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Technical support does not respond

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  • Level 5

36 hours …

From other reports we know it’s currently 10 days, or longer.

No idea what’s going on on their end. The only option is to have a ticket flagged from one of our user admins here in the forum.

If it’s unacceptable depends on why you want to reach support. Since you don’t tell, hard to see the urgency.

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On 2023. 11. 2. at 오후 2시 24분, gazumped said:

OK i flagged it for our admins - hope it helps!

@gazumped might I ask for similar treatment of my ticket #3765004?  The "solution" had to do with a problem I was not experiencing.  I must admit  to being a bit unhappy at the moment.  Thank you for any attention you can have focused on this ticket.  🙂 

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4 hours ago, gazumped said:

Flagged - there seem to be a lot of iOS reports,  so (hopefully) they're probably working on a new version...

@gazumped thank you - however, I just realized that my ticket is for the Windows Desktop client - and that I inadvertently mentioned it in the iOS forum.  I ask that you forgive my mistake...

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Paul A. said:

Strange. Anyone know (or hazard a guess) as to why support is so backed up recently? 

Pointless to guess,  but the price rise is still going through with -judging by the traffic here- lots of reactions and some requests for refunds where folks didn't receive prior warning.  Evernote may have underestimated the volumes and be struggling to catch up.  They are (they say) working on improving that part of the service too,  so we should hear more (I hope) soon...

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3 hours ago, Paul A. said:

Strange. Anyone know (or hazard a guess) as to why support is so backed up recently? 

From the response emails I've seen I think they are restructuring the department. On top of this SMS 2 factor auth was removed 2 weeks ago and there's a big push to get the remaining legacy software users onto version 10. I think all this together adds up to some temporary delays.

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2 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

there's a big push to get the remaining legacy software users onto version 10

Who pushes it? Simply disable warning messages for some time would free resources...
... to react on #3773445 😉 

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