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  1. Please change the Evernote links back to green color! (Or any other color, just to make the web links look different than Evernote links.)
  2. Thanks, good to know! (I did search for 10.66.3 but found nothing at all.)
  3. Depending on the Evernote window size, not all notebooks will be displayed on the left. I have to shrink the Evernote window vertically so I can see all the notebooks again. 10.65.3 was still OK. The error occurs starting with 10.66.3. The fist screenshot is the way it looks if Evernote is a large window. If I shrink the Evernote window enough I can see all my notebooks, see second screenshot.
  4. Well, it seems to work better now. But Evernote for Mac behaves differently than it used do. Hard to describe. Maybe it is because of the new 'Collaborative Editing' feature, that has just been enabled for me.
  5. I have the same problem. Syncing is very much BROKEN at the moment. @Evernote, please fix this ASAP!!
  6. A note created with 'Scan a document' shows a generic image in the notes view. A note created with 'Take a photo' shows a nice preview of the image. Please fix the 'Scan a document' case!! BTW it's not just Android, it looks the same in the Mac client. (I guess that's the advantage of a common code base. What looks wrong on Android looks wrong everywhere.)
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