*
3 minutes ago, SpacecoastWalt said:

The powers to be decided that everything will be double spacing when doing a carriage return. Latest updates did this

 How can I set it so it's always single spaced?

Which app platform are you using and what version is causing the problem?  

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The latest versions of the Android and Windows platforms. I always auto update and I first noticed it on my Android phone earlier in the week.

I updated and opened it on my Windows laptop and it's doing the same

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  • Level 5*

I'm on a Mac which should be essentially the same as Windows desktop.  Several months back they implemented a new UI that added white space everywhere, but I haven't seen anything new since then.  Maybe other Windows and Android users can speak up.

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  • Level 5

If you want full layout control, use a word processor or a Page layout software.

A note taking software needs a lean, easy to use editor, not a bloated monster like MS Word.

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8 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

If you want full layout control, use a word processor or a Page layout software.

A note taking software needs a lean, easy to use editor, not a bloated monster like MS Word.

The point is, that Evernote has become a "bloated monster like MS Word"

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...trying to do new fancy things, but the Evernote staff is not skilled enough, og just don't care enough, so everything is buggy buggy and more buggy.


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I just updated to v. 10.84.3 on Windows desktop, and don't see any difference in spacing. I took a screenclip from a note and put it up against a screenclip from then new update, and there was no difference. @SpacecoastWalt, could you post a screenshot so we can compare?

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I submit there is a difference.  I really couldn't tell in @janndk's post but it was more noticeable in @Boot17's post with the text highlight.  I also submit that I would never have noticed if it wasn't pointed out to me.  Not to say that the change is ok, but maybe they were trying to slip it under the wire.  I don't believe the update text mentioned it.  I really don't get this movement to increased white space.  At least also provide a compressed option.

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So, we need additional software to fix the double spacing? 
It’s been really annoying all of a sudden. It takes way more space on the screen than it needs now. Double spacing or single spacing isn’t a fancy editing item it’s so simple. This needs a fix ASAP. 

Version 10.84.2 IOS 

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Agreed! This is driving me crazy. I can’t make a simple list of something without it looking like it is multiple topics. I’m using the iPhone app and I can’t stand this. If I want two spaces then I will just hit return twice. Please fix! 

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  • Level 5
On 4/13/2024 at 11:39 PM, Dynastar8 said:

So, we need additional software to fix the double spacing? 
It’s been really annoying all of a sudden. It takes way more space on the screen than it needs now. Double spacing or single spacing isn’t a fancy editing item it’s so simple. This needs a fix ASAP. 

Version 10.84.2 IOS 

I still haven't seen a screenshot here that looks anything like double spacing, maybe not even space-and-a-half. Please post if you've got something that looks like this.


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4 minutes ago, SpacecoastWalt said:

I could not get this to single space

Seems you have splitted the lines by a <RETURN> which makes every line a seperate section of text.
If you type <SHIFT><RETURN> at the end of a line, the section is not broken so that the lines will be shown with lesser space.

This is by intend in many text formatting programs - but should be configurable (which is not so far in EN ...) 😉

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  • Level 5

Thanks. That's definitely more space than what I see (also in v. 10.84.3; see screenshot below). I fear this may be another of the things they roll out to selected users at first. Supposedly that should be to collect feedback, and supposedly strong negative feedback should cause them to rethink it. Email feedback@evernote.com with your experiences and complaints. I'd avoid "You're completely destroying my work with this useless garbage" language and focus on facts and details. If you have any screenshots from an earlier time to put up next to the current ones, that would be the best way to make your point.


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Hello. Please see my screenshots of example for line spacing. 

It may be 1.5 spacing, but it’s still annoying as heck to not be able to have control over such a simple format option. 
i most likely use the return/enter option more than others specifically for song writing. As of this last week not even half a song can be shown on the screen. I tried to remedy this by making the text MUCH smaller but it doesn’t affect the spacing much. 

i appreciate providing the feedback email address. I have already sent them a message. 



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Are we getting confused here between true double spacing (ie within a paragraph) and the spacing between paragraphs and points in a list (ie spacing after a carriage return).

For me there is increased spacing within a paragraph which is just about acceptable but sllly amounts of space between points in a list.

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1 hour ago, Mike P said:

Are we getting confused here between true double spacing (ie within a paragraph) and the spacing between paragraphs and points in a list (ie spacing after a carriage return).

For me there is increased spacing within a paragraph which is just about acceptable but sllly amounts of space between points in a list.

I don't know what carriage return means, but here the line spacing is uniform whether I do shift+enter or just enter for the line spacing.

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  • Level 5*
47 minutes ago, Kaspar said:

I don't know what carriage return means

I’m feeling old.

It is an old typewriter term.  On computers it is the return key.  Brings the cursor to the start of a new line.

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Even if it is a carry(age) over, there is one difference to other apps: Usually <Enter> starts a new paragraph, <shift-Enter> a new line inside of the same paragraph.

To me it seems EN treats both the same.

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First time I've ever commented in Evernote forum that I remember, although I'm a user since 2008 with almost 11k notes. The sudden change from single spacing to what looks like 1.5 spacing without the ability to change it or opt out seems like a step backwards. So many things I love about Evernote. The inability to choose between single spacing and 1.5 spacing is not one of them. 

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Yes, the current team is a permanent source of surprises. Many are pleasant, some surprising - but there is a bunch that I find annoying. The unexplained GUI changes are among these.

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In Typography, the spacing between lines of text is called leading. I too recently noticed an increase in the leading, and I don't like it. I want it back the way it was, or better yet, let me set the leading how I want it. Here's what I'm seeing now, too much leading:

Screen Shot 2024-04-17 at 2.33.29 PM.png


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I would also really like this change to be reversed, or to be given control over line spacing in my settings. I use Evernote as my primary word processor (mainly on Windows 11) and frequently organise my documents around line breaks and paragraph breaks. Now the line breaks look like paragraph breaks, and the paragraph breaks are so large as to look ridiculous!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope this really does happen and we go back to single spacing. It's been driving me crazy.

Based on a 4/23 response and a 1-2 week timeline, we could see this as early as May 7th (end of 2 weeks since the 1 week timeline hasn't happened); provided the "week or two" is an actual measurement of time and not a figure of speech. 

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3 minutes ago, tristeve said:

I hope this really does happen and we go back to single spacing. It's been driving me crazy.


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Just adding my feedback as another user who is disappointed in the apparent loss of single spacing between lines, without any way to customize back to "how it was." I use Evernote routinely with both Mac (version 10.85.4-mac, at present) and Windows (version 10.86.8-win, at present.) 

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Agreed.  I really hate it. Haven't used EN much for many reasons, opened it again today, and now this. Absolutely not getting a paid plan, and will just use other things out there.

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On 4/23/2024 at 12:28 AM, Kaspar said:


If true, this is fantastic news. It seems like there’s a lot of people wanting to control the spacing/leading. I’ve also never felt the need to write in a forum about a complaint before now. 
Thanks for the update. I hope there’s a simple tool we can use to control the feature. 

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On 4/17/2024 at 10:49 AM, bkauflin said:

First time I've ever commented in Evernote forum that I remember, although I'm a user since 2008 with almost 11k notes. The sudden change from single spacing to what looks like 1.5 spacing without the ability to change it or opt out seems like a step backwards. So many things I love about Evernote. The inability to choose between single spacing and 1.5 spacing is not one of them. 

Same and agreed.

If I want to separate a paragraph or a chunk of text, I'll hit enter twice. If I'm writing a list, taking notes, or otherwise want several lines together, I'll hit enter once.

Now, I don't have that choice, and I note it appears to be the same in this forum comment as well. If I keep typing long enough to make a paragraph, it will wrap the text to keep this second line tight to the line above it, but if I hit return, it will automatically space it like a paragraph.

I don't mind EN adding new features, but it's frustrating when they make these additions and don't give us any control over them. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/15/2024 at 8:27 AM, eewall0 said:

Agreed! This is driving me crazy. I can’t make a simple list of something without it looking like it is multiple topics. I’m using the iPhone app and I can’t stand this. If I want two spaces then I will just hit return twice. Please fix! 

Not only it this annoying and unacceptible - it you print long notes, now you're wasting more paper and ink and more resources.  Not environmentally friendly at all.  Why won't they leave things alone!?

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On 5/10/2024 at 3:06 PM, MarkE CO said:

Same and agreed.

If I want to separate a paragraph or a chunk of text, I'll hit enter twice. If I'm writing a list, taking notes, or otherwise want several lines together, I'll hit enter once.

Now, I don't have that choice, and I note it appears to be the same in this forum comment as well. If I keep typing long enough to make a paragraph, it will wrap the text to keep this second line tight to the line above it, but if I hit return, it will automatically space it like a paragraph.

I don't mind EN adding new features, but it's frustrating when they make these additions and don't give us any control over them. 


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On 4/15/2024 at 8:27 AM, eewall0 said:

Agreed! This is driving me crazy. I can’t make a simple list of something without it looking like it is multiple topics. I’m using the iPhone app and I can’t stand this. If I want two spaces then I will just hit return twice. Please fix! 

AGREED - WTF is EN thinking?  Stop this and fix it NOW!  Not only is it annoying, forces more scrolling for long notes - and God forbid you need to print a long note, now you're wasting more paper and ink - killing more trees.  Not environmentally friendly.  Yes I want a fully customizable formatting experience.   I don't use EN just for note taking - what a waste!

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A possible temporary workaround might be to only press enter when a new paragrah (=double line spacing) makes sense. With this approach, at least for me the appearance of the text is less disturbing at looks good. 

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  • Level 5

Who presses ENTER at the end of each line ?

What I get when the editor does the line breaks is a nice difference between line breaks inside of a paragraph and paragraph sections. 

It’s better to view with blurred text:


We can now argue ad infinitum if the little white space between lines is good for readability, or too much. Up to everyone’s preferences - I feel it’s balanced and have no issues with it.

Would be nice if SHIFT-ENTER would allow to insert a CR/LF without making a new paragraph. But this doesn’t work with the EN editor.

This works (technically):


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48 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

We can now argue ad infinitum if the little white space between lines is good for readability, or too much.

It means the product is reaching a certain quality level that is great enough for people, to have issues with line spacing in the pixel-margins. 🙂  I like that.

I'm not there yet. I have 3 bigger problems with Evernote, such that things like line spacing are at the bottom of my list. 🙂 

Conclusion: Great that people talk a lot about line spacing. If they didn't, Evernotes problems would be (even) bigger.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Tired of dealing with the double line spacing. I've already working on the Obsidian tutorial. Also looking at NotesNook. It's just ridiculous. I imagine a high school programmer could do better. Evernote is constantly unimproving. The shortcut bar is gone also which is a huge time suck having to go the left pane, find your shortcuts and then the one you want. Obsidian will probably take the place of Evernote as soon as I'm comfortable with it.

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  • Level 5

What is the substance of your posting ? I don't see any, beside you tell "the world" you are now an Obsidian fan because you like the line spacing better. Which is of course a reason as good as any ...

The better place to post would be here:


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19 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

What is the substance of your posting ? I don't see any, beside you tell "the world" you are now an Obsidian fan because you like the line spacing better. Which is of course a reason as good as any ...

The better place to post would be here:


Just want to say I appreciate the way you' re commenting in this forum, i.e., challenging rants and directing people to do what's actually helpful. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just sent an email to feedback@evernote.com, but I'm not too sanguine about that.  I've been using EN for years and have not really had a complaint.  However, not being able to change the default spacing is driving me nuts (which seems to be the general state of mind for those on this thread).  Honestly, this should be an EASY fix.  And back a few months ago, someone from EN stated that it would be fixed shortly.  Evidently not.

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28 minutes ago, BetsyK said:

And back a few months ago, someone from EN stated that it would be fixed shortly.  Evidently not.

Information you get from this company can't be trusted, unfortunately.

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On 7/16/2024 at 4:30 AM, PinkElephant said:

Who presses ENTER at the end of each line ?

What I get when the editor does the line breaks is a nice difference between line breaks inside of a paragraph and paragraph sections. 

It’s better to view with blurred text:


We can now argue ad infinitum if the little white space between lines is good for readability, or too much. Up to everyone’s preferences - I feel it’s balanced and have no issues with it.

Would be nice if SHIFT-ENTER would allow to insert a CR/LF without making a new paragraph. But this doesn’t work with the EN editor.

This works (technically):


"Who presses ENTER at the end of each line?" I use an ENTER for any kind of list - bulleted, numbered, or simply sentences that I want to go together. I'll use enter after a heading where I want the first line of the next paragraph to be close to the heading. The current EN formatting makes it difficult to tell the difference between lists and new paragraphs. But I don't want new paragraphs in a list. I want them to be close to each other, but I no longer have that option. That makes my notes longer and more difficult to read. It would be an improvement to decrease the leading for paragraphs and take away the new paragraph spacing. I've written to Evernote with that suggestion. 

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