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Internal links are now blue (the same as weblinks)

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oof - yeah

I like the green color for internal links so much that I copied that green style for internal links in the new tool I am migrating too (customized the CSS in Obsidian to be that way). I can't say this purple blue change is really going to impact me so much since I'm using Evernote less and less these days.

This is kind of another example of a disruption nail for me. (Other nails include the constant AI Edit popup, the increased padding everywhere, the UI redesign in general, the constant tweaking/disruption and feeling of a loss of control.)

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8 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

surely this has to be an unintentional error??

Sadly, the unintentional error is probably keeping the green text in the popup!

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Please change the Evernote links back to green color! (Or any other color, just to make the web links look different than Evernote links.)

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Just updated to 10.84.3, and the blue is there. Damn damn damn damn damn. Nothing is improved, is it? Can someone tell me what? There really needs to be some justification given for this. But they've pretty much stopped accounting for changes, and sometimes don't even mention them in the release notes.

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8 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Nothing is improved, is it?

No, they are just emphasising that while you may control the words in your note they have absolute, non-negotiable control of how it looks and they will tinker with the UI if and when they feel like it.

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I recently opened a page that contains a table I've referenced over the years. At first glance, it appeared the contents of the table had been removed. Nope. For reasons I hope I never understand, EN did something at some point that changed that table's text to white (on a white background). I've never used dark mode and obviously am not busy making my text white, so no idea when this happened or why. I do use colored text to denote action items, things I want to fine quickly, etc. Who know what changes will be inflicted upon my notes that will "improve" those choices I've made?

Not really feeling like my notes are mine anymore.

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I think you have to use the "automatic" coloring instead of white. It happens sometines if text is copied into EN which has explicitely "white" or "black" color. The automatic coloring ensures that the text is always visible regardless whether "black" or "white" background is used.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I too am having this problem and it is making it extremely difficult to use the features I bought Evernote for in the first place. I use the full functionality of color in my note's workflow - I am not colorblind, nor do I want another step in trying to figuring out what the difference between external links vs internal links. Please change it back to normal and grow the company in the "correct" direction. Listen to your userbase. 

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  • Level 5
On 4/23/2024 at 11:04 AM, wav said:

I too am having this problem and it is making it extremely difficult to use the features I bought Evernote for in the first place. I use the full functionality of color in my note's workflow - I am not colorblind, nor do I want another step in trying to figuring out what the difference between external links vs internal links. Please change it back to normal and grow the company in the "correct" direction. Listen to your userbase. 

Hi, and welcome to the forums. We're just other users here. Most effective way to direct this is to feedback@evernote.com.

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Idiotic. Let's get together on the responses tho - thread in "General" area as opposed to "Platform-specific"... Pls re-post there in hope of gaining attention of the clowns in charge???:


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28 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Use the feedback link already posted.

The forum is user2user.

Understood... but they'd be crazy not to monitor forum. Email will be buried immediately I think... Or maybe just time to move on. Crazy.

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This is a disaster. They are constantly breaking a very delicate equilibrium in the UX that experienced users depend on and have paid for.

As I suggested, they could implement all these changes adding an option in the settings to choose your preferences. But nope. Same with the anoying "Press / to insert an element" text that will constantly appear and dissapear, distracting your focus (by the book anti-UI pattern).

This incredibly weaks Evernote as a note-taking solution, and even if it is still considered yet the best option to go for it won't be long until someone takes on the opportunity.

That or they make it that bad that they put it at the level of other solutions.

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18 minutes ago, __Lucas__ said:

Same with the anoying "Press / to insert an element" text that will constantly appear and dissapear, distracting your focus (by the book anti-UI pattern).

At least there is an option to switch that off but I can't get my green links back.  I know Bending Spoons, for reasons of corporate identity,  seem to want to remove as much green as possible so I'd be perfectly happy with any way of distinguishing internal and web links., without me having to come up with some manual system.

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Wait, I have searched and searched and can't find a way to turn off the "Press / to insert an element" thing. Could you please point me in the right direction?

I mostly use Evernote web by the way.

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17 minutes ago, Mike P said:

At least there is an option to switch that off

OK, found it!

Note > Slash commands > Hide inline hint.

Weird place to put it.

Thanks so much for this! The solution was all dooown the way in a very long forum thread, it would have had taken me ages to find it otherwise.

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